Compiled by Willie Bodenstein

This week in Midweek Updates

B-29s, Lancaster, and C-47s Highlight “Turning the Tide” theme at AirVenture 2024.
US gifts C-130 Hercules to Botswana.
Kenya getting 16 helicopters, other military support from US after historic meeting.
Sonex Highwing update: prototype under construction; new specifications and details.
Boeing completes F/A-18 Super Hornet upgrade ahead of schedule.
Sirius Aviation Ag and BMW Group Designworks unveil hydrogen-powered business jets.
Bombardier Defence and ADAC announce order of a new Challenger 650 aircraft for medevac use.
Hill Helicopters just met some major milestones.
This week in history - Aerial refuelling is used under combat conditions for the first time.
Worldwide Incidents and Accidents
Bonus video - Compair, leave the crowd far behind


Boeing Plaza will be home for a collection of notable World War II-era aircraft on July 24-25 as EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2024 commemorates the Allies “turning the tide” in 1944. Among the aircraft to take part in the commemoration include both airworthy B-29s, Doc and FIFI, the Avro Lancaster Mk. X bomber, a C-47, a C-53, two razorback P-47s, and a Hellcat.

In addition to the aircraft on Boeing Plaza, a number of warbirds will take part in the week's air shows. A C-47 from the World War II Airborne Demonstration Team will fly during the afternoon air show on July 24 carrying paratroopers. The team will jump from the C-47 using traditional round canopy parachutes, reminiscent of the paratroopers of the 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions who risked their lives in Normandy.

The C-53 will stay on Boeing Plaza, where a group of reenactors will paint invasion stripes on the airplane in between the afternoon and night air shows on July 24. The painting will be done similarly to how it was done by soldiers 80 years ago. Supporting the warbirds on Boeing Plaza will be a C-130 from the Connecticut Air National Guard. This aircraft is also painted with invasion stripes to commemorate the D-Day anniversary.

The Lancaster is scheduled to join both B-29s in flying in formation as part of the night air show on July 24. The trio of aircraft flying together marks a rare occurrence in air show history and creates one of those “Only in Oshkosh” moments.

Guy Martin www.defenceweb.co.za

The United States has delivered a C-130H Hercules cargo aircraft to Botswana to enhance the country's ability to support military, humanitarian, and emergency response missions locally and within the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region. The handover coincided with the Africa Chiefs of Defence Conference held in Botswana this week.

The US Embassy in Gaborone said the aircraft (OM4/Z10) arrived in Botswana on 24 May and was formally handed over at Sir Seretse Khama International airport in a ceremony on Thursday 27 June.

The aircraft is worth $30 million (400 million Pula) and was delivered under the United States Air Force Excess Defence Articles programme.

“The transfer of this aircraft from the United States to Botswana is a testament to how the US and Botswana work together to further a shared commitment to peace, security, and prosperity in the region,” stated US Ambassador to Botswana Howard Van Vranken.

“The United States is honoured to play a role in ensuring that the Botswana Defence Force has the capability to perform vital missions not only in Botswana, but when called upon regionally as well.

“The delivery of this plane on the heels of the African Chiefs of Defence Conference underscores the theme for this week: 'Together on the Ramparts.' It's a tangible example of the United States and Botswana's commitment to meaningfully contribute to regional stability, safety, and prosperity,” Van Vranken added.

“This donation enhances Botswana's strategic airlift capabilities and supports your national and regional objectives. From Botswana's track record of utilising the older C-130B aircraft, this new addition will undoubtedly play pivotal roles in a variety of missions, including delivering humanitarian aid and supporting peacekeeping missions - much as the C-130B did for the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Mission in Mozambique.

“We look forward to seeing the Hercules aircraft flying safely in many missions that benefit both Botswana and the broader SADC region,” the Ambassador concluded.

Kagiso Mmusi, Minister of Defence and Security, said the handover has made him very happy. “The C-130H couldn't have come at a better time than this moment. Just a year ago, the last C-130B, which has served us fabulously for a quarter of a century, was grounded. This happened…just after it had deployed our troops to Cabo Delgado under the SADC mission in Mozambique (SAMIM). Then it delivered disaster relief to Malawi following the recent floods in that sister nation.

“This region has not been spared from the ever-growing effects of global warming, which have increased the frequency and severity of climate-related natural disasters with the resultant deaths and destruction. I cannot overemphasise the value of the C-130 aircraft in our response to contingencies of such nature. This aircraft can operate from [the] underdeveloped ground, rough and dirt strips of our side of the world as the prime transport for dropping troops and equipment in operational areas or supplies in disaster-hit areas.

“Since 1997 the C-130B fleet has been the backbone of BDF air operations. It has been employed locally, regionally and internationally as one of Botswana's instruments of national power. Grounding of the C-130B last year has therefore greatly degraded the BDF's operational capability. Hence my earlier remark that receiving the C-130H could not have come at a better time.”

Mmusi said the BDF has diligently performed a variety of mission using these aircraft over the years. These include supporting the United Nations mission in Sudan, African Union missions, SAMIM operations, security cooperation exercises such as SADC air power exercises, and special forces exercises with international forces.

“In addition, Botswana hosts the SADC Standby Force Logistic Depot to support peace support and disaster relief operations. The depot will be prepositioning supplies and logistics for SADC peace support and disaster relief missions. Currently the critical hinderances that undermine Africa's peace support and disaster relief effort is lack of airlift capability. And there is no better aircraft to address this than the C-130. I am convinced that Botswana is in good stead to be the centre of excellence for Africa's strategic airlift capability. We have thus far demonstrated capacity to operate and maintain a sizeable C-130 fleet. A lot of investment has been made over the years to capacitate the defence force in terms of logistics, support facilities, equipment and skills development for both operators and maintainers of the C-130 aircraft.

“The capabilities and competencies developed for operation of our C-130Bs are applicable and very relevant to the C-130H model. Since the differences between the two are minor, acquiring more aircraft would therefore require a relatively minor capital investment on our part. Government has committed to ensure the BDF has a budget for the C-130H aircraft induction and to put it into operation as quickly as the processes allow.

“Botswana is not just focussed internally. When we request for more aircraft we want to develop an airlift capability for the region and to support global peace and security. I consequently invite you, Africom Commander General [Michael] Langley, to partner with us in convincing the US government on how much capacitating the BDF will mean for African peace and security.”

Concluding his remarks, Mmus said the BDF and the C-130H “shall remain a force for good.”

Major General Hendrick Thuthu Rakgantswana, Chief of Botswana's Air Arm Command, thanked the US for capacitating the BDF with the aircraft. “We just finished the African Chiefs of Defence Conference and our theme was Together on the Ramparts. Expanding collaboration and shared values is what General Langley was saying throughout the conference and we see this now manifesting in us receiving this aircraft.”

Rakgantswana said the acquisition of the C-130H is a step in the right direction, but he wants officials to start engaging the US government for additional aircraft. “With just one aircraft in my inventory that means if just a little screw falls off, I'm down to zero. So, we can see that as much as we appreciate this donation we are not where we want to be.”

He also pushed for spares for the aircraft, and an avionics upgrade.

Guy Martin www.defenceweb.co.za

The United States has revealed plans to transfer eight UH-1 'Huey' and eight MD500 helicopters to Kenya along with 150 armoured vehicles to improve regional security following a historic visit by Kenyan President William Ruto to the United States.

At the end of May, President Joe Biden welcomed Ruto to the White House to strengthen ties between the two countries and mark 60 years of official US-Kenya partnership. The meeting covered democracy, human rights, healthcare, climate solutions, trade and investment as well as peace and security cooperation.

In terms of defence cooperation, the White House said Kenya is scheduled to receive eight Hueys and eight MD500s between late 2024 and mid-2025 to bolster its ability to provide regional peace and security and participate in peacekeeping missions.

On the landward side, Kenya selected approximately 150 M1117 4×4 Armoured Security Vehicles from US Excess Defence Article stocks, which are projected to arrive in Kenya September 2024.

Moreover, the White House announced plans to upgrade Manda Bay airfield in northern Kenya, with US and Kenyan officials set to sign a memorandum of understanding for the construction of a 10 000-foot runway, as the base currently lacks adequate infrastructure. Kenya is also in the process of joining Operation 'Gallant Phoenix', a US-led multinational initiative based in Jordan aimed at sharing information on terrorist threats, further strengthening counter-terrorism cooperation between the two countries.

Biden also informed Congress he intends to designate Kenya as a Major Non-NATO Ally. “This designation is granted by the United States to countries with close and strategic working relationships with the US military and defence civilians. The United States has a deep respect for Kenya's contributions to global peace and security. This is the first designation of a sub-Saharan Africa nation as a Major Non-NATO Ally,” the White House said.

The USA has provided to Kenya over $230 million in civilian security and defence sector funding since 2020, including assistance from the Massachusetts National Guard under the State Partnership Programme, alongside ongoing advisory and training efforts for Kenyan pilots, logistics personnel, and the Kenya Defence Forces' Disaster Response Battalion.

Ruto's state visit to the US on 20 May coincided with the deployment of an advanced party of Kenyan police to Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince, with approximately 200 personnel scheduled for deployment by 31 May as part of a Multinational Security Support Mission (MSSM) aimed at aiding Haitian security forces against pervasive gang activity. Like Haiti, the African country is no stranger to internal struggle, as it faces difficulties in securing its northern regions from Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujahideen militants operating from Somalia. Terrorists frequently attack security forces and civilians along the border with Somalia.

Since Kenya gained independence from the United Kingdom in December 1963, the United States has maintained diplomatic relations. When Barack Obama was elected at the end of 2008, people in Nairobi were celebrating the arrival in power of an “American Luo President”, an allusion to the Kenyan origins of his paternal family. However, bilateral relations were not easy with Obama himself describing the country as “riddled with corruption” in 2006. After that President Kenyatta's indictment by the ICC for crimes against humanity also froze the relationship. Eventually, in 2015, the US President did make a hi-profile visit, paving the way to better cooperation

In addition to the MD500s and UH-1s from the United States, Kenya is due to receive 16 ex Republic of Korea Army MD500MD Defender helicopters, which were pledged by South Korea in 2021, during the UN peacekeeping forum in Seoul. The aircraft will be used to equip a new unit being formed to support United Nations peacekeeping missions.

In December 2023, the first six of the 16 donated MD500s were shipped from the Korean Army Logistics Command's general maintenance depot in Jinhae to the US for repairs and maintenance before delivery to Kenya under US State Department auspices.

Korean Air's aerospace division built some 280 MD500s under license between 1976 and 1984, and these are now being replaced in Korean service by the indigenous LUH-1 Surion.

Kenya's military already operates the MD500, with 40 delivered by the United States between 1980 and 1985, along with 2 100 TOW anti-tank missiles. These were recently augmented by six new MD530Fs delivered from the US in December 2019. They were acquired to assist with operations in support of the AMISOM mission in Somalia.

Kenya is also a UH-1 operator, having acquired eight Huey IIs from the United States in 2016/17. In September 2017 the US Department of Defence announced that it had awarded Bell Helicopter a foreign military sales contract worth $52.1 million for the supply of an initial five Huey II helicopters and spares for Kenya.


Sonex is pleased to provide this update on the progress of the Sonex Highwing! The Highwing continues to generate huge interest with prospective customers and we have been diligently working to bring the new aircraft design to fruition.

Sonex Highwing prototype construction has begun and the tailcone of the aircraft is nearly complete. At AirVenture Oshkosh 2024, our goal is to have the Highwing prototype available for prospective customers to try the cockpit on for-size.

While finalized MOSAIC Light Sport Aircraft regulations will probably not be released until 2025, the proposed regulations, submitted comments to the NPRM from pilots and industry, and the FAA's unofficial reactions to those comments offers a reliable set of baseline specifications for the expanded LSA rules that may be expanded even further in the final rule. Since our February '23 update, we have received a number of comments urging Sonex to design the Highwing to the new regulations.

Looking at the structural requirements to meet our two-place aerobatic load factor design goal, the Sonex design team has concluded that the Highwing can expand beyond the current LSA max gross weight at Utility Category, at-least when using higher horsepower engines such as the 130 hp UL Power UL350iS that will be installed in our first prototype. During flight test of the first Highwing prototype, Sonex test pilots will be conducting Vx and Vy testing at reduced throttle settings to simulate performance with lower powered engines. While this will not be an accurate simulation for Rotax powerplants with reduction drives, these tests will give a fairly accurate representation of the power and torque curves of UL Power, Jabiru and AeroVee engines between 80-120 hp.

At this time, the Estimated Weight Specifications for the Sonex Highwing are as-follows: Empty Weight: 800 lbs. Aerobatic Category Gross Weight: 1230 lbs. Limited Aerobatics Weight (+5.5, -2.5 G): 1340 lbs. Utility Category Gross Weight: 1500 lbs.

The Sonex Highwing model in SolidWorks is now extremely mature and weights of our prototype sub-assemblies for the aircraft such as empennage components are proving to be very close to our SolidWorks weight estimations. Full-featured aircraft with more avionics, autopilot servos and complex paint jobs may be as-heavy as 820 lbs. Although 80-100 lbs. heavier than our original 720 lb. empty weight goal, an 800-820 lb. empty weight works extremely well with a 1500 lb. max gross weight in our weight & balance simulations to-date. Our original 720 lb. empty weight estimations were intended for a single pilot aerobatic configuration, a pre-MOSAIC max gross weight of 1320 lbs., and was admittedly optimistic given typical B-Model Sonex and Waiex finished weights.


Boeing [NYSE: BA] has completed the upgrade and life extension of the first two service life modification (SLM) F/A-18 Block III Super Hornets, delivering them to the U.S. Navy one month ahead of schedule from St. Louis and two months ahead of schedule from San Antonio. The upgraded jets have the same capabilities as Super Hornets being delivered from Boeing's new-build production line.

“Our success in meeting the accelerated timeline is proof our service life modification game plan is working,” said Faye Dixon, Boeing SLM director. “Thanks to our years of learning on the program and our partnership with the Navy, the F/A-18 Super Hornet remains at the forefront of defence technology with renewed years of service to support the fleet.”

In partnership with the Navy, Boeing has improved productivity and is completing Block III upgrades ahead of the 15-month contract requirement. This was made possible by: Establishing a baseline for the condition of Block II F/A-18s received at Boeing, and the Navy's work to prepare the jets in advance. Sharing information and best practices across multiple SLM sites to improve efficiency, manage workload distribution and optimize resource allocations.

“Great measures were taken by the Boeing and Navy teams to ensure these are the safest and most capable Block III F/A-18s we can give our warfighters,” said Mark Sears, Boeing Fighters vice president. “These are just the first of many deliveries, with around 15 years of SLM deliveries to go. Our warfighters are counting on us to get this right every time.”

Block III upgrades include a large area display and more powerful computing through Tactical Targeting Network Technology and a Distributed Targeting Processor-Networked open mission systems processor. The work is being done at Boeing sites in St. Louis and San Antonio, and at the Navy's Fleet Readiness Centre Southwest in San Diego.

Boeing and the Fleet Readiness Centre Southwest signed a Public-Private Partnership agreement in March to expand the work scope at the command, paving the way for the readiness centre to now perform the same Block III SLM work done in St. Louis and San Antonio.

“These first deliveries of Block III SLM jets are a major milestone in our continued efforts to ensure capability, reliability, availability and maintainability of the Super Hornet aircraft,” said Capt. Michael Burks, program manager for the F/A-18 and EA-18G Program Office. “We look forward to our continued partnership with Boeing to deliver this critical warfighting capability to the fleet.”

Kitplanes for Africa


Sirius Aviation AG unveils two revolutionary hydrogen-powered luxury business jets: Sirius CEO-JET and the Sirius Adventure Jet. Developed in collaboration with BMW Group Designworks these aircraft aim to transform private air travel with eco-friendly alternatives, substantially reducing CO2 emissions.

Alexey Popov, Sirius Aviation AG CEO commented: "The launch of the Sirius CEO-JET and Adventure Jet represents a major milestone in our mission to revolutionize air travel with sustainable solutions. The CEO-JET offers an eco-friendly option for business travel, while the Adventure Jet opens new horizons for global tourism and exploration.We're bridging the gap for individuals who aspire to own a business jet with pride in a future that values eco-consciousness. Our customers will inspire admiration and respect, fostering a culture of positivity rather than judgment or criticism."

Sirius CEO-JET, the world's first hydrogen-powered private jet with elegant, state-of-the-art aircraft seamlessly integrates advanced technology with unparalleled customization, and eco-friendly modern luxury.

Sirius Adventure Jet, is a revolutionary hydrogen-powered aircraft designed for those passionate about exploration. The game-changing jet facilitates unprecedented point-to-point green-travel, allowing thrill-seeking adventurers to reach remote jungles, majestic mountains, and untouched destinations with ease and efficiency.

Sirius CEO-JET: Combining sustainable business aviation with modern luxury, this aircraft utilizes a hydrogen-electric powertrain for zero carbon emissions. It cruises at speeds up to 323 knots, has a range of up to 1150 miles, and seats three passengers. The upscale interior offers extensive customization options such as unique colours, upholstery, amenities like champagne fridges, pet accommodations, and bespoke bathrooms, catering to discerning travellers.

Sirius Adventure Jet: Designed for leisure and adventurous pursuits, this jet boasts a pioneering hydrogen-electric powertrain for sustainable travel. It has a range of up to 1150 miles, speeds reaching 323 knots, and accommodates five passengers. With an exploration-ready design, it provides seamless access to uncharted territories and offers customizable interiors tailored for both leisure and adventures.


Bombardier Defence today announced that German automobile association, Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club (ADAC SE), has placed an order for a Bombardier Challenger 650 aircraft through its daughter company Aero-Dienst.

The aircraft will be configured as a dedicated air ambulance for Aero-Dienst, ADAC's main aircraft operator, and is scheduled for delivery in 2026. The aircraft will be used to provide medical transportation to ADAC's customers around the world. With the signing of this agreement, Bombardier Defence continues to expand its footprint in Germany and on the European continent.

“Our Challenger aircraft are distinguished by their class-leading reliability, flexibility and versatility - characteristics that are necessary to respond quickly to emergencies and provide life-saving medical assistance,” said Steve Patrick, Vice President, Bombardier Defense. “Bombardier has a long history of delivering medevac aircraft, so we are extremely honoured that our Challenger 650 aircraft can contribute to the important work ADAC is doing to provide aid to their customers.”

“The ambulance service of ADAC Versicherung AG, in cooperation with Aero-Dienst in Nuremberg, has been setting global standards in the field of patient repatriation for over 50 years. By investing in a new aircraft, we are reaffirming our commitment to providing our ADAC members and policyholders with first-class services,” said Sascha Petzold, Board of Management ADAC Versicherung AG. “Thanks to the Challenger 650's long range, we are able to serve our members worldwide with our own ADAC fleet. The acquisition of this new aircraft is another significant step in our strategy to modernize our fleet and continue to provide the highest level of service to our ADAC members and policyholders.”

“Aero-Dienst, with its long-term expertise in ambulance service for our parent company ADAC SE, is very much looking forward to bring the Bombardier Challenger 650 into service under our AOC,” said Dr. Oliver Kosing, one of the two managing directors of Aero-Dienst. “The Challenger 650 is the best aircraft available for our kind of ambulance operation as the performance fits perfectly to our flight profiles,” he added, underlining the decision to opt for this type of aircraft. “Another important factor for Aero-Dienst is the availability of intensive care medical equipment at the highest level for transportation of up to four patients. Furthermore, the dimensions of the fuselage with its large diameter and standing height enables our med crew to provide the best possible care for patients during the flight.”

This order demonstrates the key attributes of the Challenger 650 aircraft, such as its outstanding short-field performance and proven reliability, making it the ideal choice to be equipped for patient care. Bombardier's high-performing Challenger 650 aircraft offers the widest-in-class passenger door and has cabin space for up to four stretchers. Offering an exceptionally smooth ride, dispatch reliability of over 99.9% and an impressive range of 4,000 nm (7,408 km), the Challenger 650 aircraft not only provides passengers receiving medical care with added comfort, but its unique adaptability lends itself to optimal air ambulance configuration.


Development of the HX50 is right on schedule and has met all major milestones. This has led us to the point where we will be able to launch three prototypes for testing next year. This will be followed by the first deliveries in 2025

More than 600 units of the HX50 have already been pre-sold, surpassing our target and setting us up to meet the demand that is building as news of this revolutionary aircraft spreads.

Especially favourable conditions are being made available to new customers, so this is the moment to book a presentation and get yourself on the pre-order list.

6 JULY 1951

Aerial refuelling is used under combat conditions for the first time.

Aerial refuelling, also referred to as air refuelling, in-flight refuelling (IFR), air-to-air refuelling (AAR), and tanking, is the process of transferring aviation fuel from one aircraft (the tanker) to another (the receiver) while both aircraft are in flight. The two main refuelling systems are probe-and-drogue, which is simpler to adapt to existing aircraft, and the flying boom, which offers faster fuel transfer, but requires a dedicated boom operator station.

The first use of aerial refuelling in combat took place during the Korean War, involving F-84 fighter-bombers flying missions from Japanese airfields, due to Chinese-North Korean forces overrunning many of the bases for jet aircraft in South Korea, refuelling from converted B-29s using the drogue-and-probe in-flight refuelling system with the probe located in one of the F-84's wing-tip fuel tanks.

USA, near Selden, NY: A Piper PA-46-310P Malibu, N85PG, was destroyed when it was involved in an inflight breakup near Masonville, New York. Unconfirmed reports suggest there were five people onboard, and some debris was found. All five occupants died in the crash. ADS-B data shows that the airplane was climbing through FL90 when it entered a rapid descent and data was lost.

Russia, Sosnovka airfield (UWPD), Penza region: The pilot of a Sportine Aviacija LAK-17B FES glider crashed in the Penza region, going into a tailspin. At some point during the flight at an altitude of 800 meters, for an unknown reason, the glider stalled, followed by a spin and a fall into a forest belt 3 kilometres from the airfield. As a result of the disaster, the airframe was completely destroyed, and the pilot died on the spot from his injuries.

USA, near McKinney National Airport (KTKI), McKinney, TX: A Cessna 414A Chancellor (RAM VII conversion) crashed shortly after take-off from runway 18 at McKinney National Airport (KTKI), McKinney, Texas. The pilot and one passenger were fatally injured and one passenger was seriously injured and the aircraft was destroyed. ADS-B data shows that the airplane entered a descending left turn immediately after departure. The airplane came to rest inverted and a partial post-crash fire ensued. The FAA reported that the aircraft experienced engine issues on take-off.

USA, Adjacent Rio Linda Airport (L36), Rio Linda, CA: The aircraft, an Experimental Bill Canino Sting Carbon RG, sustained apparent substantial damage subsequent to an off-airport turf landing following an inflight fuel starvation event while on approach to land at Rio Linda Airport (L36), Rio Linda, California. The sole pilot onboard the single-engine airplane was not injured. Statement from sole pilot, FAA/NTSB investigation pending results. "I departed Rio Linda airport (L36) from Runway 17 in the early morning, with about 50% indicated on my fuel gauge, did one practice ILS approach at KMCC and two landings. At that time, my fuel gauge showed just above the 25% tick mark, at which point I decided to return to L36 and call it a day. After crossing midfield over L36, I deployed flaps in downwind, and full flaps before turning final. I was set up and stabilized for a short field approach, at about 50-55 knots, and my engine stuttered, then quit, at an extremely low altitude, perhaps not more than 500ft AGL. I immediately performed emergency checklists (aux fuel pump, main fuel pump on, etc). Fuel flow was indicating something extremely erroneously high, like 600gph, and fuel pressure was 0.3. Unfortunately, with my airspeed, and this airplane's sub-par glide performance, I could not have made the airfield, and when I felt a stall coming on at 40 knots (stall is about 38 knots), I was forced to push the nose forward and crashed into a field and into the fence. Luckily, I seem to have gotten away with some minor abrasions, I do not feel any other injuries, but I will likely be conducting an MRI just to be 100% sure. Afterwards, the airport manager came over from L36, and helped us tow the aircraft on a trailer back to L36. Cause of suspected fuel starvation currently unknown, pending FAA/NTSB approval to investigate, possibly ruptured/melted fuel line, faulty/clogged flow, or faulty tank indicator. "

Germany, Suhl-Goldlauter Airfield: At midday on Tuesday, a Jonker JS-1C 18/21 Revelation glider crashed during take-off at the airfield in Suhl-Goldlauter for reasons as yet unexplained. The 70-year-old pilot from the Netherlands succumbed to his serious injuries at the crash site.

USA, east of the Parowan airport at 436 Old Paragonah Hwy, UT: A Schleicher ASH 31 Mi glider crashed east of the Parowan airport at 436 Old Paragonah Hwy. The 74-year-old pilot was transported to the hospital for observation and was said to have received minor injuries.

Compair, leave the crowd far behind

Aviation Economy
Midweek Update

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