By Vivienne Sandercock

1. Message from the Managing Director
2. A small matter of knowledge
3. Africa's 2015's Hazards, Incidents, Accidents and Safety Occurrences
4. Emergency Response Planning
5. Henley Global Safety and Quality Training
6. Boeing accepts FAA penalties over quality control
7. Top 10 Air Safety Institute products of 2015
8. European backing for critical aviation safety investment in Malawi
9. News from the Johannesburg Airports
10. Safety and Security
11. SAAFA donations
12. Finale


Wishing you all a festive and safe New Year.


Air Travel Lessons from 2015: Humans Still Cause Most Plane Crashes by Alastair Jamieson

One plane was slammed into a mountain by an employee with a history of depression, another was found to have been brought down by pilots who didn't perform as they were trained. While 2015 is on course to be one of the safest on record in the skies, the year has offered grim reminders that technology is only as safe as the humans who use it.

The Germanwings crash on March 24, in which the co-pilot of an Airbus A320 intentionally triggered a deadly descent into the French Alps, and the AirAsia crash report which revealed confusion and miscommunication in the cockpit, have sent aviation-safety experts back to the drawing board.

Site of Germanwings crash in the French Alps on March 31. AFP / AFP - Getty Images. They face questions over how an industry requiring regular medical checks missed signs that a pilot was mentally ill, and how a team with years of training managed to lose control of a modern jet. In doing so, the experts are revisiting an age-old problem of man vs. machine. "Humans still cause the majority of accidents," said Guy Hirst, a former Boeing 747 pilot who organizes conferences on safety in high-performance workplace environments such as cockpits and operating rooms. "It's not the machines that are getting it wrong. Since the jet age, planes are mechanically much safer than they ever were," he said. "Something approaching 70 percent of accidents in aviation are down to some form of human error."

That does little to reassure air travellers who traditionally have viewed pilots as the calm and competent voice of authority. "When an employee of an airline apparently brings an aircraft down, it is time to think carefully about how and why they were allowed anywhere near controls of a plane," said Chris Yates, consultant and former aviation security editor at the specialist publisher, IHS Jane's. "This year has reminded us that there so many things we can't control."

Earlier this month, officials announced plans for tighter rules in the wake of the Germanwings crash - including enhanced alcohol, drug and psychological testing for pilots, improved support and a new international database for pilots' aero-medical data. The proposals, drawn up by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), are already being considered by airlines and national regulators. "We need to act quickly if we want to minimize the risk of a catastrophe such as the Germanwings accident to happen again," EASA executive director Patrick Ky said. It all comes too late for the 144 passengers on Germanwings Flight 9525 who went through stringent security checks at Barcelona's airport yet whose safety was ultimately undone by collective trust in the cockpit crew.

A preliminary report revealed that co-pilot Andreas Lubitz, left alone on the flight deck while the captain used the restroom, adjusted the plane's selected altitude and sent it into a French mountainside, killing all on board. Lubitz had seen seven doctors within the month before the March 24 crash, prosecutors said, including three appointments with a psychiatrist. None told his employer, because of German patient secrecy laws, but the FAA had previously questioned his fitness to fly after he admitted being treated for episodes of severe depression.

It was the most shocking tragedy in what is otherwise on course to be a record-setting year for aviation safety.

Seventeen fatal crashes - including Germanwings, AirAsia and the downing of a Russian passenger jet over Egypt's Sinai Peninsula - have caused 564 deaths up until Dec. 18. That is significantly below last year's 990 fatalities, and well under the 10-year average of 708, according to website Aviation Safety.

Terrorism threats and fears over the health of pilots might top the list of passenger concerns, but industry alarm bells were sounded in November when the final report into the 2014 crash of an AirAsia Airbus A320 blamed the response of pilots to a computer failure. As the captain and his first officer struggled to handle an influx of electronic-warning messages, the plane rolled sharply several times, climbed too high and ultimately stalled before crashing into the Java Sea. Despite the unfolding crisis, the captain did not retake control as required by the airline's procedures. While he pushed forward on his controls to bring the nose down, the co-pilot was still pulling back, causing the plane's automated fly-by-wire system to cancel out the opposing instructions. The report described a scenario chillingly similar to the one that caused the crash of Air France Flight 447 in the Atlantic Ocean in 2009. In that crash, the crew mistakenly responded to a speed-sensor failure by pulling the nose up, causing a dangerously high pitch and ultimately a deadly stall over the southern Atlantic Ocean. "The Airbus is a very clever aircraft but it seems clear that pilots are still being trained in a conventional way," Hirst said. "You've only got to read the AirAsia report to see they didn't understand what was happening." In both cases, he said, pilots seemingly became so fixated on tackling automated messages that they missed or lost sight of how to keep the plane in the air, despite years of experience and intense training.

"Eight-eight percent of crews involved in accidents lose their situational awareness, their mental picture of what's happening. They were taking decision based on the wrong picture," Hirst said.

He said industry training must address the issue of how the human brain responds to ever-increasing automation - a problem summarized in "The Multitasking Myth," a 2009 collection of NASA studies into human performance. "We were never designed to do the jobs we now do, we're always trying to adapt," he said. "As humans we make mistakes when we're distracted, when we're interrupted, when things happen out of their normal sequence.


"Unlike our computers, we are never going to get a firmware update, so we need to strive to understand our vulnerabilities and develop strategies to compensate for cognitive blind spots," he added.

Part of the problem lies in aircraft design, Hirst believes. "Aircraft systems are typically designed and built by engineers, often with not enough input from the people actually fly it or use it," he said. "A lot of assumptions are made about how pilots will use the systems, particularly given the differences between fly-by-wire controls on the Airbus, and Boeing."

Others believe the expansion of the industry may have come at the expense of effective training. "I guess that the problem might be that the growth of low-cost carriers has conspired to almost remove any concern about the adequacy of training," said Yates. "This year has been a bit of a wake-up call. We'd like to believe people are sufficiently trained to operate those aircraft but in the end there are always going to be corners that are cut. The question is whether the corners are being cut far too finely."

How can the industry overcome these problems? It already has pioneered the use of checklists to reduce simple errors and oversights - a practice now widely adopted in healthcare, particularly for surgeons. "They are useful because they give you a chance to step back, take a deep breath and assess," said Hirst, but they should not be used as a safety system in their own right. "They are an aid to make you safer, that is all."

One key lesson from 2015 is that changes designed to make passengers safer might put them at risk of other danger. In the Germanwings crash, the locked cockpit door could not be overridden from outside by the helpless captain - a protocol introduced in response to the 9/11 hijackings. "It is often said that the knee-jerk response to yesterday's incident can lead to tomorrow's accident," Hirst said. Medical rules and training must also address the nature and behaviour of those who typically become pilots, he added.

Rates of mental illness and suicide were not significantly different from other professions, he said, and pilots were often "mission-oriented" and less inclined to call in sick over stress or psychological problems. "Pilots on the whole are completers, finishers," Hirst said. "Sometimes you need somebody to pull you back, perhaps when trying to land in weather outside the limits... You need a second-in-command saying 'hey, this isn't working.'"

Both the AirAsia and Air France crash reports found evidence that pilots had not challenged each other's decisions, even in a worsening emergency. In the latter case, the captain had left the cockpit for a rest despite knowing his Airbus A330 was headed for rough weather. "Good teamwork also involves effective leadership," Hirst noted.

However, Hirst believes that passengers should fly with confidence despite the aviation tragedies of 2015.

"Clearly there needs to be a lot more research in the aviation industry about human factors," he said. "But look at the statistics. You've done the most dangerous bit when you've got to the airport."




8 Jan Bantam B22J 2 Hoedspruit, RSA
14 Feb Lancair 360 2 Close to R59 near Parys, RSA
12 Mar Raven 500 2 Near the army base, close to Potchefstroom Aerodrome, RSA
25 Mar RAF200 GTX 2 Outside of Uitenhage Aerodrome, EC, RSA
20 Apr Magni MI6-Gyro 1 18km NE of Citrusdal, WC, RSA
24 Apr Karakorum-8 (K-8) 0 Gweru, Zimbabwe
15 May RV7 0 The Coves, Hartebeesport, NW, RSA
24 May Aero Trike 1 Ditlou, Limpopo Province, RSA
26 May Microlight 1 RWY03 Springs Aerodrome, GP, RSA
28 May C206 0 Maun, Botswana
31 May PA28-236 1 Limuru, Kenya
07 Jun Windlass Aquila 1 Kroone Airfield, GP, RSA
18 Jun Spotter Aircraft 0 Witflag, Limpopo, RSA
05 Jul Maule M-7-235 0 East London Airport, EC, RSA
01 Aug Bush Baby 0 Benoni Airfield, GP, RSA
16 Aug Cessna 441 5 Tygerberg, Cape Town, RSA
27 Aug Beechcraft Baron 58 0 Wilson Airport, Kenya
29 Aug Dornier 228 All Ribadu Cantonment, Kaduna, Nigeria
20 Sep Cessna 150L 0 Nairobi National Park, Kenya
06 Oct Bae 146-300 0 Tamale, Ghana
10 Oct F7-N1 2 Hong, Adamawa State, Nigeria
12 Oct A300B4 0 Mogadishu, Somalia
14 Oct Bushbaby 0 Lanseria Airport, RSA
15 Oct Beechcraft Bonanza 1 Witbank area, RSA
28 Oct (Allegedly) Do328 TBA Afgoye Town 25nm West of Mogadishu, Somalia - there is still some speculation around this occurrence.
31 Oct AB321 224 Sinai, Egypt
02 Nov F27 0 Koussane, Mali
04 Nov AN12B TBA Juba, South Sudan
06 Nov Microlight 1 Nr. Johannesburg Sports Club, GP, RSA
06 Nov X294 Motorglider 0 Port Elizabeth, RSA
07 Nov TBA 1 Port Elizabeth Airport, RSA
08 Nov TBA 1 Nr. Grand Central Airport, GP, RSA
07 Dec Cessna 1 Swellendam, WC, RSA
07 Dec Eclipse 500 1 Caledon, WC, RSA
16 Dec Cessna 182 2 Palmietvlei Mountains, EC, RSA
24 Dec A310 8 Mbuji Mayi, DRC

Source, amongst others, PlaneCrash; News24, Aviation Herald, Flight Safety Information



28 Feb MI17 0 Khartoum Airport, Sudan
08 Mar Bell UH1H 1 Cape Point, Cape Town, RSA
17 Mar Apache 2 Nr Gao, Northern Mali.
09 Apr Eurocopter B3 Squirrel 1 Mazabuka, Zambia
10 Apr RH44 0 Verulam, KZN, RSA
19 Apr MIL Mi24 2 Illizi, Algiers
22 Apr Bell UH1H 2 Bainskloof, Cape Town, RSA
30 Apr RH22 0 Rand Airport, GP, RSA
30 May RH44 1 Delareyville. NW, RSA
06 Jul Hughes MD500 2 Boni Forest, Kenya
04 Sep RH44 0 28 nm from Maputo, Mozambique
16 Sep Jet Ranger 0 Worcester, WC, RSA
16 Sep AB205 0 Gwembe, Zambia
17 Sep RH44 0 Hillcrest Game Farm, NW, RSA
24 Sep AS350B2 0 West of Pelindaba, NGP, RSA
06 Oct Jet Ranger 2 Polokwane, Limpopo, RSA
15 Oct Squirrel? 4 Selous Game Reserve, Tanzania
27 Oct TBA 12 Tripoli, Libya
25 Nov Bell 407 0 Rand GF, GP, RSA
28 Nov Apache TBA Outskirts of Cairo, Egypt



26 Dec TBA Outside of Djougou, Benin 0 Benin's Prime Minister Lionel Zinsou walked away unharmed after the helicopter he was travelling in made the forced landing in the town of Djougou. GVT



02 Dec Sling Pretoria GF1, GP, RSA 0 Complete engine power loss PVT
INC 05 Dec Mooney Fisantekraal Airfield, WC, RSA 0 Wheel strut went through wing on landing PVT
INC 05 Dec A319-100 Charles de-Gaulle Airport, Paris, France 0 En route from Algiers (Algeria) a/c was on approach to Paris when the crew requested emergency services on stand by for the landing reporting they received indication of a brakes malfunction after departure from Algiers. The aircraft landed safely with a stuck wheel and stopped on the runway. COM
INC 05 Dec A320-200 On climb out of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol's RWY 24 on a southerly heading 0 A/C was en-route to Tangier (Morocco) when another a/c's crew reported they had just seen an aircraft with quite an oil trace behind them, ATC inquired with the crew of the a/c with the problem whether their ops were normal and whether they would be able to reach their destination, the crew replied in the positive and elected to stop their climb at FL150 and return to Amsterdam to investigate COM
INC 06 Dec B767-200 On descent into OR Tambo, GP, RSA Water from the right middle lavatory entered the aircraft cabin. The aircraft continued to Johannesburg for a safe landing. COM
INC 14 Dec B737-800 Runway 21R/03L O. R Tambo Airport, GP, RSA 0 The a/c sank into a hollow in the tarmac.
Crew took 70% thrust and were unable to unseat the a/c. A/C shut down and a tug pulled them out. Rwy was closed for repair. COM
INC 16 Dec A340-300 At FL340 100nm east northeast of Nouakchott, Mauritania 0 The crew needed to shut the #4 engine (CFM56) down due to the oil temperature exceeding the maximum limit. The crew descended the aircraft to FL290 and returned to Madrid for a safe landing. COM
INC 28 Dec A340-313 On departure from OR Tambo Airport, GP, RSA 0 Lost an engine on take-off en route to London Heathrow. Returned to OR Tambo COM
31 Dec A320-200 On climb out from Marrakesh, Morocco 0 The right hand engine (V2527) emitted a loud bang and streaks of flame prompting the crew to stop the climb, shut the engine down and return to Marrakesh for a safe landing COM


Goma, DRC:
Construction Hazards Unmanned aircraft. Very poor ATC. Possible volcanic activity. Ground based Navaids serviceable but not calibrated.

Libreville, Gabon: Poor ATC coupled with inadequate navaids. Poor Marshalling combined with inappropriate behaviour of drivers on the ramp and taxiways.

Kadugli, Sudan: Poor ATC control of aircraft in the area. The runway is breaking up with only small areas in use for safe landing.

Juba, Sudan: Very poor ATC. Crews must be on the lookout for other aircraft in their vicinity. Vehicular traffic not obeying any regulations in terms of overtaking aircraft on taxiways and weaving in and out of aircraft on the apron.

Bunia, DRC: Adverse weather caused by the ITCZ.


Blake Emergency Services is the International Crisis Management and Contingency Planning Consultancy who, although based in the UK, have serious experience in Africa having handled accidents, incidents, counselling, repatriation, DNA sampling and confirmation, in amongst others Lagos, Nigeria; Fez, Morocco; Pointe Noire, Congo; Moroni, Comores; Maputo, Mozambique and more recently Ukraine for MH017, Air Asia and Mali for Air Algerie. Please go to or contact

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for Blake Emergency Services please contact Rethea at the address given above.

An Emergency Response Plan is a required section of your SMS and may also be added to your Operations Manual.


Should you wish to make a booking for any of these courses please contact Candice on 011 024 5446 or by email to


13 Jan 2016 CRM - Refresher Verity Wallace R 1,150-00
13 Jan 2016 DG - Refresher Verity Wallace R 935-00
18-19 Jan 2016 QA Dan Drew R 2720-00
26 Jan 2016 CRM - Refresher Verity Wallace R 1,150-00
26Jan 2016 DG - Refresher - Verity Wallace R 935-00
08-09 Feb 2016 Human Factors - AME and CRM Initial Dr. Joel Hughes R 2,720-00
17 Feb 2016 CRM - Refresher Verity Wallace
17 Feb 2016 DG - Refresher Verity Wallace
22-23 Feb 2016 Quality Assurance Auditor Course Dan Drew
07-08 Mar 2016 Safety Management Systems (SMS) Various R 2,720-00
07-11 Mar 2016 Integrated Safety Management Course Various R 6,800-00
On request Part 108 Air Cargo Security Familiarisation Doug Smit/Verity Wallace On request

Note: Cost per delegate includes all training materials, refreshments and lunch.
Note: Attendees paying in cash on the day are eligible for a 10% discount

Note: Both Recurrent CRM and Dangerous Goods Training Courses are
available upon request - even at short notice.

First Aid and the Law, please contact

Emergency Response, Incident Response, Operations Control, Emergency Response and Family Assistance training together with the writing of Emergency Response Plans and Procedures training is now offered. For more information, please contact Rethea on or


The FAA didn't claim Boeing's actions created unsafe conditions.


Boeing Co. has agreed to pay $12 million in penalties as part of a sweeping, first-of-its-kind settlement with federal regulators mandating tighter company oversight of suppliers and enhanced quality controls inside its own factories.

The settlement announced Tuesday by the Federal Aviation Administration resolves a total of 13 pending or potential civil-enforcement cases. It also subjects the Chicago-based plane maker to as much as $24 million in additional penalties if it fails to complete all the promised manufacturing, auditing and government reporting improvements over the next five years.

The agreement is unusual because it raises questions about how Boeing's commercial-airplane unit has implemented some of its core quality, safety and compliance programs. Some of the alleged lapses stretch back several years-and span various offices and product lines. The broad nature of Tuesday's move indicates FAA enforcement officials had alleged or suspected systemic shortcomings.

The FAA didn't claim Boeing's actions created unsafe conditions, and the agency has proposed significantly larger fines against airlines that allegedly violated safety rules. In its announcement, the FAA highlighted the importance of internal corporate controls to ensure that everything from design to manufacturing to maintenance functions are "operating according to the highest standards."

The agreement "is an important step toward ensuring that Boeing fully meets all applicable compliance standards going forward," Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx said in a statement detailing nearly two dozen specific areas slated for action under the agreement. Some improvements already are under way.

In a separate statement, Boeing said the move "fairly resolves" enforcement issues and "will further enhance Boeing's self-correcting quality and compliance systems." The company said "we are actively working on the areas identified in the agreement."

The broad nature of the agreement-combined with the extensive and continuing reporting requirements imposed on Boeing-sets it apart from past settlements involving manufacturers.

In another unusual twist that deals with Boeing's internal-investigation process, the agreement binds the company to assign all future noncompliance cases to manager-level employees. And according to the release, Boeing also will have to "meet progressively more stringent" requirements regarding "the quality and timeliness of its written submissions to the FAA."

The agency typically makes public copies of settlement agreements with airlines. An FAA spokeswoman said the Boeing document wasn't released because it contains extensive proprietary information that needs to be redacted.

Among other things, Boeing was tardy in developing information on fuel-tank safety upgrades for its 747 jumbo and 757 jetliner families, the FAA said. In another case that became public previously, the FAA said the company failed to take adequate corrective action when a supplier provided improper fasteners. Details of the 11 other enforcement matters covered by the agreement weren't disclosed by the FAA, and a Boeing spokesman also declined to identify them. In an email, he said Boeing "takes responsibility for our actions in these areas" and has taken steps to simplify specifications and enhance employee training.

According to the FAA's summary of the agreement, however, Boeing is now obligated to improve its internal audits by appointing personnel "with appropriate technical expertise to assess the extent of regulatory compliance." In addition, to determine whether incomplete work is being accepted improperly from suppliers, the FAA said the company must share audit results with the agency and provide it a summary of corrective actions.

Regarding any future violation identified by the FAA, the agreement puts the onus on Boeing to demonstrate it effectively dealt with the problem. And the FAA must receive quarterly reports laying out Boeing's compliance efforts, capped by a final "comprehensive report" in 2021 about the overall effectiveness of those programs.


You may have heard the adage "the best type of accident is one that's avoided"-a popular notion among AOPA Air Safety Institute staff. So as pilots, how do we advance this concept and embrace safety every time we fly?

Being proficient-not just current-is an excellent start. But it requires that you commit to regularly sharpening your skills and honing your knowledge. For example, periodically arrange some time with your flight instructor to work on areas or techniques you'd like to improve; when weather grounds your flight, participate in a ground school session to brush up on the regulations and how they apply to your type of flying; and when an Air Safety Institute seminar pops up in your area, broaden your knowledge with nuggets of wisdom from knowledgeable seminar leaders and fellow pilots.

Additionally, explore the Air Safety Institute website, which has an incredible inventory of free safety programs-from the popular Accident Case Study and Real Pilot Story series to online courses, top-notch safety videos, quizzes, and publications that provide relevant insight and critical lessons learned.

To help get you started on your safety journey, consider these top 10 Air Safety Institute programs to prime the safety pump for your flying adventures in 2016.

1. Transitioning to Other Airplanes online course. Do you know what to expect when jumping from a familiar airplane or avionics setup into something new? Get the scoop on how to make that switch safely while having fun exploring a new horizon.

2. Real Pilot Story: From Miscue to Rescue. Learn how a series of delays, poor decisions, and lack of preparation turned a four-hour cross-country flight into a 30-hour survival nightmare for a pilot and his family in the Idaho backcountry.

3. Accident Case Study: Emergency Management. In this video, the Air Safety Institute shares lessons drawn from a pilot's unfortunate decisions during a vacuum pump failure in instrument meteorological conditions.

4. Runway Safety course. How do you cope with cockpit distractions, confusing taxiways, and miscommunication? This tablet-friendly course puts you in real-world scenarios that depict the complexities of airport surface operations.

5. CFI to CFI digital newsletter. Whether you're an active flight instructor or simply interested in what CFIs are saying, here's your chance to enjoy thought-provoking articles, videos, and flight instruction tips. Anyone can subscribe to this free quarterly newsletter.

6. Electronic Flight Instructor Refresher Course (eFIRC). If you're a flight instructor, are aspiring to become one, or are simply interested in advancing your aviation skills for the love of safety and knowledge, you'll enjoy the Air Safety Institute's eFIRC. Developed for desktop and mobile devices, the course enables you to train at your own pace, anywhere, anytime.

7. Live safety seminars. Feed your flying passion and connect with seminar leaders, flight instructors, and new friends when you attend a free AOPA Air Safety Institute Safety Seminar near you. The online schedule includes icons to identify whether the course is a fly-in or one of the institute's unique aviation locations.

8. 24th Joseph T. Nall Report. Learning from others' mishaps may help us avoid similar mistakes. Dedicated to the memory of NTSB member Joseph T. Nall, the downloadable report provides a comprehensive analysis of general aviation accidents during 2012.

9. Weather Wise video series. Getting the big weather picture can sometimes be a daunting task. With this series, which focuses on practical weather flying, the institute shares strategies to gather important weather information at the right time, whether planning a VFR or IFR flight.

10. Margins of Safety: Angle of Attack Indicators video. Wouldn't it be nice to have a precise way to gauge when you're about to exceed a wing's lift capacity? This video explains the different angle of attack indicators and how using one can help you keep stalls at bay.

These safety programs were made possible by generous contributions from pilots like you. The AOPA Air Safety Institute thanks you.

Machteld Smith Aviation Technical Writer, Air Safety Institute - Machteld Smith is an aviation technical writer for the Air Safety Institute. She holds a commercial pilot certificate with multiengine, instrument, and seaplane ratings.


LUXEMBOURG - The European Investment Bank has agreed to support the 44 million euros (30 billion Malawi Kwacha) investment programme to improve aviation safety at the two main airports in the landlocked southern African state of Malawi.

A 21 million euros (14 billion Malawi Kwacha) loan from Europe's long-term lending institution was formally agreed in Lilongwe by Carmelo Cocuzza, European Investment Bank regional representative for Southern Africa and Goodall Gondwe, Minister of Finance, Economic Planning and Development for the Republic of Malawi.

The new initiative represents one of the first public sector projects to be supported by the EIB in the country since 2008.

Under the new initiative new safety and security equipment will be provided to improve aviation security at Lilongwe's airport at Kamazu and Blantyre's airport at Chileka. The scheme will also address technical issues highlighted by recent safety audits of the International Civil Aviation Organisation, as well as helping to ensure that Malawi can comply with international safety standards in the future.

"Ensuring passenger and airline safety at Malawi's main airports at Lilongwe and Blantyre is essential for the landlocked country. The new investment programme will help ensure passenger safety and benefit business and tourist travellers in the years ahead. This new project represents the European Investment Bank's first engagement in the aviation sector in Malawi and demonstrates our broader commitment to help improve transport infrastructure essential for regional economic development across southern Africa. Our support is strengthened by technical assistance provided by the European Union Delegation in Lilongwe to the Malawi Department Civil Aviation and implemented by the European Air Safety Agency. The European Investment Bank has a strong track record of supporting aviation investment across Africa and around the world. We are pleased that today we can start a new era of support for investment in this crucial sector in Malawi" said Pim van Ballekom, European Investment Bank Vice President.

Using the EIB financing agreed today the airport safety initiative is expected to include acquisition of new ambulances and fire engines, as well as construction of a new fire station at Chileka airport. Essential safety will be further improved by the provision of new rescue equipment, installation of specialist metrological monitoring and wind measurement equipment, improved x-ray screening for baggage and cargo, and better airport approach and airfield lighting. Overall security of the two airports will be strengthened with better perimeter fencing and installation of closed circuit television. Once the project is complete aircraft using Chileka will for the first time benefit from an Instrument Landing System.

Approval of the new loan follows detailed assessment of safety related investment needs at the two airports by European Investment Bank's technical staff experienced in supporting aviation investment at airports around the world. Investment to improve safety at the two airports will not only create jobs during implementation, but provide long-term economic benefits across Malawi and ensure compliance with international aviation standards essential to guarantee use of the airports by international airlines.

"The EU's programme, which is being implemented through the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), will provide technical assistance and specialist training for staff involved in airport safety. This support will help the aviation sector to improve the enabling environment to ensure safety as well as to provide reliable and efficient aviation services. Ultimately this will facilitate expansion of trade and tourism both of which are important areas for the future development of Malawi" said Ambassador Marchel Gerrmann, Head of the European Union Delegation to Malawi.

Financial support for the aviation safety scheme will also be provided by the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Government of Malawi.

The European Investment Bank has considerable technical and financial experience supporting airport investment around the world and has provided 12.5 billion euros for new airports and airport upgrading in the last decade. This has included upgrading regional airports in Tanzania, improving safety at Maputo airport in Mozambique and investment in air traffic control in Madagascar and West Africa, as well as investments at Heathrow Terminal 5, Amsterdam Schiphol, Frankfurt and Paris airports.

In 2014 the European Investment Bank provided more than 2.5 billion euros to support infrastructure and private sector investment across Africa.


Users of the Johannesburg aerodromes must be aware of the fact that they all take Aviation Safety and AVSEC seriously. If you want to use these airports as a Pilot or are employed in any way on them, then we would recommend that you make yourself aware of Part 139 in the SACARs and the Rules and Regulations applicable to that particular aerodrome. Be prepared for fines being levied if you breach any of the SARPs.


Next Safety Meeting - Tuesday 2nd February 2016 at 09.00 in the Old Customs Hall
• The wearing of high visibility jackets/waistcoats is mandatory for all persons, excepting for passengers under escort, on airside. (SA CAR 139.02.22(6))
• Drivers found to be speeding on airside will have their access remote taken from them.
• Vehicles being driven on airside must carry proper mandatory insurance cover
• All delivery vehicles and visiting vehicles requiring access to airside MUST be escorted from the access gate to the premises and then after closure of their business back to the gate for egress.

All operators are required to report Bird Strikes to the Safety Office even if there has been no structural damage to the aircraft as a result of the strike.

Fuel must not be "trucked" into Rand Airport from other sources. Should there be a special requirement permission must be sought from the Airport Manager. The previous "block" method of charging landing fees will now cease with a discount being given to Rand Airport Air BP Customers which will amount to the same charges being levied as under the block system.


Next Safety, Security and Stakeholders Meeting will be held on Tuesday 11th February 2016 at 12.00 in the LIA Training School.
• The wearing of high visibility jackets/waistcoats is mandatory for all persons, excepting for passengers under escort, on airside. (SA CAR 139.02.22(6))
• Drivers shall obey the published speed limits which are 30 on airside and 40 on landside - these have been enforced as from 1st May 2015


Next Safety Meeting will be held on Tuesday 4th January 2016 at 12.00 in the Boardroom
• The wearing of high visibility jackets/waistcoats is mandatory for all persons, excepting for passengers under escort, on airside. (SA CAR 139.02.22(6))
• Drivers found to be speeding on airside will have their access revoked

Please be reminded that the FAGC runway will be closed from 06h00 (local time) on 04 January 2016 until 06h00 (local time) on 06 January 2016 for runway repairs and maintenance. The closure will only affect fixed wing traffic. Helicopters will be able to operate as normal using the grass approach.




Should you wish to make a donation to this more than worthy cause then please pay it (via EFT or as a deposit) into;

Standard Bank Bedford Gardens; Bank Code 018 305; Account Name: SA Air Force Association (JHB Branch); Account Number: 022 605 568. You may use either your Company or Individual name along with the word donation as the reference.



The search for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 in the southern Indian Ocean will conclude in June 2016, according to a statement put out on Wednesday by the Australian Joint Agency Coordination Centre (JACC).

More than 30,000 square miles of the sea floor have already been searched since the aircraft disappeared in March 2014, making it the largest and most expensive aviation investigation in history.

"Consistent with the undertaking given by the Governments of Australia, Malaysia and the People's Republic of China earlier this year, 120,000 square kilometres will be thoroughly searched. It is anticipated this will be completed around June 2016," the JACC statement said. The search will continue through the Christmas and New Year period, the JACC said.

The aircraft was headed to Beijing, China, from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, when it went missing on March 8, 2014 with 239 passengers and crew on board. In August 2015, a plane part was found on a beach in the Indian Ocean that was determined to be part of the missing jet.


Johannesburg - Former transport department Director General George Mahlalela and three co-accused appeared in the Pretoria Specialised Commercial Crimes Court on charges of fraud, corruption and money laundering, the Hawks said.

Mahlalela allegedly spearheaded the renewal of the eNaTIS contract without following proper procedure while he was director general, Hawks spokesperson Brigadier Hangwani Mulaudzi said. "The Hawks investigation has revealed that soon after the contract was renewed, Tasima (Pty) Ltd, a company that owns eNaTIS, deposited millions of rand to Mahlalela's bank account." His co-accused Zakhele Gilbert Thwala, 56, Sibusiso Justin Ncube, 48 and Tebogo Kgosietsile Trevor Mphuti, 45, also allegedly benefited. The case was postponed to 20 July next year to allow for further investigation, said Mulaudzi.


If you are interested and qualified please send your CV to

Part Time Consultant Air Safety Officers required who comply with the requirements of SA CARS Part 135, Part 121, Part 127, Part 140, Part 141 and Part 145 - must have had appropriate SMS training, previous experience and preferably been approved by the South African Air Services Licencing Council.

Part Time Quality Assurance Consultants required who are appropriately qualified and comply with the requirements of Part 135, Part 121, Part 127, Part 140, Part 141 and Part 145.

Part Time Aviation Security Consultant required who is appropriately qualified for RSA and International Operations

Can we help you with your aviation safety and / or quality requirements?

Under SA CAR 140.01.2 if you and your organisation hold one of the following

* a category 4 or higher aerodrome licence;
* an ATO approval;
* an aircraft maintenance organisation approval;
* a manufacturing organisation approval ;
* an ATSU approval;
* a design organisation approval;
* an AOC issued in terms of Part 121, 127, 135, 141;
* a procedure design organisation approval; and
* an electronic services organisation approval,

then you shall establish a Safety Management System for the control and supervision of the services rendered or to be rendered by that organisation.

If you do not already have an approved Air Safety Officer and an approved Safety Management System then please contact us for assistance.

We, at Global Aviation Consultants, deliver the following SA CAA Approved training courses for Air Safety Officers at Rand Airport;

* Safety Management Systems
* Integrated Safety Officer Course
* Quality Assurance Auditor
* Crew Resource Management (Initial and Recurrent)
* Dangerous Goods
* Human Factors for AME's

Should your operation be of a size whereby the full time employment of an Air Safety Officer and/or Quality Assurance Officer is not financially viable then we can provide you with Consultants who have previously held Air Services Licensing Council approval. We can also provide you with a tailor made SA CAA approved Safety Management System and all SA CAA required Manuals for your operation.

For further information on how we can help you please contact Rethea or Candice in Hanger 6, Rand Airport, Germiston on 011-024-5446/7 or e-mail

AVIA Global Aviation Consultants News Letters

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