By Willie Bodenstein

Landing at Jack Taylor airfield at Krugersdorp can at times be a little challenging. The runways are short, narrow and sloping and just to make to make it a bit more interesting there are often updrafts and downdraft in both directions with a cross wind adding to the spicy mix. This makes it perfectly suited to an amateur spot landing competition.

The Judges: Tobie Weeber, Dale de Klerk, Brian Belcher and John Addis

Fourty seven Pilots took part and Bob Alisson and Di Edrich who manned the ATC tower, handled 306 movements during the day of which 276 were directly related to the competition.

Competitors were briefed by Chris Kyle the Safety Officer before the competition started in earnest.

The overall winner was Krugersdorp club member Kim Pratley whilst Johan Botha (absent) took second place.

The best female pilot was Cecilia Lastrucci

The Greaser award went to Jannus van der Moolen

And the Best Student award went to Armand Willems

The Krugersdorp Flying Club committee consisting of John Addis, Bryan Belcher, Dale de Klerk, Nico Smith, Kim Pratley, Leon Meintjies and Chris Kyle again organised a well-run, incident free and well supported event.

Events 2014

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