By Willie Bodenstein

With the postponement of the Aero Club and EAA National Convention scheduled for the weekend of the 2 to 4 May at Bethlehem a number of EAA Chapter 322 members that had booked accommodation decided to still fly to Bethlehem for the weekend.

Visiting EAA Members

The Bethlehem Aero Club was formed in November 2013 by pilots and hangar owners at the field and when they became aware of Chapter's 322 plans they decided to treat the visitors to typical Free State Hospitality. On the Friday night the approximately ten pilots and passengers were treated to the sight of two sheep on the spit and delicious side dishes prepared by the wife's and partners of the club members.

Sheep on the spit

Captain Karl Jensen thanked the Club for its hospitality and urged them to form a chapter of the EAA and Francois Marais, Vice Chairman welcomed all.

Karl Jensen………………………………….Francois Marais

The Bethlehem Aero Club

Joggie Prinsloo, Barry Neethling, Lucian Banitz, Izak Venter, Caroline & Francois Marais, Johnnie Bezuidenhout, Jaco Breytenbach, Koos v Rensburg, Danie Kritzenger, Nico Smith & Corrie v Loggerenberg. Absent: Phillip Jacobs, Willie Uys & Nols Strauss.

Visitors and club members

Needles to say the festivities carried on until late. On Saturday morning a number of pilots met at the field for a flight over the Eastern Freestate and the Witteberge to Clarence then onwards to the Malutis and the towering peaks of the Drakensberg. The Eastern Freestate offers probably some of the most scenic flying in South Africa.

Charl Marais the oldest member of the club obtained his license in 1967 owned a Vagabond ZS-UAJ was rated on 23 aircraft and had accumulated 724 hours.

Charles Marais

On Friday Chantelle Prinsloo obtained her Private Pilot's licence. Chantelle did her training at Bethlehem based Paramount Aviation.

Joggie Prinsloo (no relation) Chantelle Prinsloo & Barry Neethling of Paramount Flying School

For those visiting Bethlehem fuel, both Avgas and Jet A1, is available from Bethlehem Aviation Fuel (Pty) Ltd.

Many thanks to Izak for the awesome flight in his stunning RV10 up and down the stunning beauty of the Drakensberg, Joggie for being a expert guide, to Francois and Caroline for again putting up and entertaining us for the weekend and to all to guys and girls of the Bethlehem Aero Club for their unbelievable hospitality.

Events 2014

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