Celebrating Flying - EAA Chapter 322 Pyramid Fly In 2023

By Willie Bodenstein


Pyramid Airpark is one of the undiscovered jewels of one of South Africa's most scenic provinces, Mpumalanga. About ten kilometres from historic Barberton and fringed by the majestic Makhonjwa Mountains this privately owned airpark has four grass runways and only ten hangar stands. All ten have been sold although two, as yet undeveloped, are on the market.

Barberton was established in 1884 when Fred and Henry Barber and their cousin, Graham, discovered gold here. On 24 July 1884 the Gold Commissioner, David Wilson, christened the reef with a bottle of gin, champagne not being available, and named the place Barberton.

The Airpark also have a number of fully furnished chalets avaiable for rent.
For more information contact Japie 082 966 8126

The last fly in to Pyramid was held in 2018. Then Covid happened, or did not happen, depending on who one believes. With not a lot a real GA flying months left before the summer rain season starts in earnest Pyramid hangar owner and Chater 322 stalwart Peter Lea arranged with a groups of friends and Chapter 322 members to fly to Pyramid and spend the weekend talking and just celebrating flying in general.

Initially the prospects did not look too good and it seems as if the weather gods may interfere but it cleared and eventually eleven, including yours truly made it. Eight flew whilst the rest decided to be safe and came by road.

Friday night's curry and rice dinner was held in boma and the festivities carried on until fairly late.

Saturday morning, whilst we were all at the Boskombuis Restaurant for breakfast, we received the awful news of the passing of Fanie Bezuidenhout in a crash in his beloved Jodel. Fanie was a long-time chapter 322 member. RIP Fanie.

Saturday's Lasagna dinner was in the opinion of all the crown of a wonderful weekend spend with friends. Before dinner almost everyone was crowded into the open-air bar are for the two great Rugby World Cup and so was it after dinner.

Kitplanes for Africa

However, sadly all good things must come to an end and thought the weather on Sunday was not really very friendly, it was drizzling when I left for Malelane and Kruger by road, all got home safe.

Chapter 322 Pyramid Fly In 2023

Events 2023

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