EAA Airventure Oshkosh Day 5

By Jaco Pitout


It's day five, Friday, and the week is heading to a close. Soon it will be time to make the long journey home. The day started with a quick walk down to the flightline to position our chairs for the afternoon airshow. Arriving on the flightline I observed that the crowd line had been moved back about 50 meters by means of a white painted line, several signs indicated that the crowd line had been moved in anticipation of the Snowbirds display later in the afternoon.

A group photo with over 180 people is quite an endeavour. After breakfast, a set up was done to conduct the customary group photo.

Friday also means international parade day where participants at EAA Airventure form up for a parade and address in front of the announcers stand. It is a festive occasion, and I captured these images of the group.

After the international parade, I visited PilotsPost advertisers KFA at their stand, they had two aircraft on display, a KFA Safari and a Safari XL. These aircraft have evolved over the years and Stefan told me about the significant research and development that went into making it the success it is.

Skydivers opened the show with the presentation of the Canadian as well as the American national anthems.

Kitplanes for Africa

Seaplanes or amphibian's play a vital role in several places in the world. They can access remote areas and provide services to inhabitants of these remote areas. Several of these unique aircraft made passes over the show.

The EA 18 Growler display team again brought the noise, their high energy display also has the crowd guessing where the next one would approach from. Sometimes leading to a fright when you are least expecting it.

Patty Wagstaff is a multi award winning aerobatic pilot, a 3-time American national champion to be exact. She flew a polished display with her Extra.

The next 50 minutes contained an assortment of warbirds. The powerful Corsair to the Mig17. It was 50 minutes of pure enjoyment.

Bill Stein is an extremely accomplished aerobatic pilot; he displayed his Edge 540 to the edges of its' flight envelope.

The Wisconsin National guard presented a capability demonstration. There was a variety of land and air forces deployed to simulate a combat environment.

RJ Gritter is a qualified Aerospace Engineer. His love of aviation originated from radio-controlled flying. He flew his Decathlon with precision and enthusiasm for the capacity crowd.

The Royal Canadian Airforce brought its' beautifully branded CF18 flown by Capt. Robert "Tango". It was an excellent display!

Then in a long-awaited return to EAA Airventure - The Snowbirds. The entire crowd was left spellbound by this wonderful display!

Wow! What an airshow, I can believe tomorrow is our final full day at EAA Airventure. We are going to make the most of it and bring you all the action!

Heavy Metal at Boeing Plaza

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