Captains Log - A Summary of March 2012
By Juri Keyter
We have a new regular contributor and we are extremely excited about his work. We will publish his first article during the second week of April and we are confident that all our readers will enjoy it as much as we do.
Apparently his wife is unhappy because he does everything at Mach 1, and that he takes a magneto to bed to add some spark to his love life.
We have no idea who he is but he calls himself ……

During the month of February the most popular article posted was about the storm at Grand Central Airport and the damage it caused. The most popular article during March was the EAA Breakfast Fly-inn to Welgelegen and the photograph by Johan Barnard of a propeller strike by a Sportstar after taxiing into a hole. Is it not amazing that bad news attracts the most attention and that good news is no news?

In the previous edition of the Captain's Log we promised an article on aviation photography. Gary Hughes, a prominent aviation photographer committed to this article but when we received it from Gary, it was of such a high standard that we decided to split it into a three part series and publish it during the month of April. If you are interested in aviation photography, be sure not to miss this series starting this week with part one.
You can also expect to read contributions by Johan Lottering on aviation safety, Chalkie Stobbart on aircraft technical, Building an RV with Jan Hanekom, aviation training by Chris Kyle, the MIG's contribution and the usual event reviews during the month of April. Rob Taylor will share a part of his life as a fire bombing pilot and we will reveal some of the hidden treasures of the South African Air Force Museum. Profiles on some of South Africa's aviation icons are also things to look forward to during the next few weeks.
We have received positive feedback regarding the weather information we added to Pilot's Post in March. For those who have not tried it yet, you can find it under the Airfield Information section and it provides the current conditions, an outlook for the rest of the day and a further three day forecast.

Aviation events scheduled for April 2012:
10 April 2012: IAOPA World Assembly
14 April 2012: PARYS Fly-Inn
14 April 2012: SAA Pilot's Association Zebula Air show
21 April 2012: SAAF TFDC Air show / Overberg Fly-in
21 April 2012: Sports Aerobatics - Free State Regionals
28 April 2012: EAA of SA National Convention
Please visit the Pilot's Post Events section on a regular basis for the most current updates. If we do not have your event details on our schedule, please let us know so that we may assist you in promoting the event.
Safe flying!!