The PilotInsure Steady Climb Fly in Rhino Park
By Jaco Pitout

Saturday 5 December was set down as the date of the inaugural Steady Climb Fly- In, but the weather had made different plans. Saturday dawned with heavy rain and low clouds which did not favour a Fly- In event. Luckily, the organizers of the event were able to postpone it to Sunday, which promised better conditions.
Sunday morning again presented low cloud, but with the promise of the conditions improving during the morning. I headed out to Rhino Park to capture the action for Pilot's Post.
Arriving at Rhino Park, I met the ever friendly and enthusiastic Franz Smit of PilotInsure. It was clear that he was determined to have the Fly- In as it is for a very worthy cause. Franz initiated the idea of the Fly- In to support pilots who had suffered the wrath of the pandemic and had to start their own businesses. The Fly- In would act as a fund-raising event to support these pilots and to offer them mentorship in their new ventures. The team from PilotInsure also arranged fantastic spot prizes for those who purchased supporter tickets.
Quite soon, the conditions improved to such an extent that I could capture some of the arrivals.

The local flight school, LegendSky, provided ground marshals to assist with the parking of aircraft.

Nigel Musgrave acted as safety officer for the day and handled communications with visiting aircraft.

Franz Smith and Dave Naude of LegendSky kept a close eye on proceedings and posed for a quick photo.

The Flying Lions aerobatic team then appeared against the grey sky and landed in quick succession.

The on-site restaurant at Rhino Park offered scrumptious breakfasts and live music was on offer for the patrons. All too soon, some of the visiting aircraft started to make their way back to their home bases.

The early departing traffic did miss the Flying Lions' flat display which echoed against the eucalyptus trees in the background. What a beautiful sound!

After the Flying Lions concluded their display, the balance of the visiting aircraft departed to their respective home bases.

What a wonderful day out at Rhino Park airfield. Speaking to Franz,he confirmed that they are already planning the follow up event to this one, which will be bigger and better.
We look forward to seeing you at the next one!
Lastly, from my side, I would like to wish all Pilot's Post readers and their loved ones a safe, happy and healthy festive season! If you do travel, please do so safely. I look forward to seeing you at an aviation event next year!
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