South African National Gliding Teams Training Week 2024

By Bennie Henning

27 April to 4 May 2024

Jannie Brink and Oscar Goudriaan from AkaVlieg Potchefstroom Gliding Club invited me to attend the 2024 SA National Gliding Teams Training Week last week Wednesday at the airfield clubhouse in preparation for the 38th FIA World Gliding Championship to hosted at Uvalde in Texas, USA from 14th to 31 August 2024. Both senior and junior teams trained to together to be ready for this big event in the few months' time.

I arrived at the airfield just in time as everyone started to grid for the day's task set to commence at midday. The view from the Jonker Sailplanes office / factory gave the best bird eye view of the airfield.

Ten (10) glider pilots competed in 10 gliders as single or dual seater pilots. Jannie Brink flew the next day with the one glider pilot to add to all up weight to the dual seater glider.

The fifth training day in photographic sequence started with the two landings. I captured the day with many cell phone and digital camera photos to publish all in an online short, summarised article.

Unfortunately, I had to came back the next day and did not attend the Saturday evening event.

Pilots Post would like to wish the senior and junior national glider teams the best of luck with 38th FIA World Glider Championship. May the weather be favourable all the competing days and high lift rates experienced during every task.

SA 15 metre, club and 2-seater Nationals, Potchefstroom

Events 2024

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