TFDC Overberg Fly-Inn - A Favorite On The 2012 Events Calendar

By Juri Keyter

There was huge disappointment when the TFDC Overberg Fly-In did not take place in November last year, but we are all very happy and excited to hear that this event is scheduled for the 21st of April 2012. This event, a highlight on the events calendar, usually took place during November every second year. What makes this event so exciting is that you see military aircraft in action, jets maneuvering in a way most of us have never seen, simulated dogfights, missile strikes, bomb drops, helicopters striking and my personal favorite, the sonic boom when jets fly through the sound barrier. This year you can expect to see be the Gripen, Hawk, Rooivalk, Silver Falcons Aerobatic Team and more.

Apart from all the heavy metal in the skies and the thundering noise during the day, camping under the wing is just as much fun. Although some do not enjoy camping due to their ablution concerns, every time I have been to TFDC Overberg the organizers ensured that the ablution facilities were always kept clean and the shower water always warm. Breakfast with friends on the taxiway is another unique and fun part of the event and there are many other food stalls at the event for lunch and supper. For those expecting more comfort, I have stayed at “The Herberg” close to Arniston before and it was good quality, value for money and a short drive away.

A fun part of the event is the wine auction on the Friday night but I am hoping that the organizers may add some night flying on either Friday or Saturday. Most of us do not often see the jets in action at night and although night action photography is always a huge challenge, it may hold some very exciting photographic opportunities for some.

If you are planning to go (and we hope your do), please take note of the following conditions and procedures:

Arrivals will be allowed on Friday the 20th of April until 17h30 local time. This will allow for a twilight airshow that evening as well as a wine auction.
Arrivals will be allowed on the 21st of April between firstlight and 09h00 local time. After this time no arrivals will be permitted nor will aircraft be allowed within 10DME from FAOB.

Departures will be allowed after the completion of the airshow until last light. Departures will be possible on the morning of the 22nd of April between 06h00 local time and 09h00 local time.

Overberg Approach 119,8
Overberg Tower 121,2
Overberg Ground 121,75

Traffic may be required to route via or hold at the following points:
Agulhas (344958S 200118E)
Bredasdorp (343221S 200223E)
Protem (silos) (341706S 200146E)
Skipskop Tower (343345S 202412E)
Arniston (344025S 201341E)

Please ensure that you are familiar with the airspace and the airfield layout. Note that the airspace starts at Stanford in the west and the Gouritz Rivermouth in the east, so do not only focus on the TMA and CTR boundaries.

Please visit for the latest updates or contact details.

Here is some amateur footage of TFDC Overberg to give those who have not been there yet a sneak preview.

Events 2012

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