Midweek Update 9 November 2023

Midweek Update 9 November 2023

Compiled by Willie Bodenstein


South African Air Force Chief highlights challenges of underfunding.
Most SAAF aircraft maintenance contracts only partially funded.
Enstrom Helicopter hosts training for Zambian mechanics.
GKN Aerospace receives order for RM12 engine upgrade for the Jas 39 Gripen.
Gulfstream to debut G700 alongside G500 at Dubai Airshow.
Leonardo: AW169's skidded capabilities to grow further with 5,100 kg Increased Gross Weight and 11-seater configuration.
Archer is set to debut its Midnight electric air taxi at the Dubai airshow.
Flying cars become reality: PAL-V launches Germany's first flying car showroom
This week in History - The first air-to-air dogfight.
Worldwide incidents and accidents.
Bonus Video - Kit Planes for Africa Factory Tour

13 to 17
Dubai Airshow 2023. Contact: henrietta.fernandes@dubai.aero

EAA Chapter 322 Breakfast Fly-in to Airspan Airfield. Coordinates: Lat: S25°45'54.02" Long:E27°19'20.89". Contact details: Neil Bowden: 084 674 5674 airadventuresa@gmail.com - Barry at Airspan 082 899 2839

Aero Club Awards 50 Viking Way Rand Airport (Menno Parsons hangar). Contact Sandra Strydom sandra@aeroclub.org.za Tel: 011 082 1100

SAA Museum Rand Airport in Memoriam SA 295 Helderberg. For more information call 076 879 5044 or email

EAA Chapter 322 monthly gathering, fly-in breakfast EAA Auditorium. For more information contact Neil Bowden E-mail: airadventuresa@gmail.com

2 to 3
SAC ACE of Base Heidelberg airfield Contact Annie Boon E-mail: info@anniesaviationcorner.com

8 & 9 December
SACAA ICAD annual airshow Bisho. Contact Noel Godwin E-mail: noelcg05@gmail.com Cell: 082 414 7702


Lieutenant General Wiseman Mbambo, Chief of the South African Air Force (SAAF), recently spoke to defenceWeb about the challenges faced by the Air Force due to underfunding and the need for increased financial support.

In a candid interview after officiating at a Medal Parade held at Air Force Base Ysterplaat on Friday 27 October, Mbambo emphasized the far-reaching consequences and risks of insufficient financial support for the Air Force and the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) as a whole.

Defence and Military Veterans Minister Thandi Modise recently revealed in an answer to a Parliamentary question that approximately 85% of the SAAF's aircraft fleet is currently out of action, with most airframes awaiting servicing, spare parts and/or repairs.

"The challenge," she explained, "is the severe unavailability of funds to place contracts."

For the Chief of the Air Force, the primary concern revolves around the mandate of the SAAF and its ability to fulfil its obligations effectively. These obligations include participating in peacekeeping operations, safeguarding national borders and combating illegal activities.

Mbambo stressed that the significant responsibilities of the SANDF extended beyond traditional military roles. He highlighted their involvement in societal duties like responding to natural disasters and fires.

"All of this requires soldiers; it requires equipment and those equipment and soldiers need money for them to be maintained and sustained. So, this is a big national question which our Minister of Defence and our top leadership is attending to," he said.

The SANDF, Mbambo said, plays a pivotal role in maintaining the nation's security and assisting in various domestic and international situations and a lack of adequate funding poses significant challenges.

Drawing a parallel between a household budget and the Defence Force's financial situation, Mbambo pointed out that when funds are scarce, difficult decisions must be made to manage within those constraints and unpopular choices become a necessity.

Both he and the Chief of the National Defence Force find themselves in a challenging position due to the current budget constraints. Mbambo expressed the hope that ongoing discussions and appeals to government bodies, led by the Minister of Defence, will prompt a positive response in terms of increased funding for the defence sector.

While awaiting responses to their funding requests, the military is adopting innovative approaches to address the financial limitations. Just as a household must cut back on expenses during tough times, the SAAF is implementing cost-saving measures and striving to stay within its budget. Aviation safety must be maintained during this process, Mbambo affirmed.

He emphasized the importance of investing in in-house capabilities, investing in personnel training and fostering a culture of innovation and seeking efficiencies to ensure essential tasks are managed effectively within constrained budgets. This approach allows the SAAF to make the most of limited resources and maintain its readiness.

Mbambo acknowledged the difficulties and complexities of the current situation but emphasized the commitment to maintaining the readiness and serviceability of the SAAF for the country. He also highlighted the need for other relevant departments, like Armscor, to fulfil their mandates, particularly in successfully placing essential contracts for the benefit of the Defence Force.

At the medal parade, the South African Air Force honoured 41 airmen and women with various medals, recognizing their dedication and years of service.

"A medal parade," Mbambo told invited guests, "is a reflection of our diligent and professional behaviour This parade is in line with the military culture to recognize all those who have provided extraordinary and professional service to the South African National Defence Force."

The recipients include those receiving the South African Medal (Azanian People's Liberation Army or Umkhonto We Sizwe), Tshumelo Ikatelaho (General Service) Medal and Bar to the Good Service Medal (20 years).


State defence materiel agency Armscor has maintenance contracts in place for most South African Air Force (SAAF) aircraft, but most of these are only partially funded at present.

Only the Cessna Caravan, Beechcraft King Air and C-47TP Dakota fleets are without maintenance contracts (although the King Air contract is being finalised), according to an Armscor presentation delivered to Parliament's Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans (PCDMV) in September. All four King Airs, eight Caravans and eight C-47TPs are currently grounded, with the prospect of the C-47TPs never flying again due to challenges finding a maintenance provider.

On the fixed wing side, maintenance contracts are in place for the Boeing Business Jet (BBJ), Falcon fleet, C212, and PC-12. Regarding the BBJ, Jet Aviation AG has a contract to support the aircraft from July 2023 to July 2026 (the contract cost is R500 million but only R64 million has been funded). Jet Aviation, based in Switzerland, has identified two local subcontractors to carry out maintenance work (Yes Aircraft Maintenance and Dentec). The BBJ is serviceable and has been used by President Cyril Ramaphosa on numerous recent international trips, most recently to France for the Rugby World Cup.

Execujet MRO Services has the Falcon fleet maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) contract, running from March 2023 to February 2026. This is costed at R252 million, of which R110 million is funded, according to Armscor. A single Falcon 900 and two Falcon 50s are in the SAAF VIP fleet. Armscor reported that a C-check on the Falcon 900 has been delayed due to corrosion found on the fuel tanks, with completion scheduled by 31 October. defenceWeb understands that the corrosion is repairable and the Falcon 900 will be airworthy soon, while one of the Falcon 50s is currently airworthy.

As for the C212, Airbus is contracted to maintain the fleet between August 2022 and August 2025, at a cost of R70 million (of which R39 million is funded). Armscor reported the order is in progress and all spares and repairs have been provided to the SAAF in order to make the aircraft serviceable. One of three C212s is believed to be currently airworthy.

The Pilatus Centre Southern Africa has a contract in place from June 2023 to August 2026 to service the SAAF's sole PC-12, at a cost of R50 million (although R13 million of this is funded). Armscor noted the SAAF can do all basic maintenance on the aircraft, with Pilatus supplying spares and support.

The PC-12, is however, currently unserviceable as the engine is due for an overhaul. "The quote for the engine overhaul is significantly higher than budgeted for; this is the second overhaul on the engine and the initial estimate was based on the first overhaul," Armscor stated, with the SAAF currently sourcing the additional funds for this order. The estimated lead time to bring the PC-12 back to service is March 2024.

Regarding the other fixed wing aircraft in the SAAF fleet, National Treasury allocated R1 billion in the 2023/24 financial year for rejuvenating the SAAF's medium airlift transport capability and this is going towards upgrading and maintaining the six C-130BZ Hercules. Marshall Aerospace received a R470 million contract to install Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS B) transponders and replace the secondary flight display systems on C-130BZs 409 and 405 as well as complete major maintenance work. Marshall will work with Denel to upgrade the remaining four Hercules locally.

Armscor revealed that the balance of the additional R1 billion in airlift funding will be utilised for the servicing of at least eight engines for the C-130BZ fleet, while Armscor is also placing a contract worth R40 million for aircraft spares.

R75 million of the SAAF budget for 2023/24 is being allocated to Denel Aeronautics for C-130BZ maintenance, with the contract valid from January 2023 to end December 2025. These funds will be used for the servicing of aircraft, procurement of spares, repair of components and calibration of Ground Support & Test Equipment (GS&TE). Armscor noted that "C-130BZ product supply support (PSS) contracted to Denel from January 2023 to December 2025 is worth R500 million, but only R177 million is funded."

The PC-7 Mk II turboprop trainer contract will end in less than a year and a replacement has yet to be placed. Armscor revealed the PC-7 contract runs from August 2023 to end March 2024 and is worth R130 million, with R118 million funded. Lead times for spares are between 8 months and 24 months. Of the 35 PC-7s in the fleet, around half a dozen are serviceable at present.

The PC-7, PC-12 and Caravan fleets use Pratt & Whitney Canada's popular PT6 turboprop engine and to ensure these are kept running, on 1 August a contract with the company was placed for engine support across the SAAF. Although this is worth R250 million, the funded value is just R40 million.

Rotary wing fleet

As the original equipment manufacturer (OEM), Denel is tasked with maintaining the Oryx and Rooivalk helicopter fleets. The company presently has a contract in place for Rooivalk maintenance, running from April 2019 to end March 2024. This on-demand contract is worth R450 million, with R186 million funded. A fixed cost contract (R500 million+) ran from April 2019 to end September 2023. Armscor was hoping to place another contract with Denel by end September. Several of the 11 Rooivalks in the fleet are currently airworthy.

Regarding the 39 Oryx, about half a dozen are flyable. Both Airbus Helicopters and Denel have support contracts in place, covering June 2021 to June 2024 and June 2019 to April 2024 respectively. These both come to R440 million, although R283 million is funded at present.

Leonardo South Africa is responsible for A109 airframe support for the 24-strong fleet, with two contracts each worth R125 million running from December 2022 to end March 2025 (R12 and R16 million of these are funded). According to Armscor, "the current budget allocation is insufficient for on demand requirements", with efforts being made to secure additional funding. Similarly, there is insufficient funds for Arrius 2K2 engine support for the A109 fleet (R5 million funded against a R100 million requirement), with the SAAF trying to make additional funding available. Only half a dozen A109s are serviceable.

Maintenance funds for the eight BK 117s are in short supply, with the on-demand contract with Airbus Helicopters running from June 2021 to June 2024 funded to the tune of R19 million against a required R100 million. "Additional funds to be confirmed by SAAF to be added to the order to buy additional spares while waiting for the new contract to be placed," Armscor stated. The new contract was to have been in place by end September 2023.

Armscor expected a new product support contract for the four Super Lynx 300 to be in place by 20 October 2023. Armscor said a challenge with the Lynx is the long turnaround time for spares and overhauls - one engine is at LHTEC for overhaul and the second awaiting delivery to the contractor. Half the Lynx fleet is airworthy at present.

Combat jets

Both Hawk and Gripen jets have maintenance contracts in place, but not for the entire fleets. Saab as the original equipment manufacturer of the Gripen has an airframe support contract in place from September 2022 to end August 2025, worth R650 million (of which R476 million is funded). After delays, Armscor placed a support contract with GKN Aerospace for the maintenance of the Gripen engines, running from August 2023 to end July 2026. It is worth R327 million, of which R145 million is currently funded. Armscor originally aimed to have the engine support contract in place with GKN by 1 December 2022.

Due to the SAAF's tight budget, the support contract with Saab covers 13 Gripens over three years - the SAAF had 26 Gripen C/Ds, but one was written off following a ground incident. The remaining 12 will remain in storage.

The other jet combat aircraft in SAAF service, the Hawk Mk 120 lead-in fighter-trainer, also has maintenance contracts in place. OEM BAE Systems was awarded the airframe maintenance contract, valid from September 2021 to end August 2024. This is worth R250 million, of which R221 million is funded. Armscor said the order is progressing well, with 90% of the material supply already delivered. "The product support contract (PSC) strategy has proven to be effective for the Hawk maintenance and support," Arsmcor told the PCDMV.

Rolls Royce, as the engine OEM, was contracted to provide support from June 2022 to end May 2025 for the Hawk's Adour Mk 951 engine. This is valued at R29 million, with R19 million funded. "The order is progressing well," Armscor reported.

Paramount Advanced Technologies is responsible for Hawk avionics maintenance from August 2023 to end July 2026. This contract is worth R9.6 million, with over half (R4.6 million) funded. Line replacement units that require repair are already at Paramount.

Defence and Military Veterans Minister Thandi Modise, replying to a recent parliamentary question about SAAF aircraft serviceability, said the unavailability of aircraft implies SAAF defence readiness is "compromised" with aircrew having to regain currency and "the lack of aircraft availability poses a challenge".

She goes further stating: "The challenge is the severe unavailability of funds to place contracts and it's not as a result of non-performance by Armscor or SAAF. Armscor had to engage with contractors within limited available funds and, in numerous instances, has not yielded positive results".

Kitplanes for Africa


Enstrom Helicopter Corporation hosted mechanics from Zambia for a week of training on how to maintain Enstrom helicopters. The Zambian military had previously purchased Enstrom Turbine 480Bs with delivery expected in the near future pending aircraft completion. Zambian officials say they plan to use the aircraft for helicopter pilot training.

"They took their studies seriously, studying every night," said Dennis Martin, Enstrom's Vice President of Sales & Marketing. "We also had the opportunity to share Midwest American culture with these mechanics. They seemed to love the Upper Peninsula, particularly the bountiful farmland, Halloween decorations, and the famous Menominee lighthouse. All of them said they felt very welcomed and desired to visit the U.S. again on vacation."

Enstrom regularly offers maintenance courses throughout the year. The next piston class is set to begin June 3, 2024 at the Enstrom factory in Menominee. The turbine class will begin at the same location a week later June 10. Each course will run for one week, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Mechanics who join Enstrom's training courses will learn all the subtle nuances of an Enstrom helicopter and quickly familiarize themselves with all the inner workings. Participants can practice what they learn with hands-on display models and special tooling.

"If you want to learn how to best care for your Enstrom, go to where the experts are!" said Martin. "You'll hear all manner of shortcuts and tips directly from the technicians who work on Enstrom helicopters every day. Chip Zeismer, a 34-year employee of Enstrom, has been teaching the class since 2010, and we're so grateful for the knowledge he brings."

All maintenance courses are I.A. renewal accredited. Enstrom offers two options for certification. The first is for A&P mechanics, and the other is for non-mechanics to certify familiarization with Enstrom. Anyone who wants to is welcome to take the class, and following completion, attendees can return for refresher courses as often as they like.


The Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) has awarded GKN Aerospace a contract to develop and improve the RM12 engine, which powers the Swedish fighter aircraft JAS 39 Gripen C/D. The engine upgrade will be implemented in co-operation with FMV and SAAB.

GKN Aerospace has built a 90-year strategic relationship with the Swedish Air Force and holds OEM-level scope of responsibility for the RM12 engine. The £2 million (SEK 23.6 million) contract is the last part of a development project that GKN Aerospace has been conducting since 2019.

In addition to enhancing key components within the engine, the development work also involves updating the engine software in the aircraft system. This will be delivered in partnership with SAAB and with GE Aerospace who is also supporting the development work. Upgraded RM12 engine testing will take place at GKN Aerospace's facility in Trollhättan, Sweden, with flight testing undertaken by SAAB and FMV.

In addition to improved engine performance, the upgrade will also contribute to lower lifecycle costs for the users of the aircraft. The project will also strengthen the already world-leading engine capability within Sweden, ahead of the ongoing establishment of product support for RM16, the engine for the JAS 39 Gripen E/F.

Stefan Oscarsson, Vice President of Government & Space for GKN Aerospace Engine's business, said: "We are extremely proud to contribute to strengthening Swedish defence capabilities. The order means that we at GKN Aerospace continue to strengthen our competence and ability to handle complex, full-engine systems for fighter aircraft for the future."


Gulfstream Aerospace Corp. will exhibit two of its award-winning next-generation business jets at the Dubai Airshow on November 13-17: the ultralong-range Gulfstream G700 and the class-leading Gulfstream G500.

"Gulfstream has a longstanding history in the Middle East and surrounding regions," said Scott Neal, senior vice president, Worldwide Sales, Gulfstream. "Recently, we announced a host of increased capabilities across the fleet, and we look forward to meeting with customers and guests at the Dubai Airshow to showcase The Gulfstream Difference with two of these aircraft, firsthand."

Gulfstream recently announced the G700's range has increased to 7,750 nautical miles/14,353 kilometres at Mach 0.85 or 6,650 nm/12,316 km at Mach 0.90, gaining 250 nm/463 km at both speeds over original projections. The G700's maximum operating speed has also increased to Mach 0.935 from Mach 0.925, giving it the highest speed in the Gulfstream fleet.

Built for performance and efficiency, the G500 holds nearly 60 city-pair speed records and can fly 5,300 nm/9,816 km at Mach 0.85 and 4,500 nm/8,334 km at Mach 0.90. It was the first aircraft certified to use enhanced vision to land and was recently certified for steep approach by the Federal Aviation Administration, unlocking access to even more destinations worldwide.


The 5,100 kg Increased Gross Weight (IGW) will meet the evolving needs of the military and civil markets delivering higher weight category performance and capabilities with lower weight category costs

An 11-seater configuration and modular fuel tank will address rigorous requirements, particularly in the energy sector in terms of payload, range, and compliance with the latest standards

The latest enhancements and kits being developed leverage on the inherent growth potential of the successful latest generation AW169 helicopter

The AW169 light intermediate twin engine helicopter's operational capabilities and range of options will grow further with the launch of a 5,100 kg (11,243 lb) IGW kit and an 11-seater configuration fully compliant with the IOGP (International Association of Oil & Gas Producers) Report 690. Both will be made available for the aircraft version with skid landing gear.

The 5,100 kg (11,243 lb) kit for the AW169 skid version, originally conceived to meet government and defence requirements for missions like troop transport and combat operations, will also respond to evolving civil and public service market needs leveraging multiple operational and performance benefits. Key factors to this capability expansion are the inherent growth potential of the type not requiring modifications in the design of critical components, and the performance increase packages, delivering greater engine and transmission power as well as improved aerodynamics in all conditions and for all applications. Compared with the standard 4,800 kg (10582 lb) Maximum Take-off Weight, the extra 300 kg (661 lb) available with the 5,100 kg IGW kit allows the embarkation of three more passengers or the addition of fuel for approximately one hour of operations. Existing operators of the type's version with skids will be able to retrofit the 5,100 kg IGW kit to enhance their aircraft's capabilities.

As an additional option, the 11-seater configuration, fully compliant with the IOGP Report 690 (Offshore Helicopter Recommended Practices), will introduce a new modular fuel tank system and two additional Type IV emergency exits in the cabin, increasing the total number from four to six. The 11 seats configuration will be available for the skid-fitted version in combination with the 5,100 kg IGW kit. This solution will allow the type to satisfy even more demanding offshore transport requirements in terms of payload, range, and compliance with IOGP latest standards.

This configuration will allow a radius of action of up to 75 nm with 11 passengers, therefore offering capabilities typically achievable with types with a MTOW exceeding 5.5 tons (intermediate class) at a light intermediate class cost of operations as well as granting latest safety standards compared with legacy helicopters. It will also deliver greater sustainability versus ageing types in the relevant weight category thanks to a more efficient powerplant, advanced navigation, modern support and maintenance approach, among other solutions. The Certification of the IGW increase is expected in 2024 while the 11-seater configuration with new modular fuel tank is planned for certification in 2026.

These latest operational capabilities will add to the EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency) certifications of the skid undercarriage and unique IFR, single pilot, Advanced Search and Rescue (SAR) Modes, both achieved in late 2022. With the skid configuration certification, the AW169 became the only modern CS29-certified aircraft able to offer all undercarriage solutions, further demonstrating the versatility by design of the type. The AW169 is also the only helicopter in its weight category that features Advanced SAR Modes. The performance increase packages previously developed had already enhanced engine performance and capabilities, transmission ratings and available payload through engine software updates and aircraft aerodynamics modifications, making the type the helicopter with the best power-to-weight ratio in its class.

The introduction of the AW169 has expanded Leonardo's presence in the emergency medical service market and added more operators for law enforcement, disaster relief, and fire-fighting duties. It further reinforces the company's leadership in the multi-engine VIP market providing operators with one more option fitting between the popular AW109 series and the bestselling AW139 models. It also adds one more solution for shorter-range operations supporting the energy sector and allows Leonardo to play a growing role in the new wind farm support field. Moreover, its dual-use design has responded to a range of government, homeland security and defence requirements for missions like surveillance, troop transport, combat operations, disaster relief and emergency response, fire-fighting, training, mountain rescue, and medevac.

Over 320 AW169s are on order today, with around 170 units delivered from the Vergiate final assembly line (Italy) to operators in over 30 countries. The global fleet has logged in excess of 170,000 flight hours in all kind of operations and conditions. The fleet leader has exceeded 3,700 flight hours in EMS operations in Sweden.


Archer Aviation Inc. (NYSE: ACHR), a leader in electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft, announced today its Midnight aircraft will make its Middle Eastern debut at the Dubai Airshow from November 13-17 as the featured aircraft in the Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) Pavilion.

Additionally, Archer founder and CEO, Adam Goldstein, is set to deliver a keynote address as part of the show's opening ceremony unveiling Archer's plans to bring electric air taxis to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in 2026. Archer will also have a presence in Mubadala Investment Company's booth, reflecting the two companies' long-standing relationship.

The Middle Eastern debut of Midnight at the Dubai Airshow will give a wide array of key regional stakeholders from the Royal Family to the UAE's General Civil Aviation Authority and beyond the opportunity to experience sitting in an electric air taxi, providing an unprecedented glimpse at the future of urban air mobility in the UAE from one of the global leaders in the industry.

Recently, Archer and the Abu Dhabi Investment Office announced plans to make the UAE its first international launch partner, with plans to commence air taxi operations in both Abu Dhabi and Dubai in 2026. In addition, Archer is working with global manufacturing partner Stellantis and regional partners Falcon Aviation and GAL-AMMROC to build out aircraft manufacturing capabilities to service regional demands in the UAE and surrounding areas.

Archer's goal is to transform urban travel, replacing 60-90-minute commutes by car with estimated 10-20 minute electric air taxi flights that are safe, sustainable, low noise, and cost-competitive with ground transportation. Archer's Midnight is a piloted, four-passenger aircraft designed to perform rapid back-to-back flights with minimal charge time between flights.


The long-awaited future of transportation has arrived as PAL-V, the pioneer in Advanced Air Mobility, unveils Germany's first-ever showroom dedicated to Flying cars.

With the cutting-edge PAL-V showroom now open to the public, the dream of soaring through the skies in a sleek and innovative flying car is no longer a fantasy. PAL-V has been at the forefront of the airborne mobility revolution, and the launch of this showroom reaffirms its commitment to making futuristic transportation accessible to the masses.

For years, the world has dreamed of flying cars, often showcased in sci-fi films and futuristic illustrations. Now, with the official opening of Germany's first flying car showroom, PAL-V is turning this dream into reality.

PAL-V's accomplishment signifies a remarkable achievement in the global race to realize the potential of airborne transportation. By establishing the world's first flying car showroom in Munich, Germany, PAL-V is taking a decisive step towards mainstreaming this innovative technology.

"We believe that the future of transportation lies in the skies, and with our showroom now open in Munich, we are one step closer to turning this belief into a widespread reality," said Robert Dingemanse, CEO of PAL-V. "Flying cars are no longer a distant dream; they are here, they are real, and they are ready to revolutionize the way we travel."

Nigeria, Ibadan Airport, Oyo State: A Raytheon Hawker 800XP landed short while on final approach to runway 22 at Ibadan Airport (IBA/DNIB). The aircraft was carrying the Minister of Power, Adebayo Adelabu, and his entourage. All three crew members and seven passengers were rescued.

Canada, Selkirk, MB: A Piper Navajo with 7 passengers on a charter flight from Sachigo Lake, ON to St. Andrews, MB suddenly lost both engines about 20 mins before landing. The pilot made a forced approach on Pigeon Bluff Road, a gravel road near Selkirk, MB. RCMP received phone call from CYAV tower at 16:55 CDT of a potential plane crash. When RCMP arrived at scene, the plane was in good shape and there was no occupant injured. The passengers were driven to Winnipeg. RCMP suspected the plane was out of fuel. The plane was fuelled up and towed to highway 67 before take-off again at around 19:30 CDT at the same day. It landed on CYAV later.

USA, Glenndale Airport, Kokomo, IN: An experimental category Tom Hodgson B-29 35% scale replica suffered a loss of directional control and a subsequent impact with a parked golf cart when landing at Glenndale Airport (8I3), Kokomo, Indiana. The occupant of the golf cart was injured. The pilot was uninjured.

Mexico, Cuernavaca Airport: A Learjet 35A, operating on an air ambulance flight, was destroyed when it crashed at Cuernavaca Airport (CVJ/MMCB), Mexico. The two pilots and two passengers perished. Initial information suggests that the aircraft overran runway 20 at CVJ after a long touchdown and subsequently went down a steep embankment. Runway 20 is a 2881m long asphalt runway.

Austria, near St Andrä im Lungau, Tamsweg, Salzburg: A Cirrus SR20 crashed in woodland, by motorway B95, near St Andrä im Lungau, Tamsweg, Salzburg. The four occupants died and the aircraft was destroyed. Weather with rain and strong southerly winds (Föhn) may have been a factor in the accident. The aircraft was recently sold to a new owner. The ballistic parachute was not deployed. Eyewitness accounts on the news sites report the aircraft "going nearly vertical" shortly before crash (stall?) and having trouble navigating in thick cloud cover.

30 NOVEMBER 1913

First air-to-air dogfight: pilots (Dean Ivan Lamb) from rival Mexican factions exchanged revolver shots flying a Curtiss Pusher vs Phil Rader in a Christopherson biplane during the Siege of Naco, Mexico. The combat ended with no hits registered.

The first supposed instance of plane-on-plane combat and the first instance of one plane intercepting another during an aerial conflict apparently occurred during the Mexican Revolution on November 30, 1913, between two American mercenaries fighting for opposing sides, Dean Ivan Lamb and Phil Rader.

The story comes from Lamb himself.

According to his own statements in an interview two decades later, both men had orders to kill, but neither pilot wanted to harm the other, so they exchanged multiple volleys of pistol fire, intentionally missing before exhausting their supply of ammunition.

Kit Planes for Africa factory tour

Aviation Economy
Midweek Update

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