Compiled by Willie Bodenstein



Getting back to some events for 2021, the Aero Club Centenary + 1 Airweek is now planned for 23 - 27 April 2021. I have been working with the Middelburg Club and the CAA on the approvals and have submitted the required documentation for a Special Air Event. We are now starting the more detail phase of planning. For reference, the event period is a categorised as a Fly-in (not an air show), but can have discipline specific events or activities as per MOPs.

A draft programme is set out as per below which will be expanded as and when I know more about what each discipline would like to do: - this will be communicated as we get further information. Also attached is the poster and logos that you can use in your own media platforms and websites.

Also see below a proposed airfield layout. There is also a large camping area that Middelburg created for 2019 and members can take good advantage of this. We are working with a supplier to provide tents and will be sending out a booking form and an event attendance form shortly via our mailchimp platform, along with a link on our website. Updates to this layout will be kept current and on the Aero Club website in due course.

Let this defining Centenary + 1 event for all of Recreational Aviation be a memorable one, at least to do justice for having missed out on the actual year of the Centenary.

Best Regards
Rob Jonkers
T: +27 (0) 12 662 5035
F: +27 (0) 12 662 5198


Reminder of the upcoming 80th Annual General meeting of the members of The Aero Club of South Africa. Visit the Aero Club website for the AGM documents. www.aeroclub.org.za Should you wish to place any items on the Agenda under General, please notify the Aero Club Office at office@aeroclub.org.za for inclusion. Any nominations to be made to serve as Council office bearers can be to the same address. See you there.
Date: 16 March 2021
Time: 18:00 for 18:30
Place: Virtual Meeting (Zoom)


ATF renewal delays.
The main topic of discussion revolved around the continuous delays in ATF Renewals, and as last reported in the Aero Club Dec Communique, the CAA advertised that their backlog would be up to date by 10 Dec. Sadly this did not happen as when the year started, the turnaround times regressed and we continue to see delays beyond their stated 20 days, mainly due to CAA internal approval cycles, which is being addressed. We continue to advocate strongly to the CAA to support renewals within their SLA turnaround times - given the risk that owners will go and fly on the strength of a payment advice. The Aero Club continues to work closely with the CAA to deal with overdue ATFs, and also to note delays in Inspector allocations, which is supposed to be within 5 days. If any member is having difficulties in their renewals, please contact the Aero Club for us to escalate it.

ATF Documentation.
There is further an initiative to review the ATF documentation requirements, anniversary dates and regulatory anomalies found in two General Notices issued in Oct 2019, which will be gaining traction with discussions with the CAA for a regulatory update. This should go some way to alleviate current frustrations on ATF submissions. Further to this, there will be a plan to constitute ATF documentation seminars to assist owners in preparing ATF renewal submissions.

Digital ATFs.
The plan to go fully on digital ATFs is still in progress as the CAA has essentially completed the IT and document format & security requirements: - we will be advised when this goes live. At this point digital ATFs are in any event being provided on request, in lieu of collections that take place later.

The CAA is still working on a card type licence plan, details of which will be shared with the industry soon.

If you are not a member and wish to join the Aero Club and any of its Sections feel free to do so simply go to



Congratulations to Steve Brown, our January winner

Contestants, please note: - multiple votes from one device will only be counted once and may led to the entry being disqualified.

Vote now for February week 4 finalists

Vote for MrchW1.1

Vote for Mrch1.2

Final entries! The competition will close on 31 March 2021

How to Enter:
Entering your aviation related photo is easy and simple. All images must be emailed to pilotspost@gmail.com with the following detail included:
Your name,
Email address,
Telephone number,
Where the photo was taken,
Phone used,
A theme name of the photo (Optional).

Due to the large amount of entries we expect, Pilot's Post will not acknowledge your entry!!

Entry Rules:
1. When entering the competition and by sending your photo to Pilot's Post, you explicitly grant the publication of your submitted photograph at Pilot's Post team's discretion without any remuneration or obligation to you.
2. Submitted photos must be resized to be less than 1 megabyte in size. If full-size photographs are required, the Pilot's Post team will request them from you.
3. Only photos taken with cell phones will be accepted.
3. All submissions must have an aviation theme.
4. Photo submissions may be cropped and / or resized only. Any other form of photo alteration or manipulation is not allowed and will be disqualified.
5. You may submit up to three entries per week.

1. The Pilot's Post team will select the 2 best photos submitted every week and add them into our "Midweek Update" published every Thursday morning, where our readers will then cast their votes by simply clicking the link below the photo of their choice.
2. At the end of each month, a complete article will be published on Pilot's Post to include the weekly photo submissions with the most reader votes. Our readers will then again have the opportunity to cast their votes by simply clicking the link below the photo of their choice. The photo with the highest number of votes will then be judged the Winner of the Month.
3. A prize of a set of Chock Norris personalised Aircraft Chocks with leather storage bag valued at R500
a voucher from the Pilot Shop valued at R200.00 will be awarded to each monthly winner
a soft cover copy of the Aero Club of South Africa's Centenary Yearbook valued at R300.00 sponsored by Chapter 322 of the EAA of SA

The Pilot's Post "Chock Norris 2020" aviation related photo competition is only open to photographers resident in South Africa as our prizes are not transferable and can only be redeemed in South Africa.

With our MACH program (Member Awards for Chapter Help), your membership could win you a trip to Oshkosh!
Click on the link below today to renew or join!
or for EAA membership information go to

The following events will to take place under the rules controlling the number of people congregating together and are therefore not open to the general public.

SAPFA Morningstar ANR Morningstar Airfield. Contact Tony Russell E-mail: tonyr@therussells.co.za Cell: 0832640107

Eagles Creek Breakfast Fly inn

Air Navigation Rally Wonderboom Airport. For more information got to www.myaviationlife.com/rally

RMAC Jet Fly in. Contact James at james@beyerschocs.co.za

6 & 7 MARCH
Sport Aerobatic Club Judges Trophy Venue Baragwaneth Airfield. Contact Annie Boon E-mail: chunge@mweb.co.za

Breakfast at Circus Airfield. RSVP before Friday 12 March Frans 071 867 2617

12 & 13 MARCH
Bethlehem Aero Club event TBA. Contact Stephan Fourie E-mail: fouriesj1491@gmail.com Cell: 072 344 9678

Aero Club of South Africa AGM. Virtual Meeting (Zoom) - Invite details will be made available on the website closer the date. Contact Rob Jonkers E-mail: rob@aerosud.co.za Cell: 082 804 7032

26 - 28 MARCH
Large Scale Aerobatics at Barnstormers. Contact Stan 084 268 2025 or Justin 084 465 1000

EAA Chapter 322 drive-in or fly-in night at Jack Taylor Krugersdorp. We will show a movie on a giant screen on the airfield. Members can drive in or fly in (camp that night on the field). The planned movie is 'Flying the Feathered Edge' with Bob Hoover. Contact Neil Bowden E-mail: neil1@telkomsa.net Cell: 084 674 5674

Sandstone Steam Festival - train rides all day from 10h00. Contact 051 933 2235 Website: www.sandstone-estates.com

EAA Chapter 322 monthly meeting virtual and Dicky Fritz MOTH Hall, Edenvale. Contact Neil Bowden E-mail: neil1@telkomsa.net Cell: 084 674 5674

Robertson Flying Club annual breakfast fly-in with spot landing competition. Contact Alwyn du Plessis E-mail: boeredata@breede.co.za Cell: 083 270 5888

17 & 18 APRIL
Sports Aerobatics Club Eastern Cape Regionals Wings Park Airfield. Contact Annie Boon E-mail: chunge@mweb.co.za

15 & 17 APRIL
SAPFA Rally Nationals and Fun Rally - Stellenbosch Airfield. Contact Frank Eckard E-mail: frank.eckard@mweb.co.za Cell: 083 269 1516

EAA South Africa at Middelburg Airfield AGM details to be announced

23 & 27 APRIL
Aero Club Airweek at Middelburg Airfield. Contact Rob Jonkers E-mail: rob@aerosud.co.za Cell: 082 804 7032

SAPFA Middelburg Speed Rally at Middelburg Airfield. Contact Jonty Esser E-mail: jonty@promptroofing.co.za Cell: 082 855 9435


Van's Aircraft is investigating a few reports of potential surface corrosion appearing on the interior aluminium surfaces of specific Quick Build wing and fuselage kits. Kits that are in-scope for this review are those that were assembled by our contract company and delivered to Van's Aircraft between June 2020 and January 2021. Note that not all kits from this time period are necessarily affected. The scope of our investigation is intentionally broad and to help ensure sufficient and complete information collection.

As we all know, COVID has resulted in significant impacts on the staffing and timeliness of businesses around the world. While we have worked hard to navigate the difficult business environment and maintain our business as close as possible to pre-COVID operations, these impacts have affected Van's and our various subcontract business partners. In mid-2020 our Quick Build contract team was forced into a 100% closure for several weeks and this was significantly limited in terms of staffing due to local COVID regulations.

Our investigation and a series of lab analyses indicate that in cases where surface corrosion is present on these QB assemblies, the cause appears to be the incorrect application of primer combined with the introduction of sweat on the parts' surfaces during assembly at the contractor's facility. Van's temporarily halted Quick Build production in January while the primer application issue was identified, verified and remediated. In addition, Van's has examined, and is in the process of, remediating primer issues found on Quick Build kits that have already been delivered to us and are currently stored at our factory warehouse. This will, of course, take some extra time to complete, but we will ensure first and foremost that the QB kits we ship meet our standards.

As we continue our investigation, we are reaching out directly to customers who received Quick Build kits that could potentially be affected, to assess the delivered kits and ensure they are checked. We will ask each of these customers to complete a survey, in which they will follow specific instructions to briefly examine and photograph certain parts/areas of their Quick Build kits and submit that information to Van's Aircraft for review. In the event a customer's kit is affected, our staff will work directly with each kit owner to resolve his or her individual needs based on our analysis of that kit. As always, Van's Aircraft stands by its customers and products and we'll do what it takes.


After being the first flying car to get road permission for Europe, PAL-V is now also the first to complete the full certification basis with EASA. Based on PAL-V's 10 years of test results, EASA specialist teams finalized the requirements for the PAL-V Liberty. The issuance last week, after industry consultation, shows the confidence of the European authorities and the maturity of the design and the company. The final phase is compliance demonstration before CarFlying becomes reality for PAL-V's customers.

In 2009, PAL-V agreed with EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency) to use the Certification Specifications for Small Rotorcraft, CS-27, as a starting point for the development of the Certification Basis. PAL-V worked together with EASA to amend the complete list of over 1,500 criteria to make it applicable for the PAL-V. The list was published last year for review by industry experts and the final version was published last week.

CTO, Mike Stekelenburg: "Safety is key in developing the Liberty and we are privileged to work with top experts of EASA. Their high safety standards also allow the Liberty to be used professionally. From the start, we built the Liberty to comply with existing regulations. This strategy provides the fastest route to market."

PAL-V Head of Airworthiness, Cees Borsboom: "I'm proud to see the results of our work. We can now speed up the completion of the compliance demonstration phase. It's hard to grasp the amount of work required to certify an aircraft. The sign-off of 1,500 requirements already in 2012, before starting manned test flights, was the beginning. The development of the requirements started in 2009. More than 10 years of analysis, test data, flight tests and drive tests led to this important milestone. In parallel, we already started compliance demonstration to obtain the type certificate, which will be followed by delivery of vehicles to our customers."

The EASA type certificate is valid for Europe and is also accepted in 80% of the world market, including the US and China.


Textron Aviation announced that it recently delivered a Beechcraft King Air 350i aircraft equipped with multiple special mission modifications to Japcon Incorporated. The modifications include a removable, belly-mounted Forward-Looking Infrared (FLIR) installation, forward executive cabin, communications equipment and racks. After further modifications in Japan including a medical configuration, the King Air 350i will enter service as a liaison/reconnaissance (LR-2) aircraft, and will be owned and operated by the Japan Ground Self Defence Force (JGSDF).

"We are honoured to expand our relationship with the JGSDF. This aircraft will join a fleet of seven other LR-2 King Air 350 turboprops, which has provided reliable service for more than 20 years," said Bob Gibbs, vice president, Special Mission Sales for Textron Aviation.

The LR-2 is the JGSDF's only fleet of fixed-wing aircraft. The LR-2 provides transportation between airfields throughout Japan, especially when transporting emergency patients from remote islands. In addition to a reconnaissance camera, the new LR-2 aircraft is equipped with devices for video transmission and infrared night-vision to enhance its capacity to collect visual information. The aircraft will be operated by the Renraku Teisatsu Hikotai, a JGSDF Communication and Reconnaissance Squadron, based at Kisarazu Airfield in the Chiba Prefecture.

"The LR-2 fleet has been serving an enduring mission by providing transport, reconnaissance, and medical evacuation operations in Japan," said Gibbs. "When the JGSDF needed a modern aircraft with low direct operating costs, it again chose the Beechcraft King Air 350 platform."


Despite the difficulties caused by the pandemic, system integration went flawless in all directions. Considering that it is the first customer aircraft and involved numerous parties from various countries, it cannot be taken as given but once again demonstrates the strength of Diamond's Special Mission Aircraft Division, to act as the single point of contact towards the customer in order to provide a ready-to-fly turnkey solution.

The initial configuration features a multi sensor setup for simultaneous data acquisition. The Universal Nose mount will carry an airborne LiDAR system from Riegl, while the 20"hatch will be equipped with the latest Large Format Camera System from Vexcel Imaging in combination with Somag's GSM4000 gyro-stabilized mount and an IGI Flight Management System. This configuration allows a total endurance of 7 hours including a 2 men crew.

The design allows for quick configuration changes, for example to replace the Large Format Camera in the hatch with the LiDAR from the Universal Nose.

Aicke Damrau, Managing Director GeoFly commented, "The purchase of the new DA62 SurveyStar was a very special step for us. The DA62 is applicable very versatile. This is due on the one hand to the wide range of speeds at which we can operate the aircraft and on the other hand to the possibility of refuelling the aircraft with jet fuel. The low consumption of the DA62 of approximately 50 liters per hour is another important point when we consider efficiency."

Markus Fischer, Director Special Mission Aircraft Division, "There is no doubt that even the cleverest concept needs someone who is convinced and committed to demonstrate the proof of operational concept. Therefore, we are proud to have established a solid long-term cooperation with GeoFly, to receive first hand feedback from a professional aerial survey operator and being able to develop the DA62 SurveyStar to an even better airborne solution. We are looking very much forward to seeing how the aircraft behaves in real competition."

"The handover of the first DA62 SurveyStar commences a big milestone for Diamond Aircraft's Special Mission Aircraft Division," said Mario Spiegel, Sales Manager Europe and North America. "It brings all the efforts put into the development, certification as well as integration to an end but at the same time also starts a new era, with the most modern and efficient Aerial Survey aircraft being introduced to the market. I believe I am not wrong when saying that this aircraft will be the most observed one in the Aerial Survey industry, as other companies may have to follow GeoFly in order to remain competitive."


Textron Aviation delivered nearly 560 aircraft to customers worldwide in 2020, leading the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) annual shipments and billings report published this week. In total, Textron Aviation delivered more than a quarter of all general aviation aircraft last year. The report also reveals Textron Aviation as the world's third largest jet manufacturer after Boeing and Airbus, while surpassing Boeing's turbine fixed-wing deliveries 251 to 210.

According to the GAMA report, Textron Aviation was the leading business jet manufacturer, in terms of deliveries in 2020, with the Cessna Citation Latitude remaining the most-delivered midsize jet for the fifth consecutive year. The company was also the leading non-agricultural turboprop producer, with its Cessna Caravan and Beechcraft King Air turboprops leading the way.

Ron Draper, president and CEO, Textron Aviation: "Leading general aviation aircraft deliveries in our industry is an honour and a testament to the trust of our customers flying Cessna and Beechcraft aircraft in nearly every part of the world," said Ron Draper, president and CEO. "The opportunity to build aircraft for their missions, particularly during the challenges of the past year, also shows the hard work and determination of our employees, all of whom play an impactful role in the manufacturing, delivery and customer support journey."

In 2020, Textron Aviation delivered 132 Cessna Citation business jets, with the midsize Citation Latitude topping the company's jet deliveries for the year. The company delivered 113 Cessna and Beechcraft turboprops, led by its Caravan and King Air series aircraft. Deliveries of piston aircraft totalled 314, with the Cessna Skyhawk continuing its reign as the world's best-selling single-engine piston.

Last year the company also achieved significant program milestones, with the first flight of the Cessna SkyCourier utility turboprop in May and the unveilings of the Beechcraft King Air 360 and the Beechcraft King Air 260 twin-engine turboprops later in the year.


A new era in aircraft design and build has begun as the first U.S. portion of the T-7A Red Hawk advanced trainer has officially entered the Boeing [NYSE:BA] jet's state-of-the-art production line.

The training jet, designated the eT-7A Red Hawk by the U.S. Air Force because of its digital heritage, was fully designed using 3D model-based definition and data management systems developed at Boeing during the last two decades. The T-7A Red Hawk employed the digital engineering and design of the Boeing T-X aircraft that went from firm concept to first flight in just 36 months.

"The future of air dominance lies in the ability to move quickly, take smart risks and partner in new ways to get the job done," said Shelley Lavender, Boeing senior vice president of Strike, Surveillance and Mobility. "By creating aircraft and systems along a digital thread, we can accelerate build times and increase quality and affordability for our customers in a way that has never been done before."

The Advanced Pilot Training System also incorporates leading-edge ground-based live and virtual simulators to give students and instructors a "real as it gets" experience.

In September 2018, the U.S. Air Force awarded Boeing a $9.2 billion contract to supply 351 advanced trainer aircraft and 46 associated ground-based training simulators. Saab is teamed with Boeing on the trainer and provides the aft fuselage of the jet.

"This is a historic moment for the program and industry," said Chuck Dabundo, Boeing vice president of T-7 Programs. "The build process leverages full-size determinant assembly, which allows technicians to build the aircraft with minimal tooling and drilling during the assembly process. The digital process accounts for a 75% increase in first-time quality."

Boeing is the world's largest aerospace company and leading provider of commercial airplanes, defence, space and security systems as well as global services. As a top U.S. exporter, the company supports commercial and government customers in more than 150 countries and leverages the talents of a global supplier base. Building on a legacy of aerospace leadership, Boeing continues to lead in technology and innovation, deliver for its customers and invest in its people and future growth.


Gulfstream Aerospace Corp. today announced the Gulfstream G700™ flight-test program has made significant progress, surpassing 1,100 hours of flying and completing new company test regimens, all within the program's first year.

After its maiden voyage on Feb. 14, 2020, the G700 successfully completed several critical phases-of-flight tests, including envelope expansion, flutter, aerodynamic stalls, flying qualities, flight control systems and air-data testing. The test fleet then went on to conduct winglet and wing-ice shape stall testing, loads testing and initial cold-weather testing at the McKinley Climatic Laboratory at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida. The test aircraft have performed avionics testing in Chicago, as well as Van Nuys, San Jose and Oakland, California. More recently, the G700 began flight-into-known-icing (FIKI) testing and successfully completed high-altitude engine-performance testing at Telluride Regional Airport in Colorado, at an altitude of 9,078 feet/2,767 meters. The aircraft is also undergoing high-intensity radiated fields/indirect effects of lightning (HIRF/IEL) testing.

"Thanks to the outstanding Gulfstream team, the G700 flight-test program is going remarkably well," said Mark Burns, president, Gulfstream. "The aircraft itself has been performing flawlessly, whether going to extreme speeds and heights or running through its paces in the high-altitude environment at Telluride. We have spent the past year rigorously testing this mature, high-performing aircraft for our customers and I look forward to continuing to do that and more in the coming months as we steadily move toward certification and customer deliveries."

Since the flight-test program launched in February 2020, four additional test aircraft have joined. During envelope expansion testing, the aircraft safely performed well beyond its maximum operations speed and cruise altitude, flying perfectly at Mach 0.99 and at 54,000 ft/16,459 m.

Gulfstream is also testing the G700's enhanced Symmetry Flight Deck™, including the award-winning Gulfstream Predictive Landing Performance System. The system is a great safety differentiator, giving pilots advanced warning of potential runway excursions to allow them to adjust approaches or go around. The G700 Symmetry Flight Deck also includes Gulfstream's Enhanced Flight Vision System and Synthetic Vision on dual head-up displays.

In addition to the five test aircraft flying, the G700 flight-test program will include a fully completed production test aircraft to evaluate the interior elements throughout the aircraft's up to five living areas, including all-new, award-winning seating and Gulfstream's new ultrahigh-definition circadian lighting system. The G700 interior also features an ultragalley, the industry's largest; a grand suite with optional shower; a six-place conference and dining table; 20 panoramic windows; and the Gulfstream Cabin Experience with 100% fresh, never recirculated air, low cabin altitude and whisper-quiet noise levels.


In a move to bolster armed forces' tactical situational awareness and precision strike capabilities while minimising personnel risk and collateral damage, Paramount Advanced Technologies (PAT), subsidiary to Paramount Group, the global aerospace and technology company, has announced the launch of its long-range, precision strike and cost-effective swarming UAV system, N-Raven.

The N-Raven family of autonomous, multi-mission aerial vehicles featuring next generation 'swarm' technologies to accomplish numerous missions with pinpoint precision, debuted at the 2021 International Defence Exhibition and Conference (IDEX 2021) held in Abu Dhabi.

The N-Raven family has been designed for technology transfer and portable manufacture from within partner countries with both unrivalled accuracy and affordability in mind. In doing so, the N-Raven addresses a myriad of mission requirements, including 'future warfighter engagements' where intelligent 'swarming technologies' combined with multiple munition loitering and attack operations have been proven to ensure mission survivability.

With a modular system allowing for flexible mission planning, operational units can launch the versatile N-Raven UAV from multiple land-based, naval, and airborne platforms. Formation level commanders can further benefit from the advantage of the N-Raven's precision strike capabilities against high-value targets, both static and moving, located deep within enemy territory, by utilising a 'swarm' of loitering munitions.

The 41 kg N-Raven operates with a covert, low signature in contested environments offering a cruise speed of approximately 180 km/hr and a loitering endurance time of approximately two hours. N-Raven swarm loitering munitions offer a variety of sensors with each being capable of carrying a 10 - 15 kg payloads up to a range of 250 km.

The system provides detection, identification, location and reportage (DILR) against various targets. The N-Raven Series can be critical to the successful execution of modern fire missions, with swarm capabilities offering support for Multi-Domain Operations (MDO). As the platform's onboard sensors and communication technologies continue to improve, they can serve as significant force multipliers for strategic and tactical assignments.

Equivalent to positioning multiple personnel on the ground in often austere, high-risk environments, the N-Raven is designed to saturate an area with Electro-Optical/Infra-Red (EO/IR), Semi-Active Laser sensor-driven target identification and tracking technologies to provide a rapid, data-rich picture of activity. This reduces threats to personnel safety while enhancing human end-user responsiveness in radically changing engagement scenarios.

A field simulator is optionally available which connects to the system's control unit, allowing the N-Raven crew to rehearse each mission before launch. The UAV's recording capabilities allow for a full debrief and ensure a positive learning curve for the end-user's personnel, while reducing costs and minimizing risks in operator training.

Paramount Advanced Technologies has developed the N-Raven as a robust yet cost-effective technology solution, utilising proven commercial components and experience gained from the company's long legacy in the development of UAV systems, including however not limited to the Meteorite.

Lee Connelly, CEO of Paramount Advanced technologies, stated, "We continue to research, design and innovate new technologies that remove military personnel from the front lines, minimise collateral damage and exposure of friendly forces. At the same time providing surveillance and engagement support, and helping armed forces around the world garner greater intelligence and mission success.

"Our aerospace and technology company was founded on the belief that true innovation in our space means bringing technologically advanced, affordable and highly customisable solutions to the needs of our customers and partners. We are accordingly very excited to launch the N-Raven unmanned aerial vehicle at IDEX, and showcase its diverse capabilities in addressing the battlefield challenges of 2021 and beyond".


Compared with traditional sightseeing ferries and helicopters, the purely electric passenger-grade AAV uses point-to-point direct flight, which is safer, more efficient and carbon emission-free. It can unlock new perspectives for passengers to enjoy the scenery in the sky and provide a safer, more comfortable and more personal flight experiences. As aerial flight technologies continue to evolve, AAVs powered by clean energy have become a new trend of low-altitude tourism.

EHang Holdings Limited (Nasdaq: EH) ("EHang" or the "Company"), the world's leading autonomous aerial vehicle ("AAV") technology platform company has announced that it recently successfully completed the first trial flights of EH216 over the sea of Southern China. The flights started from Hengqin New District and ended in Dong Ao Island in Zhuhai City.

Dong Ao Island, located in the south-central part of Wanshan Archipelago of Zhuhai City, is a popular tourist destination in the sea of Southern China. With superior geographical location and pleasant natural scenery, Dong Ao Island has the market potential for developing short-to-medium distance air travel related scenarios in coastal areas. The trial flights over the sea demonstrated again the capabilities of EHang's autonomous aerial technologies and air mobility solutions.

Moving forward, EHang will continue to develop a new way of island air tours and explore new application scenarios of AAV technologies. EHang also intends to promote a new use case model of "urban air mobility (UAM) + leisure tourism" in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area with the goal of building international tourism destinations. This will lay a solid foundation for the subsequent development of aerial sightseeing routes and operations.


Joby Aviation ("Joby" or the "Company"), a transportation company developing an all-electric, vertical take-off and landing aircraft that it intends to operate as a commercial passenger aircraft beginning in 2024, has entered into a definitive business combination agreement with Reinvent Technology Partners ("Reinvent" or "RTP") (NYSE:RTP), a special purpose acquisition company that takes a "venture capital at scale" approach to partnering with bold leaders and companies. Upon the closing of the transaction, the combined company will be named Joby Aviation and become publicly traded, with its common stock expected to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

With more than 1,000 test flights completed over the last 10 years, Joby Aviation has secured a substantial first-mover advantage in the aerial ridesharing industry. In 2020, the Company became the first to agree to a certification basis for an electric vertical take-off and landing ("eVTOL") aircraft with the Federal Aviation Administration ("FAA") and in the same year received the U.S. Air Force's first ever airworthiness approval for an eVTOL aircraft.

The Company intends to revolutionize how people move by unlocking the possibility to leapfrog sustainably over the gridlock below in its piloted, four-passenger, emissions free aircraft, which can travel up to 150 miles at speeds up to 200 miles per hour.

The proceeds from this transaction are expected to fund the business through the start of commercial operations, including certification of the aircraft and development of manufacturing facilities.

JoeBen Bevirt, Founder and CEO of Joby Aviation, said: "For the last decade, we have been laser-focused on one task - developing the best possible technology for this market. But our long-term vision has always been to build a global passenger service, helping a billion people to save an hour every day, while contributing to the protection of our precious planet. Today's transaction lets us look ahead to the next decade and provides us with the resources we need to bring our vision to life."

Paul Sciarra, Executive Chairman of Joby Aviation, said: "While traveling is central to human existence, it's often painfully inefficient and is only getting worse. By rethinking how air travel is delivered, we can open up new ways of moving around congested cities and under-served rural communities, helping to tackle congestion and climate change at the same time."

Joby Aviation plans to launch commercial operations in the United States in 2024, before scaling its service globally. Air taxi networks can be scaled rapidly and efficiently using existing heliport or airport infrastructure, with the number of routes in a network growing exponentially as new vertiports are introduced.

Joby's aircraft has been specifically designed to achieve cost-effective manufacturing and operations, allowing the Company to offer affordable flights at scale, democratizing air travel and transforming human networks. The market opportunity for aerial mobility has been estimated at $500+ billion for the United States, while the total addressable global market is expected to exceed $1 trillion.


Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) was awarded a $414 million contract from the U.S. Navy and Air Force for Long Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM) production. This is the largest LRASM production contract in the history of the program.

The combined Lot 4/5 contract continues production of the air-launched variant of LRASM, now operational on the U.S. Navy F/A-18E/F and U.S. Air Force B-1B.

"This contract reflects LRASM's increasing significance to our customers' missions. Focused teamwork around a shared vision with our customers and our dedicated supply partners remains key to this program's success," said David Helsel, LRASM director at Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control. "We look forward to continuing our important work and growing our capabilities and platforms."

LRASM is designed to detect and destroy specific targets within groups of ships by employing advanced technologies that reduce dependence on intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance platforms, network links and GPS navigation in electronic warfare environments. LRASM will play a significant role in ensuring military access to operate in open ocean, owing to its enhanced ability to discriminate and conduct tactical engagements from extended ranges.

LRASM is a precision-guided, anti-ship standoff missile based on the successful Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile - Extended Range (JASSM-ER). It is designed to meet the needs of U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force warfighters in contested environments. LRASM provides an operational capability for the U.S. Navy's offensive anti-surface warfare Increment I requirement.

Canada, Mayo, Yukon: The TSB Canada found that pilot decision-making was a factor in a fatal controlled flight into terrain accident involving a Cessna 208B in 2019 near Mayo, Yukon.
On 6 August 2019, a Cessna 208B Supervan 900 operated by Alkan Air was on a visual flight rules (VFR) flight from Rau Airstrip to Mayo Airport, Canada, with one pilot and one passenger on board. While enroute, the aircraft entered an area of low visibility and low cloud ceilings. The aircraft departed from the intended route, turned into a box canyon and struck rising terrain, fatally injuring the pilot and passenger. The aircraft was destroyed and there was a brief post-impact fire.
The investigation found that the pilot's decision to continue a low altitude flight into poor weather conditions in mountainous terrain was influenced by several factors. The pilot had recently completed a flight along the same route, in similar weather conditions. The pilot's decision-making would have been affected by his familiarity with the route and, consequently, he likely did not consider an alternate route to avoid the poor weather conditions.
The high speed at low altitude and low visibility reduced the opportunities for the pilot to take alternative action to avoid terrain. Within the box canyon, the canyon floor elevation increased abruptly within less than one nautical mile and the low visibility prevented the pilot from detecting this and taking sufficient actions to prevent a collision. Additionally, the aircraft's terrain awareness and warning system aural alerts were ineffective in warning the pilot of the rising terrain because he had already heard multiple similar alerts in the preceding minutes of flight, or had silenced these alerts.

Mozambique, Quelimane Airport: A Linhas Aéreas de Moçambique Boeing 737-7Q8 on a scheduled passenger flight from Maputo International Airport suffered a runway excursion after landing at Quelimane Airport. The aircraft came to a full stop with all landing gears in the grass about 1280 m past the threshold of runway 18 and to the east of the runway. There were no reported injuries.

Sudan, near Khartoum: A Tarco Airlines Boeing 737 returned to land at Khartoum Airport, Sudan, after it appeared there was a cat inside the cockpit. Media reports suggest the cat had attacked the pilot.

USA, Virgin Islands: A helicopter carrying four people over the U.S. Virgin Islands crashed killing all on board including a well-known local pilot celebrated for flying humanitarian missions in the wake of two devastating 2017 hurricanes. The silver-and-yellow Bell 206 was registered to St. Thomas-based sightseeing and charter outfit Caribbean Buzz Helicopters and piloted by owner Maria Rodriguez, who had two-and-a-half decades of flying experience and was well versed in the rugged Virgin Islands terrain. Three members of a family who likewise called St. Thomas home were also killed in the crash, according to multiple sources.

Finland, Helsinki-Vantaa Airport: The left engine of Finnair's Airbus A350-900 aircraft hit the taxiway sign when leaving the de-icing site. The flight was cancelled.

France, Saint Florentin Airfield, Bourgogne: An Ekolot KR-030 Topaz ultralight aircraft with two on board crashed during landing at Saint Florentin Airfield, France. The pilot died and the passenger suffered serious injuries. The aircraft was damaged beyond repair.

USA, near Salt Lake City, UTL: A Delta Air Lines Boeing 757-26D with 128 on a flight from Atlanta (ATL) to Seattle (SEA) made an emergency landing at Salt Lake City (SLC). The flight was diverted to Salt Lake City following an indicator warning of a possible problem with one of the aircraft's engines. The aircraft landed safely on runway 16L and taxied to the gate without assistance.

USA, near Mayfield Graves County Airport, KY: An experimental Van's RV-7A, amateur build impacted open field terrain near Mayfield Graves County Airport (M25), Mayfield, Kentucky. The airplane was destroyed and the sole pilot onboard was fatally injured.

USA, East of Livermore Municipal Airport: Following a loss of engine power a Mooney M20E Super 21 with a pilot and passenger onboard, force landed to major roadway terrain east of Livermore Municipal Airport, Livermore, California. The airplane sustained substantial damage upon impact with an operating motor vehicle. There were no reported injuries.

USA, Clayton County, Millville, IA: Following a loss of engine power, a Cessna 182F Skylane with two occupants force landed on a rural roadway in southeast Millville, Iowa. The airplane sustained substantial damage subsequent to a nose over and the two occupants onboard received apparent minor injuries.

Germany, near Hildesheim airfield: During a test flight, the engine of an amateur built Aero Designs Pulsar XP failed. The pilot performed an emergency landing in a field next to the runway of Hildesheim Airfield (EDVM). The airplane flipped over after roll out. The pilot sustained minor injuries

4 MARCH 1936

The last great passenger-carrying airship, a veritable behemoth in its day, takes to the air for the first time. The German dirigible LZ 129, the Hindenburg, was powered by four 1,320-hp Daimler-Benz DB 602 diesel engines. The Hindenburg makes its first Atlantic crossing in the record time of 64 hours 53 min on May 6.

After opening its 1937 season by completing a single round-trip passage to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in late March, the Hindenburg departed from Frankfurt, Germany, on the evening of May 3, on the first of 10 round trips between Europe and the United States.

Except for strong headwinds that slowed its progress, the Atlantic crossing of the Hindenburg was otherwise unremarkable until the airship attempted an early-evening landing at Lakehurst three days later on 6 May.

Around 7:00 p.m at an altitude of 650 feet (200 m), the Hindenburg made its final approach to the Lakehurst Naval Air Station. The Hindenburg suddenly caught fire and quickly became engulfed in flames. As the tail of the Hindenburg crashed into the ground, a burst of flame came out of the nose, killing 9 of the 12 crew members in the bow. There was still gas in the bow section of the ship, so it continued to point upward as the stern collapsed down. The cell behind the passenger decks ignited as the side collapsed inward.

The airship's gondola wheel touched the ground, causing the bow to bounce up slightly as one final gas cell burned away. At this point, most of the fabric on the hull had also burned away and the bow finally crashed to the ground. Although the hydrogen had finished burning, the Hindenburg's diesel fuel burned for several more hours.

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