By Garth Calitz

The Aero Club of South Africa once again pulled out all the stops at the annual awards dinner, making the "black tie" event very memorable indeed. The SAAF Museum hosted the function in their beautifully decorated 5 Hangar, which is permanently set up to handle functions and conferences. Air Force Base Zwartkop was the perfect setting for the function, being the oldest continuously operational air force base in the world, something has to be said about celebrating such a prestigious aviation event in a hangar dating back to the 1920's.
All the guests eagerly awaited the planned Vampire display but the weather had other plans and the flight was called off by the pilot Col Rama Iyer as the thunderstorms made flying very dangerous.
Karl Jensen the MC for the occasion welcomed all and introduced all the VIP guests that included Simon Segwaba, Gawie Bestbier, Thabo Fischa and Mary Stephens from the CAA Executive Board, Stan Oliver, Neil de Lange and Asruf Seedat from RAASA, Gaboerkwe Khambule head of SA Weather Services, JP Truter Deputy GM of Commercial Aviation Association of SA and Wendy Santilhano from Mayday-SA.

Ret Col Jeff Earl the Chairman of the AeCSA addressed the guests as they enjoyed their starters. Next up was the presentation of National Colours and what was encouraging was the amount of young members that had excelled over the past year.
The following people received 2014 Aero Club awards:
National Colours
BAFSA - Balloon and Airship Federation of SA 21st FAI Hot Air Balloon championships
David Mac Gregor
SAC - Sport Aerobatics Club Advanced Aerobatic championship
Elton Bondi Senior Colours Advanced Aerobatic Championship
Annie Boon Manager Advanced Aerobatic Championship
Steve Brown Senior Colours Advanced Aerobatic Championship
Patrick Davidson Senior Colours Advanced Aerobatic Championship
Barrie Eeles Senior Colours Advanced Aerobatic Championship
Johnie Smith Senior Colours Advanced Aerobatic Championship
Charles Urban Senior Colours Advanced Aerobatic Championship
SAMAA - South African Modelling Association of SA 9th FAI World Championship for Soaring Model Aircraft-Class F3J

Craig Goodrum Senior Colours 9th FAI World Championship for Soaring Model Aircraft Class F3J
Michelle Goodrum Senior Colours 9th FAI World Championship for Soaring Model Aircraft Class F3J - Assistant Manager
Wouter Kruger Senior Colours 9th FAI World Championship for Soaring Model Aircraft Class F3J
Tshepo Molefe Junior Colours 9th FAI World Championship for Soaring Model Aircraft Class F3J
Alan Smith Senior Colours 9th FAI World Championship for Soaring Model Aircraft Class F3J
Jethro van der Molen Junior Colours 9th FAI World Championship for Soaring Model Aircraft Class F3J
Jason Weber Junior Colours 9th FAI World Championship for Soaring Model Aircraft Class F3J
South African Modelling Association of SA World Championship for control line model Aircraft
Keith Renecle Senior Colours World Championship for Control Line Model Aircraft
SAPFA - South African Power Flying Association World Rally Flying Championship

Frank Eckard Senior Colours World Rally Flying Championships
Caroline(Cally)Eckard Senior Colours World Rally Flying Championships
Jozef Jacobs Senior Colours World Rally Flying Championships
Rob Jonkers Senior Colours World Rally Flying Championships
Martin Meyer Senior Colours World Rally Flying Championships
Hans Schwebel Senior Colours World Rally Flying Championships
Ronald Stirk Senior Colours World Rally Flying Championships
SSSA - Soaring Society of South Africa 33rd FAI World Gliding Championship Open, 18m and 20m

Carol Clifford Team Manager 33rd FAI World Gliding Championships Open 18m and 15m Classes
Laurens Goudriaan Senior Colours 33rd FAI World Gliding Championships Open 18m and 15m Classes
Jacobus Jonker Senior Colours 33rd FAI World Gliding Championships Open 18m and 15m Classes
Andriaan Jonker Senior Colours 33rd FAI World Gliding Championships Open 18m and 15m Classes
Sven Olivier Senior Colours 33rd FAI World Gliding Championships Open 18m and 15m Classes
Wayne Schmidt Senior Colours 33rd FAI World Gliding Championships Open 18m and 15m Classes
Soaring Society of South Africa 33rd FAI World Gliding Championships Club, Standard and 20m
Martin Lessle Senior Colours 33rd FAI World Gliding Championships Club Standard and 20m Classes
John Mclauchlan Senior Colours 33rd FAI World Gliding Championships Club Standard and 20m Classes
Marijn Schaap Manager 33rd FAI World Gliding Championships Club Standard and 20m Classes Manager
Gary Whitecross Senior Colours 33rd FAI World Gliding Championships Club Standard and 20m Classes
PASA - Parachute Association of South Africa 21st FAI World Formation Skydiving Championships
Bailey Edmunds Senior Colours 21st FAI World Formation Skydiving Championships
Warren Hitchcock Senior Colours 21st FAI World Formation Skydiving Championships
Alex Jordaan Senior Colours 21st FAI World Formation Skydiving Championships
Amy Kirtland Senior Colours 21st FAI World Formation Skydiving Championships
Andre van Heerden Senior Colours 21st FAI World Formation Skydiving Championships
Parachute Association of South Africa 5th FAI World Canopy piloting Championship

Chris Teague Senior Colours 5th FAI World Canopy Piloting Championships
Dian Kemp Senior Colours 5th FAI World Canopy Piloting Championships
Jean-Jacques Wallis Senior Colours 5th FAI World Canopy Piloting Championships
Parachute Association of South Africa Special Acknowledgement for a record attempt
Naomi Kotzee Special Acknowledgement 2014 Upright World record attempt
After a brief description on the selection process and criteria for special acknowledgements Karl made a request to all members and section leaders within the AeCSA to please forward the detail of any members that have excelled in their particular field to the board so that they can be considered for such an acknowledgment.
Special acknowledgements awarded to:

· Jenny Bowley - 15 years of unwavering service to the Sport Aerobatics fraternity
· Ardyn Moolman - Supptrting role as international Judge in World Rally Flying Championships

· Coena Smith - For his heroic part in saving 5 lives in a daring rescue in a swollen river in the Waterberg , without his skill and heroism the outcome would undoubtedly been tragically different.
Silver Wings for exceptional service / projects to further Aero Club

Dennis Cohen Nigel Hopkins
Paul Sabatier Herman Weber
Gold Wings ten years continuous service to Aero Club
Frank Eckard Alex Rudd

James Wardle
The African Pilot Air Show of the year Award

1st place - Durban Land, Sea and Air Festival - Dr Clive Coetzee (finance KZN province), Nigel Hopkins and Brian Emmenis

2nd place - Port Elizabeth Air Show - Dr Crystal Watson

3rd place - SAAF Museum Air Show - LtCol Mike O'Connor

After the main course was served, Wing Commander Nigel "Cookie" Cookson, Naval and Air Advisor of the Royal Air Force accredited to Mozambique, Namibia and Angola, gave a very informative talk highlighting the need for proper planning in any form of aviation. Cookie is a fast jet navigator with 2400 hours in the training and operational GR1/4, ground attack and nuclear deterrent role for the past 20 years. Nigel a veteran of Gulf War 1 and 4, NATO operations over Kosovo and Serbia and was stationed in Libya. He had all present hanging on every word.
The final awards followed

PGS Award: Manufacture or design for South African recreational aviation to
Christopher Dales
James Gilliland Trophy: Most meritorious feat during the past year to Calle Hedberg

Dennis Jankelow Trophy: Airmanship: presented to Karl Jensen

Don Tilley Trophy: Safety in Aviation to Mark Swarts

SA Eagle Trophy: Most meritorious achievement at an international event to South African Junior F3J Team: Justin van der Molen, Craig Goodrum, Jason Weber, Tshepo Molefe

Lewis Lange Trophy: Pilot of the year to Patrick Davidson
Thanks for the evening's organisation: Sandra Strydom and AeCSA personnel, Trixie Heron (brochure and citation editing), Col Rama Ayer and his wife, Col Mike O'Connor (SAAF Museum), Wing Commander Nigel Cookson (guest speaker), Marie Reddy and Michelle Marias (event organisers). Also thanks to all nominees, winners and members of AeCSA and especially to you good people who have travelled from far and wide to grace us with your company, see you all next year.