Sling 2020 Breakfast Fly-in - Celebrating 609 sold

By Willie Bodenstein

Members of Rise Above Aviators jumping for joy for being at the Sling's annual breakfast fly -in.

This year the Sling's annual breakfast fly-in, the best ever attended, celebrated the company breaking the 600 mark of Sling2 and 4's sold. With 328 sold the Sling 2 is slowly inching towards the 400 mark whilst the Sling 4 and Tsi, the company's best sellers, at 281 are just short of the 300 mark.

A model of the high wing.

The company is keeping mum about sales for of the "Outback" Taildragger, one of which it intends to fly to Fun 'n Sun in USA in April next year as well as a second one to EAA AirVenture in July 2021.

A Sling 4 and a Tsi parked on the grass apron with one of the hangars occupied by the Sling factory and some of the visitors in the background.

Some Sling 4s and 2s that visited.

More Slings……

…….and more

…….and one completed for export for a client.

The fly-in, held under Covid 19 regulations, was attended by a large number of visitors flying a large variety of aircraft. Needless to say, most of the visitor's flew in the company's products followed by South Africa's second favourite home builds, Van's RV series.

The Sling's Shanelle McKechnie with Theo de Jager, the winner of the spot landing competition.

All visitors were invited to take part in a spot landing competition and some nice prizes were up for grabs. The winner was Theo de Jager who did the short hop from Panorama airfield in his lovely Rainbow Skyreach Bush Cat ZU-SPY. The Bush Cat is another South African product that is selling rather well in the USA.

The Johannesburg's Flying Academy's Sling. One of numerous others that are used for training students worldwide.

Slings, because of their reliability, relatively low maintenance costs and modern avionics have proven themselves, not only in SA, but also in the USA, Australia and elsewhere as popular training aircraft. One, a Sling 2, that of the Johannesburg Flying Academy, was on display.

More of the morning's visitors.

A high wing fuselage.

Now firmly established on the calendar and only a short hop away from most from Gauteng's general aviation fields, the Sling Breakfast fly-in is open to all types. Unlike most fly in's, what makes it popular is the chance to visit the factory where the country's most successful general aviation aircraft are manufactured.

Some high-profile visitors on the day were from left to right: Goitseona Diale (RAA Vice Chairman), Rob Jonkers (Chairman of the Aero Club of SA), Daniel Ralefeta (RAA Chairman), Mike Blyth (Founder of the Sling Aircraft) and Kgopotso Mongale (RAA Treasurer.)

More visitors.

Even if you are not in the market for a new aircraft, the Sling Fly-in with it's convivial atmosphere, helpful staff on hand to answer questions and the change of a flight in one of the company's products is one not to be missed.

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