Stellenbosch Flying Club Fly-In & Spot-Landing Competition

By Simon McDonnell


As the Pandemic forced the cancellation of the entire 2020 air-show calendar, when Willie called to ask if I was available to cover this event, I jumped at the opportunity! It was a tremendous day, and other than the all-too-familiar masks and sanitiser bottles, the legendary hospitality and friendly faces made it easy to forget that it's been over a year since I've visited this beautiful airfield.

After a safety briefing with Air Boss, Rikus Erasmus, a hearty breakfast was the order of the day- and I was happy to note that the super-efficient staff at the SFC club-house haven't lost their touch.

Aircraft started arriving early and the turn-out looked promising for some great fun and precision landing. In all, 25 aircraft took part in the spot-landing competition, with Savannah S, Jora, Cessna Centurion, Skylane, Aerobat & Skyhawk, several RV's, a Beechcraft Bonanza, Bosbok, a Tipsy Nipper, a Sonerai, Jabaru, Sling, Pipistrel Sinus, and a Foxbat all competing, divided into Tail-wheel, LSA and Trike categories. Smaller aircraft headed out into the circuit first, with four aircraft per group, and each tried to land in the box with varying degrees of success. The South-Easter which played ball earlier in the morning, started picking up becoming a stiff breeze around lunch-time, adding to the challenge.

The sizeable crowd that had gathered to watch the event were rewarded with an additional treat when Mark Jackson's UH-60 BlackHawk flew a couple of circuits- it really is a beautiful machine! For some additional fun, a Huey returning from a misson, as well as the Hawk, both touched down in the box…showing the fixed-wing pilots how easy it can be!

By 14h00, the results were correlated and a prize-giving was held under the tree outside the clubhouse.


Tail Wheel
First Place: Martin in the RV-7 (ZU-WIN)
Second Place: Hough in the RV-7 (ZU-WIN)
Third place: Phil in the Sonerai II (ZS-ULK)

First Place: Mike in the Savannah S (ZU-IIY)
Second place: Tyler (Michelle PIC) in the Sling 2 (ZU-IMV)
Third place: Marko in the Savannah S (ZU-IEK)

First Place: Thys in the Skyhawk (ZU-AFP)
Second Place: Henk in the Aerobat (ZS-IAF)
Third Place: C.Peck & M. Steenkamp in the Skylane (ZS-

A huge thank you to Rikus, Louisa and Tessa for their hospitality, and to Franz Smit of PilotInsure for the refreshments. Now I'm really looking forward to the SA National Rally Championships in April!

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