Brakpan Aero Club and White Sky Solutions Safety Day

By Willie Bodenstein


On Saturday 05 March 2022, the Brakpan Aero Club, in partnership with Santjie White from White Sky Solutions, hosted a Safety Day in the club's clubhouse.

Brakpan Aeroclub Clubhouse

Brakpan was the perfect venue for the first of many of these safety days. The Aeroclub Management is committed to the empowerment of aviators and is in complete support of these events.

Santjie's and the club's vision with these safety days is to empower pilots with skills they do not get to brush up on often. In Santjie's own words, “We want you to fill up your skills buckets, so you may never need to go into that luck bucket.”

The morning was opened by the Deputy Chairman of the Brakpan Aeroclub, Kevin Cloete. Kevin welcomed all the attendees to a packed morning of learning.

Santjie White & Samantha Germishuizen

The day started with a riveting presentation by Samantha Germishuizen on aeronautical decision making in a single crew environment.

Some of the topics discussed

This was followed by a question-and-answer session by Rhulani Sibuyi (Acting PM ATSO) and Caine Mainganya (Acting Manager Central Airspace Management Unit) from OR Tambo Air Traffic Control FIS and CAMU.

Rhulani Sibuyi & Lucy Joubert

Finally, an informative presentation on dangerous goods was presented by Lucy Joubert and which was specially made for the GA environment. Lucy's presentation was probably the first of its kind in South Africa for GA.

These interactive presentations were attended by pilots from the Brakpan Aeroclub and surrounding areas.

Brakpan Aeroclub Chairman Apie Kotzee.

The day was closed by the Chairman of Brakpan Aeroclub, Apie Kotzee. Apie thanked all who had invested in their own safety by attending.

Brakpan Aeroclub and White Sky Solutions would like to thank every person working behind the scenes for arranging the safety day and to make this, the first of many events of this nature, happen in the future.

If any other Aero Clubs are interested in having similar events, please contact Santjie on 083 260 4297 or for your tailor-made safety days.

Events 2022
Aviation Safety

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