By Willie Bodenstein

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Since we were going to spend the afternoon in the trenches we started the morning at the Warbirds section to capture some of the arrivals and departures.

Warbirds is where most visitors spend their time. This year most of the large T6 and T28 formation teams are based at either Fond de Lac or Appleton. However there is still enough to leave one in awe.

The weather when we went into the trench looked ominous and at one stage it rained. Just as the Thunderbirds show was about to start we were told to evacuate and return to behind the crowd line. No reasons were given and needless to say we were then at the mercy of the crowds that stood almost a 100 meters deep behind the crowd line. By then it was completely overcast with some light rain and taking photos or videos was to say the least rather challenging.

Oshkosh 2014
Events 2014

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