By Willie Bodenstein

The last of the years' time trials that will hopefully eventually turn into full blown pylon racing took place at the dedicated course at Parys Airfield and was as always well supported. The course now has section, a longer 3 mile track for faster aircraft and a shorter 1.8 mile track for slower planes.

Scully Levin whose brain child the idea of the time trials are opened the briefing during which all participants were fully informed of the rules that applied. He also advised that four events are planned for 2014 and as soon as sufficient pilots are qualified the trials, subject to approval by the authorities, will turn into proper pylon racing.

Scully at the briefing.

Billed as a “All Comers” event owners of all types, including LSA's were welcome and the fastest aircraft round the course was Neville Ferreira in his locally designed and manufactured Slick 540 with a speed of 211.88 mph.

Neville and the Slick 540

The shorter, 1.8 mile, course was specifically designed for slower aircraft and Stojan Korda in another South African designed aircraft, the Rotax powered Rainbow Cheetah was the only participant in the LSA class and completed the course in 91.29 mph.

Stojan in his Rainbow Cheetah

Warbirds were well represented with Harvards, Trojans and a lone Chipmunk partaking.

Pilots Post contributor Ivan Van der Schaar rounding a Pylon during the trials

The Trojans piloted by Pierre Gouws and Larry Beamish did a demonstration race

The Eqstra sponsored Harvard's flown by Scully, Arnie and Sean treated all to a short formation display

Types not usually associated with racing were also well represented with the Aero Commander clocking in at 185.04 mp and a Piper Turbo Arrow at 144.66 mph.

W. Pienaar in the Commander

R. Gomes in the Arrow

Van's RVs seems to be built for racing and during a number of trials they showed just what the trials are all about.

Neill Terblanche in his RV4 clocked in at 190.11 mph

Ryan Beeton in the RV8 did 176.25 mph

M. Cotzee in another RV4 completed the course in 180.53 mph

Frank King in the RV8 reached 173.99 mph

Jason Beamish who with father Larry did a demo race between an Extra and RV7 later flew the Extra in the trials and clocked 201.27 mph.

Jason in the Extra 300

With generous sponsorship from SA Flyer, Atlas Oil, Flightsure, Azriel and Signco and the dedication of those involved the time trials are sure to be a huge success.

Events 2013

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