Compiled by Willie Bodenstein




Jack Taylor Airfield Krugersdorp Fly-In. For more details, please WhatsApp 0835778894 or E-mail kfc@iafrica.com

SAPFA Springs Speed Rally at Springs Airfield. Contact Dawid Cell: 073 338 5200 or on E-mail david@pilotinsure.co.za

Sports Aerobatics Club Western Cape regionals at Stellenbosch airfield. Contact Annie Boon E-mail: chunge@mweb.co.za

EAA Chapter 322 virtual monthly meeting via Zoom. Contact Neil Bowden on 084 674 5674 or E-mail: neil1@telkomsa.net

3, 4 & 5 DECEMBER
Tonto Skydive Boogie at Skydive Johannesburg.

Aero Club of South Africa annual awards venue TBA. For more information contact Rob Jonkers E-mail: rob@aerosud.co.za Cell: 082 804 7032

Sports Aerobatics Club ACE of Base Baragwaneth Airfield. Contact Annie Boon E-mail: chunge@mweb.co.za

Steady Climb Fly-In and expo at Rhino Park airfield. Contact David Le Roux Cell: 073 338 5200


Independent Aviation would like to introduce itself as a completely new concept in aviation training. Independent Aviation is an innovative, new student-instructor-flight school relationship concept.

We're for the training Industry:
At www.independentaviation.co.za we know that the relationship between the instructor and student is the most vital aspect of a successful flight training journey. Every person learns differently, which is why it is very important for the student to find an instructor to whom he or she can relate.

We're for the students:
www.independentaviation.co.za presents a directory of independent flight instruction professionals that you, the student, can browse through. This directory of independent flight instructors, enables you to make direct contact with professionals of your choice, which helps you decide for yourself whether this person is competent and able to guide you through the journey upon which you are about to embark.

We're for the Instructors:
As a flight instructor registering on www.independentaviation.co.za, you have the freedom to choose whom you would like to teach. You decide which flight school you would like to use. You make the arrangements with the flight school and you are in control of how much you get paid for your services. The idea is to put the instructor back in control of the flight training experience.

We're for Flight Schools:
The school benefits by receiving students for whom they did not have to do any advertising. The instructor will bring in his/her own students to the flight school and train them under its ATO while maintaining industry best practice and SACAA legal requirements. Ultimately the flight school will still be responsible for ensuring the optimum standard of training that is being done under their ATO.

In this model, everyone wins. The student gets to choose a professional instructor with whom they can establish a personal relationship and who can teach them according to the way that they need to learn. Instructors decide how much they would like to earn and determine their own rates. The flight school receives students and income for which it did not have to do any advertising or marketing.

Independent Aviation knows that this will have a tremendously beneficial impact on the South African and worldwide aviation training industry, positively impacting training standards, resulting in a better pilot in the cockpit.

The Website is live and if you're an instructor, you can already start signing up. We are keeping the service free to instructors until 31 March 2022 so hurry and sign up.

You can contact the Independent Aviation Team at:
Name: Carl Kieck
Email: carl@independentaviation.co.za
Website: www.independentaviation.co.za
Lookout for social media channels coming soon!

Written by Guy Martin

Discussions on the development of a Rooivalk Mk II combat support helicopter remain at a technical level between Denel and Armscor with little progress since a 2016 avionics and weapons obsolescence study for the current Rooivalk.

This is according to Denel, which informed the Minister of Public Enterprises (Pravin Gordhan) earlier this year it investigated with the SA Air Force (SAAF) through Armscor potential to upgrade and/or replace the current baseline Rooivalk.

In the 2015/16 financial year, Denel was commissioned by Armscor to develop a weapons and avionics obsolescence study of Rooivalk, to form the basis for a Project Definition (PD) by the Department of Defence (DoD) to map a path for an upgraded Rooivalk. R10 million was allocated for the study by DoD and it was completed in 2016 with expectation of a further tasking for other major systems of the aircraft, the Public Enterprises ministry said in response to a Parliamentary question by the Democratic Alliance (DA).

In response to another question by the DA earlier this year, the Department of Public Enterprises (DPE) said it "is not playing a direct role in the development process of the new generation Rooivalk combat helicopter (MK II). The discussions are still at a technical level between Denel and Armscor."

No budget provision has been made by the Department for the development of Rooivalk Mk II, the response read, indicating the project has stalled.

Denel has not given up on Rooivalk Mk II as there is reportedly continued international interest in the helicopter, but funding limitations mean the project cannot advance.

The company hoped to make incremental improvements to the aircraft and has already made incremental changes, such as new long-range drop tanks for ferry flights, while others are planned - Denel recently issued a tender for new windshields for the helicopter, for example.

Denel has for some time been looking at a new helmet-mounted sight and display and replacement of the main sight. It previously fitted a Hensoldt Optronics Argos II gimbal to the helicopter as a proof-of-concept. As the Argos II is made in South Africa, this guarantees better support as well.

Other upgrades would cover avionics, radios (currently not part of the Link-ZA network), flight data recorders and mission computers. Regarding weaponry, Rooivalk is currently fitted with 70 mm FZ rockets and a 20 mm cannon. Although specifically designed for the helicopter, the Mokopa anti-tank missile was never ordered by the SAAF for Rooivalk due to funding limitations. Denel was completing qualifications with live missile firings but this was been deferred due to funding constraints.

Denel was looking at lower cost laser-guided rockets as a precision guided option for Rooivalk and had good results from tests. In 2015, an FZ laser-guided rocket was fired from Rooivalk, giving accuracy of less than a metre from target centre at 4 to 5 km distances.

A major issue with Rooivalk is the reliability of its cannon, with pilots complaining of frequent failures during combat in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). As a result, Denel, the SAAF and Armscor initiated a cannon reliability improvement project, implemented with Denel Land Systems (the cannon manufacturer) and partners including Armscor division Flamengro, for simulation and modelling work.

Late last year Mike Kgobe, Denel Aeronautics chief executive, told defenceWeb although the SAAF has little money due to the small defence budget allocation, there are "pockets of activity" within the Rooivalk platform, including the Argos II sight installation (showcased in 2018 to demonstrate what is possible) and cannon reliability upgrade which would benefit an upgraded Rooivalk or life extension programme. "There isn't a huge budget but we do see pockets of activity. Some funds have been allocated," Kgobe said.

Written by defenceWeb

Two US Air Force B-1B Lancer bombers from the 9th Bomb Wing, Dyess Air Force Base, Texas, flew a Bomber Task Force mission alongside two French Mirages, as well as two UK and two US F-35s from UK Carrier Strike Group's HMS Queen Elizabeth over Camp Lemonnier, Dijbouti, on 11 November.

"The bomber task force mission served as a visual representation of the international participants' collective commitment to stability and security in the Horn of Africa," said Major General Gregory Anderson, US Africa Command Director of Operations. "And it further demonstrates Djibouti as a leading security partner in the region."

The mission, which originated from Royal Air Force Fairford, UK, provided an opportunity for the aircrews to work with international forces aboard the carrier strike group and those assigned to Camp Lemonnier, the US's only enduring base in Africa. The mission also exercised the US aircrews' ability to operate in and through a variety of airspaces, US Africa Command (Africom) said.

After flying more than 7 000 nautical miles to reach Djibouti, bomber aircrews worked with US and French joint terminal attack controllers to provide simulated close air support at Djibouti's Grand Bara Range and went on to execute the low approach above Camp Lemonnier joined by the six fighter aircraft.

"I am delighted that the UK's Carrier Strike Group is able to participate in this event; it further demonstrates that the Strike Group and this deployment is truly international by design," said UK Royal Navy Commodore Steve Moorhouse OBE, Commander, UK Carrier Strike Group. "The ability to operate seamlessly with our allies shows that we are stronger together and underpins stability and security within the region."

The bomber task force mission coincided with Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa's Allied Appreciation Day event where approximately 200 guests and senior leaders representing Djibouti, France, the UK, Spain, Japan, Italy and the US came together to witness the low approach, and participate in a variety of interactive and static demonstrations. "The event showcased the combined military strength present in Djibouti and served to honour the shared partnerships, history and devotion to peace celebrated during Veterans, Armistice and Remembrance days," Africom said.

"Celebrating together this allied appreciation day is the symbol of our mutual involvement for peace in Horn of Africa, as in other parts of Africa, particularly in the Sahel," said Air Division General Stéphane Dupont, Commander, French Forces in Djibouti. "Our action here in Djibouti is paramount for regional stability and contributes to the strengthening of the cooperation among our countries."

Africom said Djibouti and the US have a long history of cooperation on a variety of issues related to security and stability throughout East Africa. "The strategic bombers' flight to Djibouti underscores the US's commitment to this important ongoing partnership."



We are happy to announce that the Pipistrel aircraft promoter from New Zealand and an owner of Pipistrel's Alpha Electro, Mr. Gary Freedman, became the first pilot to fly over the New Zealand's Cook Strait in an electric plane. Freedman's 40-minute solo flight came 101 years after the first person flew a conventional aircraft over the body of water that separates the South Pacific nation's two main islands.

Mr. Freedman had a lot of support from the local airport management at the Wellington International Airport. "It's a very exciting day for the airport. A world-record-setting day," said spokesperson Jenna Raeburn.

As Mr. Freedman made a historic flight aimed at drawing attention to the possibilities of greener flying and he said it was only fitting that the first thing he saw when approaching the Wellington coastline was the rotating blade of a wind turbine producing renewable energy. Monday's flight was timed to coincide with the opening of a pivotal U.N. climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland.

For the 78 kilometre (48 mile) trip, Freedman flew it at just 1,000 feet (305 meters) above sea level and at the relatively slow speed of 130 kilometres per hour (81 mph) in order to preserve its charge. Mr. Freedman said he was ecstatic when he landed and that the technology worked better than he'd hoped. "We still had 40% left in the battery," he said. "We could have almost flown back again."


A private plane recently took off from the Russian city of Chelyabinsk having filed a flight plan to its final destination, the Tanzanian city of Moshi, in Northern Tanzania, on the African east coast. The unusual passengers onboard this prestigious KlasJet private aircraft were a lion and a leopard who were being repatriated to more familiar territories following a long and complex rehabilitation process.

Both of the animals, Simba the Lion cub and Eva the Leopard were flown from the city of Chelyabinsk, where they have been carefully rehabilitated by Russian veterinarian Karen Dallakyan, to their new home in the care of the animal welfare foundation, Kilimanjaro Animal CREW - the Tanzanian Centre for Rescue, Education, and Wildlife - located near Moshi on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro.

In another unique operation for KlasJet, a family member of Avia Solutions Group (ASG), the whole project will come as the culmination of a long and complex process involving stringent logistical planning, the sourcing and provision of complicated permits and permissions and the cooperation of multiple agencies and organisations. The whole process would also have been impossible without the assistance of the Transport Competence Agency in Lithuania who gave unlimited time and assistance for the successful outcome of the project.

Simba the lion cub's rescue mission in March 2020 was led by Yulia Agaeva, the founder of SO.TRAVEL and Friends Of My Heart community of animal rights activists, who was also was an integral part of this repatriation project. The little lion was saved from horrific abuse at the hands of a beach photographer who used the cub for portraits with holidaymakers. In an act of gross brutality, the cub's legs had been broken to prevent the animal from escaping. Thankfully, after the rescue, the lion cub was put into the care of Dr Dallakyan and was taken to a shelter for wild animals, 'Save Me' where the rehabilitation process began.

In contrast to Simba, Eva the leopard had an easier upbringing having been rejected by its mother at birth and not suffered at the hands of man, Dr. Dallakyan once again stepped in to ensure that the animal would be treated humanely and taken care of until such a time that she could be repatriated.

In usual circumstances, animals are transported by cargo aircraft. However, in this situation and to ensure that the animals' handlers, vets, and the entire repatriation team could travel together, the KlasJet private passenger jet was reconfigured to accommodate their cages by removing a section of the seating normally reserved for humans.

While at a glance, reconfiguration can look like a simple change, in reality, this was a long and intricate process that required meticulous planning. A project for the aircraft modification was prepared. A step-by-step guide detailed the preparation process from what materials will be used for cages, how they'll be assembled and fastened to the aircraft, to special seating plans that clarified what seating will be removed and how the rest of the seats will be allocated to the passengers to ensure distance and safety requirements according to the aircraft performance limitations. These plans explained in thorough detail the whole process of working with animals, loading and unloading the cats, changed procedures in case of emergency. Only with careful and thorough preparation, the success of a project of such magnitude was possible.

Regarding the difficulties involved in the task of repatriating the animals to Tanzania, the CEO said, "The whole operation was a long and complex one, with many hurdles to be crossed and obstacles to be overcome. The logistics involved and the reconfiguration of the aircraft required the attention of specialists. Additionally, even the best-planned flights can sometimes face unforeseen situations and delays due to external factors. In such situations, professionalism, quick thinking and creativity enabled us to make effective decisions to divert the situation back on track. For example, for this flight, the unrest in Sudan and Covid-19 border restrictions have prompted us to make alterations to our route. Thankfully, at KlasJet we have a team of hugely experienced aviation professionals who know and understand the compliance with and implementation of all legal requirements in an operation such as this."


Rostec State Corporation demonstrated the 5th generation Checkmate side by side with Su-57E aircraft at a single static display for the first time. The machines were developed by Sukhoi Company of the United Aircraft Corporation.

The airplanes are featured in a new informational special project that offers the opportunity to visually compare dimensions, examine details and get acquainted with the characteristics of the two advanced machines.

"Checkmate was developed on the basis of scientific and technical groundwork gained in the course of creation of the export version of Su-57E. In particular, the aircraft inherited the cockpit, onboard systems and some other elements. This reduces the aircraft's cost and simplifies its maintenance," Rostec's Aviation Cluster spokesperson said.

The Checkmate light tactical aircraft is Russia's first single-engine fifth-generation aircraft presented for the first time in July 2021 at MAKS-2021 air show. The key characteristics of the aircraft are its low visibility, low flight hour cost, open architecture and high performance in terms of "cost-effectiveness".


An Airbus H225 has performed the first ever helicopter flight with 100% sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) powering one of the Safran Makila 2 engines. The flight, which took place at the company's headquarters in Marignane, marks the start of a flight campaign aiming to assess the impact of unblended SAF on the helicopter systems in view of certifying the use of SAF blends that exceed today's 50% limit.

"While all Airbus helicopters are certified to fly with up to a 50% blend of SAF mixed with kerosene, it is our company's ambition to have its helicopters certified to fly with 100% SAF within the decade. The flight is an important first step towards this goal", said Stefan Thome, Executive Vice President, Engineering and Chief Technical Officer, Airbus Helicopters.

The flight campaign, which follows earlier unblended SAF bench tests performed by Safran Helicopter Engines at its Bordes plant, will provide further understanding of the technical challenges associated with the use of 100% SAF. The H225 test helicopter flew with an unblended SAF derived from used cooking oil, provided by TotalEnergies, which offers a net 90% CO2 reduction compared to regular jet fuel.

"SAF is an important pillar of Airbus Helicopters' decarbonisation strategy because it provides immediate CO2 reduction with no negative impact on the performance of the helicopter," Thome added. "I thank our partners Safran Helicopter Engines and TotalEnergies for their important collaboration in making the flight a reality. Further cooperation among all industry stakeholders is essential to overcome the challenges associated with implementing SAF widely and to make real progress in reducing the aviation industry's CO2 emissions".

In order to drive the deployment of biofuels, Airbus Helicopters has launched a SAF User Group dedicated to the rotary-wing community. The company has also started using SAF for training and test flights at its French and German sites.


ATR recently marked its 40-year anniversary, celebrating key breakthroughs for regional aviation over the past four decades. The market-leading turboprop manufacturer will also use this milestone to look to the future, as it continues to incorporate innovative and sustainable technologies into its aircraft.

ATR's founding partners - Aerospatiale of France and Aeritalia of Italy recently signed an agreement that sealed the shared ambition to produce an aircraft designed for regional connectivity. With an initial business case for a few hundred aircraft, 40 years later, the ATR family now has four versions and ATR has sold 1,800 aircraft. The programme's enduring success stems from a design that set a benchmark in innovation, incorporating composite materials for the first time. This initial technological leap has since been supplemented by the company's dedication to continuous development, integrating new technology that deliver tangible benefits to passengers and operators alike.

Burning 40% less fuel, emitting 40% less CO2 than regional jets and able to serve the world's most challenging runways, the ATR is the go-to aircraft to provide essential connectivity and sustainably. The combination of this fuel efficiency and versatility has made it the perfect tool to deliver regional connectivity to local communities, supporting people to connect for business, education, healthcare and leisure opportunities.

ATR has built strong foundations with which to enter the next phase of regional aviation and has set ambitious milestones in the years to come: Fly on 100% Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) by 2025; Deliver the ATR 42-600S Short Take-Off and Landing version by 2025 and open up connectivity to 500 additional airports with short runways and expand the regional freighter offer with the ATR72-600F, tapping into the demand for 460 regional freighters over the next 20 years.

Stefano Bortoli, CEO of ATR said: "Our story is one of innovation and progress. Over four decades, we have brought connectivity and economic opportunity to remote regions across the globe. Most importantly, we will continue to make a difference, connecting people, businesses and local communities in a sustainable way over the next 40 years. We will support our customers by providing them with the latest available technologies, paving the way for zero-emission aviation by 2050."


The Spanish Ministry of Defence has signed the formal order for the acquisition of three Airbus A330 Multi-Role Tanker Transport aircraft (MRTT).

Under the agreement, the handover of the first aircraft in transport configuration is scheduled in the coming days, followed by its conversion to MRTT in 2024. The handover of the first fully converted aircraft is scheduled in 2023 and the third and final unit in 2025.

The contract covers associated support such as spares, ground support equipment, training and in-service support until the end of the contract.

The aircraft, acquired from Iberia, will be converted into military tanker transport at Airbus' Spanish headquarters in Getafe, Spain. It will be equipped with a state-of-the-art hose & drogue refuelling system and a specific Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC) kit. The A330 MRTT fleet will be operated by the Spanish Air Force 45 Wing, based in Torrejón Air Base (Madrid).

'With the addition of A330 MRTT to its fleet, the Spanish Air Force acquires a key and proven new capability that will enhance and support overseas operations, as well as medevac missions, on which the aircraft played a key role during the Covid-19 pandemic crisis worldwide,' said Jean-Brice Dumont, Executive Vice President Military Aircraft at Airbus.

The A330 MRTT is the only next generation strategic tanker and transport aircraft flying and available today. The large 111 tonnes / 245,000 lb basic fuel capacity of the successful A330-200 airliner, from which it is derived, enables the A330 MRTT to excel in Air-to-Air Refuelling missions without the need for additional fuel tanks.

Thanks to its wide-body fuselage, the A330 MRTT can also be used as a dedicated transport aircraft able to carry up to 300 troops, or a payload of up to 45 tonnes/99,000 lb. It can also easily be converted to accommodate light and intensive care stations for Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC).

With more than 250,000 flight hours achieved, the A330 MRTT counts 51 deliveries to 13 customers.


Embraer successfully concluded the Hungary Critical Design Review (CDR) and began the structural assembly of its first KC-390 Millennium. A ceremony held at Embraer's Gavião Peixoto facility, witnessed by Hungarian government and Embraer representatives, marked the start of production of the first KC-390 Millennium for Hungary. In the coming weeks, parts will be assembled to generate the structural panels and frames for the main components of the fuselage and semi-wings. The first aircraft is scheduled to be delivered in 2024.

In November 2020, the Hungarian government signed a contract with Embraer for the acquisition of two C-390 Millennium multi-mission transport aircraft, in its Air-to-Air Refueling (AAR) configuration, designated KC-390. The acquisition is part of the process to strengthen the capabilities of the Hungarian Defence Forces.

The KC-390 for the Hungarian Defence Forces will be the first in the world with the Intensive Care Unit in its configuration, an essential feature to perform humanitarian missions. The aircraft fully meets the requirements of the Hungarian Defence Forces, being able to perform different types of military and civilian missions including Medical Evacuation, Cargo and Troops Transport, Precision Cargo Airdrop, Paratroopers Operations and AAR.

These KC-390 are fully NATO compatible, not only in terms of its hardware but also in its avionics and communications configuration. Furthermore, the KC-390 probe and drogue refuelling system means the aircraft is capable of refuelling the Hungarian JAS 39 Gripen, as well as other aircraft that use the same technology.

The Brazilian Air Force (FAB) existing fleet of KC-390s currently stands at four and these aircraft have exceeded 4,100 flight hours in operation, including its extensive use to transport equipment and medical supplies across the country urgently needed to address the COVID-19 situation in Brazil.

The C-390 is a tactical transport jet aircraft designed to set new standards in its category. Some of the strong aspects of the aircraft are increased mobility, rugged design, higher flexibility, state-of-the-art proven technology and easier maintenance. Flying faster and delivering more cargo, both the C-390 Millennium and the KC-390 variant are the right-sized platform for major deployment scenarios. Minimized interventions and on condition maintenance combined with highly reliable systems and components support the reduced downtime and costs, contributing to outstanding availability levels and low life cycle costs.


Embraer's Eve Urban Air Mobility Solutions, Inc. (Eve), an Embraer company, and Widerøe Zero have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This partnership aims to develop Urban Air Mobility (UAM) solutions, with a focus on deployment of eVtol operations in Scandinavia.

The relationship between the two organizations began in 2017, when Widerøe signed an order for up to 15 E190-E2. The largest regional airline in Scandinavia is also the launch customer of the new generation E-Jets E2 family, starting the E190-E2 operations in April 2018 in Bergen, Norway.

Now, with the creation of the Air Mobility Business Incubator, Widerøe Zero, the companies will use Eve's zero-emission and low noise footprint eVTOL vehicle to develop a new concept of operation where passengers will experience the future of electric transportation and a new model of sustainable mobility, connecting people living in a sparsely populated region and challenging geography.

As part of this collaboration, Widerøe Zero will contribute to a market readiness exercise and a vehicle concept of operation study in Scandinavia, furthering Eve's development of the UAM market in the region.

"Widerøe Zero is excited to work with Eve on the eVTOL concept. Although initially designed for Urban Air Mobility, we expect these highly flexible vehicles to be interesting in a variety of applications also in rural areas; from cargo to passenger transportation. Our partnership with Eve is part of our plan to accelerate the development of sustainable aviation in Norway. We are looking forward to the expanded partnership, unlocking new opportunities to improve regional connectivity," said Andreas Kollbye Aks, Chief Executive Officer at Widerøe Zero.

"In order to contribute to the world target to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, the aerospace industry depends on disruptive innovation. With Urban Air Mobility, we have a unique opportunity to design a new and optimized mobility ecosystem: infrastructure, vehicle, operations and air traffic management systems" said André Stein, President and Chief Executive Officer of Eve. "We are thrilled to work together with Widerøe Zero to develop UAM solutions in Scandinavia, with an entirely new, zero-emission, experience to travellers."

Benefitting from a start-up mindset and backed by Embraer's more than 50-year history of aircraft manufacturing and certification expertise, Eve unveils a unique value proposition by positioning itself as an ecosystem partner by offering a suite of products and services with highest levels of safety standards. Eve's human-cantered, eVTOL design combines disruptive innovation and a simple and intuitive design. In addition to the aircraft program, Eve is harnessing the expertise of both Embraer and Atech, a subsidiary of the Embraer Group, in providing globally recognized air traffic management software to create the solutions that will help safely scale the UAM industry going forward.


On Sunday, 25 July 2021, a pilot and a passenger (the pilot's wife) on-board a Quad City Challenger II aircraft with registration ZU-FCP took off on a private flight from Fochville Aerodrome, Gauteng province, with the intention to land at Wingfield Private Airstrip, Gauteng province.
The aircraft was operated under Visual Flight Rules (VFR) by day and in clear weather conditions. During final approach at Wingfield Private Airstrip, the aircraft collided with powerlines located directly above a palisade fence (at Wingfield Private Airstrip) and crashed near the threshold of Runway (RWY) 28, about 40 metres from the palisade fence.
An eyewitness who was standing approximately 500 metres (m) from the threshold of RWY 28 stated that he heard the aircraft flying towards the airstrip from the east and later heard the engine sound decreasing, an indication that the pilot was reducing power in preparation to land.
The aircraft approached the airstrip for landing straight-in on the final leg. With the aircraft now visible, the eyewitness recorded the aircraft's final approach and landing as he was fascinated with aircraft in general. In the footage, which was captured about 500m from the threshold of RWY 28, the aircraft is seen colliding with powerlines, bringing the aircraft to a stop and causing it to pitch down before crashing in a left wing-low and nose-down attitude.
The aircraft was destroyed and both occupants sustained serious injuries during the accident sequence. The pilot was airlifted to a nearby hospital and the passenger was transported to the same hospital (as the pilot) by road.There were no documents found in the wreckage and, according to the South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA) records, there was no record of the pilot's licence nor were there any records of a valid Authority to Fly (ATF) for the aircraft. According to Subpart 94.01.2 of the Civil Aviation Regulations (CAR) of 2011: Authority to fly 94.01.2 (1) No person shall operate a non-type certificated aircraft unless-
(b) the aircraft is in an airworthy condition; and
(c) the PIC is the holder of a valid pilot license with the appropriate rating for the category and
type of non-type certificated aircraft.
Probable cause:
Collision with powerlines during landing due to the pilot's lack of situational awareness as he did not look out for powerline poles. This was exacerbated by poor visual scan of the area due to the sun's glare on the Perspex windscreen.
Contributing factors:
Operation of the aircraft by an unlicensed and unrated person.

Ethiopia, Mille district, Afar region: An Ethiopian Air Force Mil Mi-35 damaged beyond repair when it was shot down (probably by MANPADS) during an attack on Tigray militants (TDF) near Mille.

USA, near New York-La Guardia Airport, NY: An Air Canada Airbus A220-300 was conducting flight AC720 from Toronto/Lester B. Pearson Intl (CYYZ), ON to New York/LaGuardia (KLGA), NY. During the approach to runway 31 at KLGA, at approximately 2000 feet, the flight crew received an OE Factor (One Engine) on the Flight Management System (FMS) and the aircraft yawed at the same time. The flight crew performed a missed approach and completed the checklist. The right hand (RH) N1 rolled back to 30% and was unresponsive to the throttle movement. A precautionary shutdown on the RH engine was conducted, a Mayday was declared and the aircraft diverted to Newark Liberty Intl (KEWR), NJ where the it landed without further incident.

USA, Denton Enterprise Airport (DTO/KDTO), Denton, TX: An experimental amateur built Velocity XL-RG-5 sustained unreported damage subsequent to the landing gear collapse upon landing at Denton Enterprise Airport (DTO/KDTO), Denton, Texas. There were no reported injuries to the occupant(s) onboard the canard winged retractable gear airplane.

USA, near Sarasota-Bradenton Int. Apt. FL: A Piper PA-28-151 Cherokee Warrior operated by following the loss of engine power sustained unspecified damage subsequent to the ensuing forced landing to the shallow waters of Sarasota Bay short of the intended destination of Sarasota/Bradenton International Airport (SRQ/KSRQ), Sarasota-Bradenton, Florida. The sole pilot onboard the airplane was not injured during the incident.

Venezuela, Pampanito, Catatumbo: A Cessna 421B Golden Eagle was found by Venezuelan law enforcement officers in Pampanito, Catatumbo, Zulia. It had apparently run out of fuel. Presumably, the airplane was going to be used for transporting drugs.

UK, Hemelspeth Farm, Felton, near Eshott, Northumberland: An amateur built Rans S-6ESD XL Coyote II sustained substantial damage after a noseover during a forced landing to an open field at Hemelspeth Farm, Felton, near Eshott, Northumberland. The sole occupant received minor injuries.

Australia, City Beach, Perth, WA: A Questair Pty Ltd Socata TB20 Trinidad with two on board ditched into the water off City Beach after the pilot reported an engine failure. Both the pilot and passenger were able escaped the wreckage without injury.

USA, near Mountain Air Airport (2NC0), Burnsville, NC: A Cirrus SR22 sustained substantial damage subsequent to impact with wooded terrain during a landing attempt to Mountain Air Airport (2NC0), Burnsville, North Carolina. The sole pilot onboard the airplane received non-life-threatening injuries

14 TO 17 NOVEMBER 1965

A Boeing 707 makes the first polar circumnavigation of the world.

On 14 November 1965 Captains Fred Lester Austin, Jr., and Harrison Finch, two retired Trans World Airlines pilots, took off from Honolulu on a 26,230-mile (42,213 kilometre), 57-hour, 27-minute flight around the world-from Pole to Pole!

The pair leased a brand-new Boeing 707-349C, c/n 18975, registered N322F, from Flying Tiger Line. Nick-named Pole Cat, the airplane was crewed by a total of five pilots, all rated captains. In addition to Austin and Finch, there were Captain Jack Martin, Chief Pilot of Flying Tigers Line; Captain Robert N. Buck, TWA and Boeing Senior Engineering Test Pilot James R. Gannett. Three navigators and three flight engineers completed the flight crew. John Larsen, TWA's chief navigator, did most of the planning and the other two navigators and all three flight engineers were Flying Tiger Line employees.

Most of the cost of the flight was paid for by Colonel Willard F. Rockwell, Sr., founder of the Rockwell Corporation, who was one of 27 passengers aboard. The airliner was equipped with an experimental Litton Systems Inertial Navigation System (INS) and the very latest Single Side Band (SSB) communications equipment from Collins Radio.

The flight departed HNL and flew north to the North Pole, then south to London Heathrow, where they stopped for fuel. Unexpected runway restrictions limited the 707's take-off weight, so they had to make an extra fuel stop at Lisbon, Portugal before flying to Buenos Aires, Argentina. After another fuel stop there, they continued south, circled the South Pole four times, then headed north to Christchurch, New Zealand. From there, they continued on to Honolulu.

Total elapsed time for the flight was 62 hours, 27 minutes, 35 seconds with just under 5 hours on the ground.

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