The Trike Globetrotter on Tour Around the World

By BRP-Rotax

Brasilia, overhead the Amazon

To travel around the world in a Trike is an adventure which is not for everyone. The two extreme adventurers from Germany are living their dream that became the philosophy of their life. Their Trike - equipped with a Rotax 912 ULS/S - gets them safely from one stage to the next. They have already crossed two continents in the last few years and the goal for the next years includes these continents - Africa, Asia and the ultimate goal, Australia.

Berlin Tegel Airport

Born in Berlin, Andreas Zmuda has been the born adventurer for many decades. He hitchhiked all over Europe when he was 15 with a backpack, before he emigrated to Venezuela in the early 1990s and gained a fascination for other cultures, traditions and ways of life. After he attained his sport pilot's license in the USA, he decided to stay in South America where he worked for 22 years as a tour guide and organizer of adventure tours and jungle expeditions.

Frankfurt International Airport

In November 2010, Andreas met Doreen Kroeber during an Amazon expedition which went through Peru, Bolivia and Brazil, where he was the expedition leader and Doreen was a "tourist". From the day they met, they were bound by their love for each other as well as by their common passions for all kinds of adventures and flying a Trike. Doreen was born in Halle (Saale) and since her teenage years, has been interested in outdoor activities and adventure trips around the world.

Oppdal, Norway

For a short time, both returned to the freezing cold in Germany, but this only lasted a few months. They were much too motivated to experience new adventures, so they decided in summer 2012 to sell everything they had and take off for a 160,000km-long world record flight through 101 countries, which would last for the next few years.

Overhead the Caribbean Sea

These extreme adventurers have been flying together over the past years across North, South and Middle America in their unbelievable island world of the Caribbean Sea. In New York, they made a spectacular flight around the Statue of Liberty and through the skyscrapers of Manhattan, making it the highlight of their vacation so far. Beyond that, the flights across Middle and South America included their own special perils.

St.Maarten, Juliana International Airport

"We knew from the very beginning that we would fly more than a third of all our flights over water, jungle or mountains, where safe emergency landing is impossible", says Andreas Zmuda about the most nerve-racking stages of their trip until now. "You never get used to flights like the ones over the Darién Gap between Panama and Columbia with 350km of uninhabited jungle or the Arctic tundra of Canada or even the many anxious flights of up to 4 hours over the turquoise blue water between the Caribbean islands. But it was always an extremely good feeling to be able to fully rely on the ROTAX 912 ULS/S."

In 2018, they returned to Europe, where they flew from Belgium to Luxembourg, to Germany, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Denmark and to Sweden, Norway, Finland as well as from Estonia to Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Italy France, Spain and Portugal. And the unbelievable thing - all with a common Trike!

Costa Rica, Uvita Papa Kilo Airport.

They are now preparing for further stages of their trip. Soon they will start their flight across Africa - over fields, deserts and mighty mountain ranges. Their trip then continues across Asia until they arrive at their final goal of their world tour in some years: Australia. It is still a huge distance to fly for the adventurers, which of course, implies a lot of dangerous areas, but also gorgeous experiences, impressions and encounters.

Many people dream their whole life about being able to experience these impressions and adventures, yet just a few would have the courage to set off on such an adventure.

The movie "100,000 Miles: The adventures of the Trike-Globetrotters on the American continent" will be in cinemas in 2021 and the trailer has already flighted. You can buy or stream the movie on the official website of the Trike-Globetrotters. Subscribe to their social media channels and accompany the Trike-Globetrotters on their adventure.

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