The Annual RV Fly-In 2024 - Kitty Hawk Airfield

By Jaco Pitout


Van's RV aircraft have an enormous following worldwide. The success of this brand can be attributed to the versatility of the aircraft in the Van's range. Starting out in the 1960's with the very first ever RV, the RV3.

The RV3 made its first appearance at EAA Airventure in 1972 featuring a modest Lycoming O-290-G engine producing 125 horsepower and making it capable of speeds more than 175 miles per hour. Initially a single seat, conventional gear configuration was preferred but with the success and expansion of the Van's RV range a wide variety of models followed. From tailwheel to nosewheel from four seats to two, Van's has it all on offer.

The RV Fly in at Kitty Hawk aerodrome east of Pretoria, is an annual celebration of the RV and the pilots that build and fly them.

I arrived at Kitty Hawk airfield early on Saturday morning awaiting the first arrivals. It was only Dawie Pretorius, the airfield manager, the gate guard and me at the airfield. I on the mostly deserted airfield breathing in the cool bushveld air, just magic!

After a slow start initially, the airfield woke up between 8am and 9am.

The day started slowly, with a few arrivals trickling in between 8 and 9 a.m., but by mid-morning, the airfield was busy. Pilots from all over flew in for the event, adding to the collection of RV aircraft parked on the field. Although the focus was on RVs, several other types of aircraft made appearances, making the morning even more interesting.

The on-site restaurant was packed, and the breakfast service was underway when the three aircraft from the Marksmen Aerobatic team taxied out for a practice for their upcoming show at Bethlehem. The proximity of the aerobatic box to the airfield meant that the visitors to the RV Fly in could sit and watch Mark Hensman, Johnie Smith and Eugene du Preez practise their routine. The crowds at Bethlehem are going to be thrilled, the Marksmen are looking in fine form!

The beauty of the Kitty Hawk aerodrome is that it is located close to the special rules east area outside heavily congested airspace. Pilots flew in from all around, even as far as Polokwane! With the wind becoming ever stronger it was time for the visitors to head home. I captured these departures in the gusty conditions.

One of the best parts of attending a fly-in is meeting other people who share a love of aviation. Whether you are an experienced pilot or just someone interested in aircraft, these events are great for connecting with like-minded individuals. At Kitty Hawk, it was nice to see a mix of familiar faces and new ones, all gathered to enjoy a day around airplanes. I captured these candid faces at Kitty Hawk.

The event was sponsored by SportPlane Builders at Wonderboom, who specialize in building RVs and other aircraft. They have been a key supporter of events like this, and their expertise is appreciated by many in the local aviation community.

As I left Kitty Hawk, I could not help but smile. The RV Fly-In at Kitty Hawk was a relaxed, enjoyable event where people could come together, share their love of flying, and spend time around some great aircraft. Until next year!

An all-time Classic the 1929 Travel Air

Events 2024
Van's RV

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