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8 November: Bosveld Breakfast. Potgietersrus Microlight Club and Limpopo Flight School invites all aviators and pilots from all over for a Bosveld Breakfast on the 8th of November 2014 at Potgietersrus Airfield. Contact: Nico - 082 852 5961 or Martin - 082 578 1657

8 November: Aero Club Annual Awards Dinner. Hangar 5 at SAAF Museum AFB Zwartkop. This is a prestigious event to honour our fellow aviators for attaining National Colours and other awards. The Aero Club should be supported by all recreational and competitive fliers as they are our fighters who ensure our freedom of the skies against ever increasing regulation.

14 -15 November: Mafikeng fly-in and hangar dance. Contact: Connie Conradie 018 387 1425 or E-mail: info@mafikeng-flyingclub.co.za

22 November: EAA Sun and Fun and Peter Hengst memorial Brits airfield. Contact : Karl Jensen
karlpix@icon.co.za . SAPFA Fun Rally Contact: Mary de Klerk. E-mail: mary@expandingbranding.co.za or visit www.sapfa.org.za Oshkosh tours reunion for anyone who has attended Oshkosh and especially those who have been part of Neil Bowden's annual camp and tours. Contact: neil1@telkomsa.net . The Airplane Factory fly in to Sun and Fun for Sling owners. Contact Andrew or Kyle 011 948 9898

26 November to 3 December: Yak-52 and Intermediate Class World Aerobatic Championships, Mosselbay. Contact: mbac.committee@gmail.com

29 November: Stellenbosch Flying Club landing competition. For more information go to www.stelfly.co.za

6 December: SAAF Museum flying training and open days. Contact Capt. Kobus Kapp 012 351 2342 or E-mail: webmaster@saafmuseum.org

6 - 7 December: SAC Ace of Base Aerobatics - Baragwanath airfield. Contact Annie Boon e-mail:

7 December: ICAD (international Civil Aviation Day) Contact: Mark Swarts 082 878 0875

13 December: RV Fly in at Stellenbosch. Contact Alewyn 082 4126 1951 or alewyn@burger.org.za


18-29 April: Sun n Fun Florida USA tour. Contact Neil1@telkomsa.net

13 - 14 June: Baragwanath 'Old School' Fly in. Contact Courtney Watson: cwatson@stithian.com

17 -19 July: Taildraggers to Nylstroom fly-in in conjunction with EAA Chapter 322. Contact Richard Nicholson Nylstroom Flying Club Cell: 082 490 6227

I recently purchased a mini 500 helicopter and I will like to make contact with other mini 500 owners in South-Africa. As far as I know my mini 500 is the only one in Namibia. If you are a mini 500 owner please let me know.
Marthinus, w.m.snyman@gmail.com

I am reaching out to enquire about referrals to local organizations and for pilots we are trying to hire. We are an aerial imaging company that works with farmers across the globe to do flyovers of their land & assess their crop health. Our sensor system is very light and modular, temporarily attaching to the wing struts of Cessna 170/172 or 180/182 (it is approved by the FAA in the US).
We have several agricultural clients in Cape Town and northeast of Jo'burg where we are looking for pilots / companies to work with.
Alexey Rostapshov,

3 November 1949 - Charles Moore makes the first manned flight in a polyethylene balloon over Minneapolis, Minnesota.

3 November 1957 - The Russians launch Sputnik 2, an orbiter that delivered the first animal into a space; a female terrier named Laika. The 3-year-old dog was sent to determine if a living creature could withstand launch and weightlessness, but she ultimately died a few hours after launch due to overheating due to a thermal control issue. Regardless, she proved that oxygen-craving creatures could enter space, and Laika was considered a hero.

4 November 1909 - John Moore-Brabazon makes the first live cargo flight by airplane when he puts a small pig in a waste-paper basket tied to a wing-strut of his airplane.

5 November 1938 - Non-stop flight by a pair of Vickers Wellesleys from Egypt to Darwin, Australia. This sets a new world distance record of 7,158 miles (11,520 km).

6 November 1980 - First flight of the Solar Challenger.

6 November 1935 - First flight of the Hawker Hurricane K5083 at Brooklands, England.

7 November 1916 - Imperial German Army Zeppelin LZ90, LZ60, broke loose in the direction of the North Sea in a storm and never seen again.

8 November 1942 - Pilots equipped with anti-G suits carried out combat operations for the first time in history. They were members of 807 Squadron Fleet Air Arm, wearing the Canadian designed Franks suit. They flew Supermarine Seafires over Oran, Algeria.

9 November 1904 - Wilbur Wright flies the Wright Flyer II a distance of 3 miles (5 km) near Dayton, Ohio.

9 November 1961 - USAF Major Robert M White takes the X-15 to a height of 30,970 m.

9 November 1967 - Launch of the Apollo 4 mission, an unmanned Saturn V, the largest launch vehicle ever to fly successfully.


The state-owned global supplier of defence products and solutions has achieved a successful turnaround which has seen it turning a profit for the fourth consecutive year. The company's financial results for 2013/2014 show revenue growth of 17%, improved profits and the largest multi-year order book in its history --- more than R30-billion to be executed over the next 10 - 15 years.

We can safely say that Denel has now returned to profitability on a sustainable basis, says the Group Chief Executive, Riaz Saloojee. We have achieved the envisaged turnaround and are well on our way to move the company from being a good to a great company and in the process meeting Shareholder expectations and transforming Denel into a valuable and self-supporting national asset.

As a state-owned company, Denel has a primary mandate to supply the South African defence and security environment with strategic technology capabilities, products, services and support. Beyond this mandate, the company has strengthened its reputation as a high-performing technology powerhouse on the African continent, a global player in the defence and aerospace environments and a company with the capacity to expand its role in the broader manufacturing sectors.

Denel is growing from being a predominantly defence company into a broader technology clearing-house that can use the skills, knowledge and expertise that we have accumulated in the defence arena to add value to high-tech engineering and manufacturing programmes to revitalise the country's infrastructure, says Mr Saloojee.

The company strongly supports the view that state-owned companies must serve as effective strategic instruments of industrial policy and economic inclusion. This is also reflected in the Groups spending of more than half a billion rand on Research and Development and a further R64-million on skills development and training.

We are fully aware of the fact that the company's future growth will be largely dependent on our ability to remain competitive in a global high-technology environment, says Mr Saloojee. We are committed to increasing investments in future capabilities and technologies, fostering innovation and expanding the company's product offerings.

Our defence and aerospace businesses are in great shape. We expect that Government will soon commence with the implementation of the recommendations of the 2014 Defence Review, says Mr Saloojee.

The local defence industry, including Denel, will benefit greatly from the recommendations and the imminent establishment of a National Defence Industry Council to consult with government on issues such as joint planning, policy formulation, export support and future defence acquisitions.

The order book for projects to be executed in the next ten years has grown substantially to R32-billion. This is an exceptional achievement for Denel and represents a six-fold cover of our revenue, says Mr Saloojee.

Denel has diversified into the space domain, and during the year the Spaceteq business unit was set up in the Western Cape and has commenced with its first project, which is an earth observation satellite for commissioning by the SANSA (South African National Space Agency) by 2017. The group also embarked on a process to ensure higher levels of productivity and efficiency in support of broader efforts to reduce operating costs. At the Denel ammunition plant, PMP, this will result in a selected plant renewal process to address operational efficiencies and reduce energy consumption.

Denel is poised to diversify into the civil security arena as well as the command and control environment. The company has further identified the maritime environment as a future capability, which will be established to specifically focus in the area of systems integration. Right now Denel is in the process of acquiring the BAE Systems LSSA business. The acquisition, which is not yet finalised and is at a very sensitive stage pending some key regulatory approvals, forms part of Denel's growth and sustainability strategy, which the company embarked on 5 years ago.

We have already seen this approach in practice with the recent contract awarded to Denel Aviation to deliver helicopter services and maintenance work to the Transnet National Ports Authority, he says.

Denel has already announced its intention to become involved in the intended process by the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa to revitalise its rolling stock. Technology and processes used by Denel in the manufacturing of advanced aerostructures for the global aviation industry can also be used to produce the interiors of modern passenger rail coaches.

I am positive about the future of Denel as we continue on our growth path, says Mr Saloojee. Although global defence budgets remain fairly static, there is a positive outlook for growth in Africa and emerging markets which have been identified as priorities by Denel.


RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire: The Royal Air Force's (RAF) most advanced fighters ever are now in operational service following the largest ever fighter upgrade programme delivered by BAE Systems.

Known as Phase 1 Enhancements (P1E), the upgrade package delivers a range of enhancements to the Typhoon aircraft. Developed by BAE Systems working together with its Eurofighter Partner companies, the RAF and UK Ministry of Defence, (MOD), the capabilities introduced have been developed on the back of operations in Libya, and cement Typhoon's place as a world class multi-role fighter.

The aircraft upgrades include enhanced computing power, weapons systems integration advancements and improved sensor suites making Typhoon even more potent whether tasked with air-to-air work, air-to-surface or a combination of both during a single mission. The P1E enhancements package delivers much more flexibility in mission planning. It allows a single pilot, in a single aircraft to simultaneously attack six different targets in one pass.

Divided into two elements, Phase 1 Enhancements (a) and Phase 1Enhancements (b), the latter takes the multi-role concept to a new level. Typhoon Requirements Manager, Wing Commander Stephen Williams said: "P1Eb allows Typhoon to begin realising its air-to-surface capability while also delivering in the air-to-air arena. Our ability to switch between air-to-air and air-to-surface modes is a big step, providing great flexibility for our pilots on Operations. This is a key step to delivering capability for the UK's Interim Force 15."

The PE1b package also brings upgrades for the aircraft's Defensive Aids Sub System and the latest interoperability updates for the Multifunction Information and Distribution Systems, which together ensure the Typhoon remains one of the most effective aircraft in the skies.

Testing of the P1E package was conducted through a combined industry and MOD team. Martin Taylor, Director for Combat Air at BAE Systems said: "P1E is a massive leap forward in capability and by working jointly as one team; we've ensured that there are no surprises when it enters service. We have delivered a capability with all the necessary training and support to make sure it is ready and usable from day one."

The first 17 P1E standard aircraft are now in service with the RAF with a further 18 to be delivered by 1st April 2015.


Bell Helicopter, a Textron Inc. company announced its participation in the fourth edition of Expodefensa in Bogota, Colombia from October 29 -31. Bell Helicopter will have a strong presence, featuring the Bell 407GT on static display.

"We are very excited to have the Bell 407GT at Expodefensa to connect with both our military and parapublic customers in Latin America," said Jay Ortiz, vice president of Latin American sales. "The Bell 407GT is a commercially qualified helicopter built off of the Bell 407 platform, and delivers safety, reliability and the ability to escalate force when necessary."

Expodefensa is a three day show that displays the latest developments in defence and security. Companies from around the world will present innovative products and equipment designed to provide services to international defence sectors.

"It's been an eventful October in Latin America, as we have also been highlighting the power and versatility of the Bell 412EPI in a demonstration tour throughout the region," added Ortiz. "We have seen a great response for both the Bell 412EPI and the Bell 407GT, and we are thrilled to be able to bring both helicopters to Latin America to showcase exactly what they can do."

The Bell 412EPI has been performing its Latin American demo tour since the beginning of the month and will continue demonstrations until mid-November.

"The purchase of a new Bell 407GX will significantly enhance our ability to provide the citizens of Contra Costa County with the most effective law enforcement services available, both on land and throughout the California Delta region", said Contra Costa County Sheriff David O. Livingston. "Proven reliability, first-rate customer service and unparalleled mission capability once again made this particular aircraft the right choice for the public safety mission within Contra Costa County."

About the Bell 407GT

The Bell 407GT is the armed version of the best-selling Bell 407GX, qualified for a range of weapons from light munitions to advanced laser-guided munitions. The state-of-the-art tactical light commercial helicopter brings together the Garmin G1000HTM flight deck with precision weapons capability. Standard specifications include a multi-sensor camera system, weapons management system, universal weapons pylons, tactical radio suite, target sight system, sliding doors for rapid egress and ingress and high-visibility windows for the cockpit and cabin.

About the Bell 412EPI

The Bell 412EPI improves the Bell 412EP platform with the Bell BasiX Pro™ fully integrated glass flight deck, providing critical flight information at a glance for greater situational awareness and safety. The avionics suite also includes high resolution digital maps, electronic charts and approach plates, ADS-B transponder and optional HTAWS and XM satellite links. The aircraft also incorporates the power of Pratt and Whitney's PT6T-9 Twin Pac® engines, providing 15 percent more horsepower than the standard Bell 412.


The fourth prototype of the new multirole Mi-38 helicopter has carried out a series of ground runs and completed its first flight at Russian Helicopters' (part of State Corporation Rostec) Kazan Helicopters' test flight centre.

The helicopter was piloted by a team comprising commander and test pilot (first class), honoured test pilot of Russia, Vladimir Kutanin, the second pilot was second class test pilot Maxim Shezhin, and chief flight test engineer, second class, Sergei Panin. The helicopter was then sent to the test flight centre at Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant for preparations ahead of its certification testing.

"The Mi-38 development programme is making good progress," Russian Helicopters deputy CEO, Kazan Helicopters CEO Vadim Ligai said. "Today, for the first time, the fourth prototype of this helicopter - that will soon start certification testing - took to the skies." "Assembly production has already been launched on the fuselage of the first series-produced units. The Mi-38 has proven it boasts unique capabilities. I am confident that the helicopter will see great demand in Russia, the CIS countries, and on our traditional markets - countries across Africa, South East Asia, and Latin America."

"The Mi-38 fourth prototype's first flight was a success," aircraft commander and test pilot (first class) Vladimir Kutanin said. "The helicopter handles well, all systems worked excellently during the test flight. The developers and producers of the Mi-38 can be proud. As pilots, we really liked the helicopter, it boasts excellent flight capabilities that should ensure it has very bright prospects."

The Mi-38 fourth prototype differs from that of the third prototype in its shock-resistant fuel system and larger windows. As with the third prototype, the fourth prototype of the Mi-38 is equipped with twin TV7-117V turboshaft engines manufactured by Klimov. The engines' power shafts are in a forward position and are located behind the main gearbox, which significantly reduces the level of noise in the cabin.

Aviation experts are confident that the Mi-38's enhanced payload and passenger transportation capacity, combined with the high levels of speed and comfort achieved, will ensure it becomes one of the most popular models in regional aviation, chiefly for passenger and cargo transportation. Its low noise levels, reduced flight preparation time, roomy passenger cabin, meeting new flight safety standards all open up broad operational opportunities for the Mi-38, including in VIP transport. Mi-38 class helicopters boast greater operational profitability than small aircraft thanks to a variety of features, including the fact that they boast highly efficient engines do not need any airfield infrastructure.

Kazan Helicopters produces Mi-8/17 series helicopters that are operated in over 100 countries worldwide. A wide range of configurations are produced: transport, passenger, search and rescue, landing and transport, among many others. Preparations are underway to launch production of the Mi-38 passenger transport helicopter. Since 1997, Kazan Helicopters has been certified to develop helicopter technology: today the light twin-engine Ansat helicopter is in series production.


A rental agreement for three Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft was signed between the Russian airline Red Wings and Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company. The aircraft will be handed over to the airline by the end of 2014 for one year with the possibility of extension. Red Wings airline plans to operate Sukhoi Superjet 100 in Russia: from Moscow to Ufa, Makhachkala, Chelyabinsk, Sochi and Mineralnye Vody.

"The aircraft operated by the airline featuring fully Russian air fleet will become the new page for the Sukhoi Superjet 100 project", noted Ilya Tarasenko, the President of Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company. "Among the advantages of Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft to Red Wings can be noted an opportunity to develop city-pair markets until demand for them becomes appropriate to put on these routes sing-aisle aircraft with higher capacity, which the airline already has", he said. Substitution, if necessary, of larger seating capacity aircraft operated with low passenger load factor during seasonal downturns. Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft allows substituting higher capacity aircraft both for a long period in a "low" season and during the day without compromising passenger comfort.

"Operations of aircraft such as the Sukhoi Superjet 100 will enforce the opportunities for Red Wings to enter into regional transportation market which is new for the airline", noted Evgeny Klyucharev CEO of Red Wings airline. "The signing of the rental agreement for Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft marked the beginning of the first phase of the program implementing a new type of aircraft in the fleet of Red Wings, as we plan to increase the number of Sukhoi Superjet 100 to fifteen by 2017. At the same time, we remain committed to our strategy of flights operated by the Russian-built aircraft", he concluded.

Red Wings Airlines - a Russian airline based in Moscow, was established in 1999. The airline operates scheduled and charter flights in Russia and abroad. It is expected that passenger traffic of Red Wings in 2014 will total about one million passengers.


Article by Candice OConnor and Cobus Brink. Photography by Cobus Brink.

You have finished you Commercial Pilots License, so where do you go from here.
How do you get that dream job with a reputable airline?
What questions will they subjected you to in your job interview?
These thoughts must have entered your mind as the date of finally getting your CPL draws near.
In today's competitive world CPL holders find it difficult to make the final jump to an airline career

Wayne Westoby, Keith Paterson, and Attie Nieman has recognised this and as a result formed PTC Aviation, situated in Port Elizabeth. They believe that they have the answer to bridging the market gap CPL pilot's face. PTC Aviation thus gives aspiring airline pilots the opportunity to attend applicable training that is befitting of airline standards.

Started in April 2014, the company presents courses such as the Boeing Airline Pilot Preparation Program, Airline Multi Crew Co-ordination Course, Jet Orientation Course, Airline Crew Resource Management Course, and Air Transport Pilot's License Upgrades with MCC. From feedback they have received from the marked it seems they are on the right track.

PTC Aviation is about career path specific training. If you want to fly for an airline, you need to train for the airline. Airlines like Cathay Pacific, and Emirates, have been training their pilots in this way for a number of years now, with great results. In Europe and America, the prospective airline pilot also has access to the same courses. With PTC Aviation, the aspiring airline pilot can now equip him or herself without having to go to the expense of travelling abroad to receive relevant training. They can match other pilot applicants from around the globe by getting a career boost, which include airline specific training, developed by experience airline pilots, right here in South Africa.

Another plus of the training is that each course includes multi elements as needed by the prospective airline pilot. An MCC Course with PTC Aviation does not just offer Airline MCC, but for instance Airline CRM, and ATPL Preparation as well. PTC's core values merge in offering a pilot a comprehensive, tailored programme, which will seamlessly prepare him or her for an airline career.

The PTC Aviation programmes are designed to seamlessly bridge the gap between traditional flight training passage to the right seat, and industry end requirements through the incorporation of the latest training, to enhance pilot's skill and prepare them for their career in airline aviation.

Each one of PTC Aviation's course has been tailored to meet the standard of Evidence Based Training (EBT), which has been endorsed, by IATA and ICAO. To offer students the upper hand in aviation and ground breaking training encompassing efficiencies, every lesson, as well as the facilities have been designed from the ground up to enable the student to apply his or her mind without distraction.

Using the latest in learning aids, like interactive computer modules and Wi-Fi integration help the student to get quickly down to the task at hand. But the most important of these aids is a fixed based Boeing 737-800 (NG) Simulator, imported from The Netherland which is used for Line Orientated Flight Training. Full flight recording and post flight analysis is done to review the students' progress. The simulator room has been designed to eventually house four simulators as operations progress.

As a commercial or ATPL holder, you want to be one of the best, and PTC Aviation is there to turn that aspiration to realisation.



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Midweek Update

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