RVs Invade Zebula - 3 March 2012

By Juri Keyter

It was hard to tell if it was a group off family members or a group of friends when they arrived at the Jack Taylor Aerodrome on Friday the 2nd of March 2012 but one thing was for sure, they were all RV enthusiasts and they were here for a breakfast fly-in to Zebula followed by a visit to Monte Casino to enjoy the Phantom of the Opera the next day.

It was nice to see that Dolph Kruger still has his RV grin after so many years of RV flying but the spooning of RVs into one hangar was even more entertaining.

After a long day's flying to the big smoke, Andy Lawrence and Leon Meintjies hosted everyone for dinner on a farm in the cradle of humankind. Good food, a starlit sky and a bonfire closed the first day.

We could not have asked for better weather on Saturday morning when the armada to Zeblula started with two RV-6s, three RV-7s, one RV-8, One RV-9, three RV-10s, a Bonnie, a C182 and a Rockwell Commander. It's a short flight from Krugersdorp to Zebula but we had good fun and some unique photographic opportunities on the way.

We were of course hoping to park together for some group photographs but being one of the most popular fly-in destinations, the apron at Zebula was once again jam packed. We were all transported down to the clubhouse for the superb breakfast Zebula is known for. The reptile park and the lion cubs were also interesting attractions but there was unfortunately no time for the men to try the golf course or the spa for the ladies. We will have to try that next time.


Events 2012
Van's RV

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