EAA Chapter 322 Fly-in Kitty Hawk 28 January 2023
By Pieter Cronje
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Some of the 30 plus aircraft that flew in for the successful EAA Fly-in.
EAA originated in America in 1953 with a group of people who had an interest in “experimenting” with home-built aircraft. Since then, it's grown to a worldwide organisation with members from many countries.
The South African offshoot of this EAA started off with chapter 322 and was established in 1969.

The Kitfox IV departing.

No Fly-in will be the same without a number of RV's. This Fly-in ticket this box with a number of RV's.

The Urban Air Samba showing of it's interesting and modern lines. Very pleasing on the eye.
The Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) is comprised of members with an interest in building, flying, or restoring their own aircraft. EAA gives members an opportunity to share ideas and experiences, get help with a difficult project, or even chat with another member who has common interests.

Maureen Hopkins, the better half of Derek Hopkins.

Neil Bowden getting ready to depart

“Doug the Dog” not chasing squirrels.

Ricardo de Bonis in the Marpherson Graham Air Cam.

The Air Cam seemed to be armed. I dared not ask what the purpose of it was.
Major events on the South African EAA calendar include EAA AirWeek during April/May and Sun 'n Fun during August.
The purpose of the EEA is to promote the building, restoration and flying of non-type certificated aircraft for all South Africans through the provision of scientific information and educational programmes, infrastructural development and participation in the development of relevant legislation.
The EAA in South Africa does not have a home base but “operates” traveling between airfields to socialise and host meetings.

A full house arriving as per Aerospatiale Alouette 3.

A QuikR Microlight taxing for departure and TDE Thunderbird Microlight in the beautiful blue sky.

A Bat-Hawk shortly after arrival.

Gyrocopters were well represented at the EAA Fly-in.
One such an event took place the past Saturday. The EAA had a sucessful breakfast Fly-in on Saturday 28 January at Kitty Hawk (FAKT) to the east of Pretoria. Kitty Hawk has a tar runway of about 800m. Kitty Hawk has a large number of hangers, and lovely Club House. From the buzz in and outside the Club House it was obvious that all enjoyed the company and the hearty breakfast.

Karl Jensen making a friendly point during at discussion with other members of the EAA.

The also well represented Bossies. Two Aermacchi AM3c's in two different colour schemes.
The day started with a sparkling blue sky, and little wind blowing. The day however promised to be a become very hot. A little breeze from the south-west helped keep to cool the day down a little bit, with some isolated clouds starting to build up later the morning.
The event was very well attended with about 30 to 35 aircraft arriving ranging from fixed wing aircraft, helicopters, a number of gyrocopters and a few microlights. From the number of cars parked it was also obvious that a number of people also drove in.
The first aircraft to arrive did so shortly after sunrise and the “kuier” easily continued until midday if not later than that. It also was an interesting day in noticing the various number of different aircraft attending.

A Piper PA-22 taking off.

The Aeroprakt A-22 Foxbat after taking off. An areoplane with pleasing lines.

Another aeroplane with pleasing lines. The Maule MX-7-180 Star Rocket.

Another Piper. This time the Piper PA-11 Cub Special
The highlight for me was seeing a number of friends for first time this year and making new friends. A special mention also to be made of meeting Doug the Dog of “Up” fame. Not the same dog but named after the movie.
My compliments to organisers of the event, as always, the friendly people at Kitty Hawk, and all who attended the Fly-in. Looking forward to the next one.
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