Villa San Giovanni Fly-in and Classic Cars Wonderboom Airport

By Willie Bodenstein


No registration fees, no approach fees, no landing fees, no parking fees and friendly ATC. What more can an aviator wish for? That is what the poster offered and that is what was delivered! The only problem was that Mother Nature was not notified and was a bit peeved and got her revenge with early morning rain and a cloud base of some 1,500 feet.

Captain Karl Jensen, Neil Fenton and I left at about 09.30 from Fly Inn Estates in ZU-VAL, Karl's immaculate 1956 Cessna 170, for the fifteen-minute low cloud base and slightly turbulent hop with fortunately no rain to Wonderboom National Airport just north of the Boerewors curtain.

Promise number five proved to be true. Both AFB Waterkloof and Wonderboom's ATCs were professional, friendly and accommodating.

We landed and taxied to the apron in front of the terminal building where we were directed to a parking spot by Safety Director Nigel Musgrave.

We were the fourth to arrive.
Three others joined later and yes, no registration, approach, landing or parking fees were levied.

Two Sia Marchetti's of a batch of eight that were originally imported from the USA by Aerosud for training of student pilots for some African Air Forces were on display. The Marchetti's now belong to the Paramount Group who uses them for the same purpose.

There were a number of cars there, mostly current models. A number of classics and other gems arrived as the day progressed. Two Tshwane Department of Transport double decker busses formed part of the vehicle display.

The weather held and Villa San Giovani did brisk business. Despite the low turn-out that can be ascribed to the mostly IMC conditions, I cannot think of a lot of better things to do on a Saturday than being amongst old acquittances and making new friends.

After lunch, Italian Pizzas of course! We were the last aircraft to depart. It was time to go home but not before stopping at Kittyhawk for the obligatory strawberry milkshakes and some more chinwag with friends.

All too soon we landed back at Fly-Inn Estates after another tough day in Africa.

The idea was sound so perhaps the good folks at Wonderboom and Villa San Giovanni will consider arranging another for 2023?

Cessna 170 Fly-Inn Estates to Wonderboom National Airport 29.10.2022

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