Eagles Creek Aviation Estate - Fly In 06 March 2021

By Jaco Pitout

There are few seasons as conducive to general aviation as the late Summer or early Autumn. Temperate fair-weather days with lower likelihood of adverse weather means excellent weather for general aviation.

Just such a perfect day dawned this last Saturday for the inaugural Eagles Creek Aviation Fly In Estate.

The Eagles Creek Aviation Estate is located next to the N14 highway about 30 kilometers from Pretoria. This aviation estate was the brainchild of Armand Greyvenstein and it saw the light at the end of 2011. The estate is an exclusive upmarket establishment with a focus on the aviator or aviatrix that looks to have his or her aircraft kept in a central location between Johannesburg and Pretoria.

I arrived early and captured some of the arriving aircraft. Tailwind conditions prevailed as landings are favored uphill along runway 26.

The Eagles Creek Flying club members also acquired the services of two food vendors with a wide variety of delicious food and drink available.

The flying club left nothing to chance with Ed assisting, a group of marshallers that swiftly dealt with parking of the arriving aircraft and the safe dispatch of departing aircraft.

Fly in events provides many smiles per nautical miles:- here are some of the participants enjoying a wonderful day out and about.

The flying community is a wonderful testament to camaraderie and teamwork. A team of club members from Eagles Creek assisted two of the participants of the fly in when their aircraft had a problem with its' tailwheel. The aircraft departed a little while later being attended to by the club members.

The morning drew to a close and I captured the following departures.

What a wonderful morning in the company of aviation fanatics young and youthful in spirit. I look forward to this event becoming a regular on the fly-in circuit. Thank you for the Eagles Creek Flying club for hosting PilotsPost.

Some of the friendly faces at the fly-in.

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Events 2021

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