By Willie Bodenstein
Chapter 322 of the Experimental Aircraft Association of South Africa held its annual awards dinner at the historical Rand Club in Johannesburg and almost eighty members and guests attended.

Dr. Mike Brown acted as the master pf ceremonies whilst Captain Karl Jensen chairman of the chapter presented his report. Karl said that it is really great that so many of you have come to enjoy this Chapter 322 year end function and welcomed all. He made special mention of East London EAA members James and Geraldine Wardle who travelled all the way from East London and Francois and Caroline Marais from Bethlehem. Karl also thanked Jeff Earle as a full member of the Rand Club for making this lovely venue available and Doctor Mike Brown has done a sterling job of organising the dinner.
On a more serious note Karl said. "Abraham Lincoln said that it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool - than to speak out and remove all doubt! So at my peril I shall continue. I mentioned at our AGM last week that my view of success in EAA is participation by members in our varied activities. For some of our members, sadly, EAA is only a means to an end to fulfil a requirement for an Authority to Fly (ATF). To those of you who contribute to our success and take part in our meetings, activities and furthering the aims of Chapter 322, I thank you. Ensuring the on-going success of Chapter 322 does take dedication and although most often is a pleasure, but on occasion it seems a bit like pushing water uphill."
"We are happily the strongest and most active EAA Chapter in South Africa, although I wish there was competition for this claim. We are all volunteers, but unfortunately it is a sad fact that some members who initially take on tasks enthusiastically, after a short while simply fade into oblivion - I hope that is not because of anything I did, but I guess this how life works in many clubs and associations."
"I proudly feel that we are incorporating a successful safety ethos among our ranks - long may it continue and I thank all of you for the important part each of you has played."
As is customary Wings Awards were presented to members who contributed to the success of the Chapter during the year and the recipients were as follows:
Ronnie Alcock. A Blue Ribbon Braaimaster & for EAA activities participation.
Bob Allison. The Gentle Air Traffic Controller at EAA Fly-ins.
Brian Appleton. Encouraging aviation by visitors to South Africa (The Erez Tour) and the, Welgelegen and Mabalingwe fly-aways.
Bryan Belcher. Advancement of Piloting Skills through the Annual Krugersdorp Spot Landing Event

Willie Bodenstein Outstanding promotion of EAA in Pilot' Post and supply of fine images for the EAA CONTACT! Newsletter.
Neil Bowden. Promoting EAA Aviation through his Oshkosh Tours
Nico Brandt. Use of his home hangar for the 322 Teddy Build
Gus Brown. Production of the EAA CONTACT! Newsletter and as EAA of SA Webmaster

Mark Clulow. 'Project Cuba' to assist EAA Member Arthur Piercy to meet his erstwhile adversary.
Mike Brown. Rationalisation of the EAA Young Eagles Initiative and his can do attitude and major input to all EAA 322 events.
Eugene Couzyn. Introducing EAA members to the magic of Helicopter flying.
Ricardo De Bonis. Outstanding Hangar Hospitality to all EAA Members

Gordon Dyne. Generosity beyond measure to make aviation available to the less fortunate ( Susan received the certificate)
Jeffery Earle. Aero Club of South Africa Chairman and promoter of EAA at this high level.
Athol Franz and African Pilot Magazine. Outstanding promotion of EAA.
Jeremy Guimaraens. Getting his refurbished Piper J-3 Cub flying after a major rebuild.
Heron Trixie. Editorial contribution and extraordinary enthusiasm and promotion of EAA of SA.
Hayley Hopper. Being the epitome of an energetic helper whenever called upon and assistant at Dickie Fritz on behalf of EAA 322.

Kevin Hopper. For technical guidance to EAA and making his hangar available for the 322 Teddy Build Project.
John Illsley. Co-convener of the 2014 Petit Fly-in and promoting the spirit of EAA.
Rob Jonkers. Attainment of SA National Colours for Precision Rally Flying.
Archie Kemp and Signco. Generous manufacture and supply of EAA Signage and Banners.
Juri Keyter. Promotion of EAA in Pilot's Post and supply of fine images for the EAA CONTACT! Newsletter.
Paul Lastrucci. Energies expended as EAA of SA National President and interaction with CAA to the EAA's benefit in the NTCA and ARO arenas.

Francois Marais. Undertaking the lead to establish an EAA Chapter in Bethlehem.
Martin Meyer. Attainment of SA National Colours for Precision Rally Flying.
Richard Nicholson. Ongoing success of the Nylstroom Vliegklub/EAA Taildraggers Fly-in.
Pottie (Gerhard) Potgieter. Blue Ribbon Braaimaster at EAA Auditorium and Dickie Fritz Events.
Marie Reddy. Volunteering at every opportunity and with quality event organisation
Brian (The General) Stableford. Regular advice, technical calculations and monitoring of regulations affecting EAA members' flying.

Coen Swart. Leading Blue Ribbon EAA Braaimaster & for EAA activities participation
Stephen Theron. Attaining a Private Pilots Licence and photos for CONTACT!
Ivan Van Der Schaar. Co-convener of the 2014 Petit Fly-in, promoting the spirit of EAA.
Jeremy (Moose) Woods Convener of the EAA Auditorium highly successful and famous Flying Legends Talk Shows that gives pleasure to so many.

A wonderful evening was had by all. The venue was perfect, the meal delicious and the company superb.