Compiled by Willie Bodenstein


by Anthony Foxcroft

CFI of Aviation Training, with 20 years' experience as an airline pilot and instructor

Last year I embarked upon the process of converting my South African ATPL to an EASA licence. In EASA states, attendance at an approved ground school is mandatory before you will be allowed to write the exams. Candidates with sufficient experience are given a waiver of this requirement but are still required to write all 13 exams.

Even so, it is a massive undertaking and to make things more interesting I was juggling that with the demands of family life and a full-time airline job flying 90 hours a month. It was hard work, but I was able to complete everything in 6 months.

I attribute a large part of that to the fact that, although my initial training was 20 years ago, I had studied to gain knowledge for a professional career and not just to pass the exams. The knowledge was all still there and came back to me quickly once I got the gears turning again.

Something else that has changed in that time is that it has become the norm for CPL students to write 1 subject at a time and often take longer than a year to pass them all. Guidance from EASA is that a CPL ground school must be at least 250 hours. As this is only the classroom time you could reasonably expect to double that to 500 hours with your own study and revision. This means that a student studying diligently for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week should be done in just over 3 months. Add in the Instrument Rating and 4-5 months should be easily achievable.

Many subjects are interrelated and fit together to form the knowledge base required of a commercial pilot. Studying the subjects in isolation is what causes many people to struggle with the IR exam as that requires you to apply knowledge from all met, law, navigation and radio aids to be successful.

Anthony Foxcroft is the CFI of Aviation Training.

Visit their website at www.aviationtraining.biz to find out more.


SACAA Private Bag X 73 Halfway House 1685
Tel: (011) 545-1323 E-Mail: delangen@caa.co.za

GENERAL NOTICE # GAD-2020/002 - 9 JUNE 2020

COVID - 19

Procedure in respect of requirement for the positioning of an aircraft as a result of maintenance only in cases where all aircraft related documentation is currently valid such a AtF or CofA and CRS.

Complying with COVID-19 sanitisation requirements as applicable to the extent the crew involved in the intended flights receives approval from the SACAA of their submitted compliance plan/procedure as set out in Government Gazette No. 43375 of 30 May 2020 as it applies to General Aviation.

This Notice applies to
a) i) Aircraft re-positioning following maintenance; or ii) Aircraft operations which is required for purposes of the positioning or repositioning of an aircraft undergoing or following maintenance; and a) Where such Aircraft is in possession of valid airworthiness documentation inclusive of CoA/ AtF and CRS; and b) Aircraft operating under Part 94 and Part 91 of the South African Civil Aviation Regulations

This Notice does not apply to
a) Continued airworthiness flights (aircraft engine and system health) as recommended by aircraft and engine manufacturers. Guidance for such flights is covered under General Notice #GAD-2020/001; or b) Special flight permits required to position an aircraft for maintenance where such aircraft has an expired Authority to Fly permit or Certificate of Airworthiness must comply with the requirements provided in CAR 21.08.7(1) and CAR 24.02.6 of the Civil Aviation Regulations. Please note that General Notice #AIR-2020/002 has been withdrawn.

c) Flights covered by the Government Gazette Notice No. 43375 inclusive of Essential Services flights which are conducted in terms of Part 91 and Part 94 of the Civil Aviation Regulations must comply with the procedure contained in NOTAM 1773 as it was effective 1 June 2020, and may be amended from time to time.

On 15 March 2020, the President of the Republic of South Africa declared a national state of disaster regarding the COVID-19 outbreak. In this regard, the President also put in place several measures to limit exposure and the potential spread of the virus.

The President announced the easing of restrictions of the lockdown from Level 4 to Level 3 from 1 June 2020, which would allow businesses to open the workplaces for a limited number of employees returning to work and the resume of certain operations. The objective under Level 3 is to take extreme precautions to limit transmissions and outbreaks while allowing some activities to resume.

Further Directions were published by the Minister of Transport on 30 May 2020 in Government Gazette No. 43375 focusing inter alia on General Aviation operations. Guidance were also published in ANNEXURE E - Guidelines for Flight Operations in General Aviation with even date.

1. Process and Conditions

a) Process to be followed: i. Each owner/pilot requesting a flight to be undertaken under the applicability of this Notice will be required to complete a flight request form that is accessible on the websites of the Aero Club of South Africa www.aeroclub.org.za, or the Commercial Aviation Association of South Africa www.caasa.co.za. (This will include a Covid-19 compliance form). Once the form has been completed, the requestor will be prompted to submit the relevant pilot and aircraft documentation and will be advised of further procedure ii. An internal SACAA approval process will follow where after the automated system will notify the owner / pilot of the outcome and further process to follow. Website application and login detail required for registration of the intended flight and related detail will be provided. iii. Should the processes in paragraphs i. and ii. above not be available or functioning optimally, applicants are advised to send their request directly to laubscherp@caa.co.za requesting the covid-19 check sheet for completion and return. iv. The CAA will be provided with a daily register of all flights undertaken against approvals issued by the automated system.

b) Adherence to general COVID - 19 regulations At all times, the measures outlined by the South African Government to reduce the risk of the spread of COVID-19, such as social distancing, personal hygiene and minimising travel remain applicable, and pilots and operators undertaking flights on the basis permitted here must observe these. All operators must submit a Covid-19 compliance form as part of the flight request as defined in 1 a) above

c) Compliance with the Civil Aviation Regulations 2011 Non-compliance to the Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011 have the following consequences: i. 185.01.1(1) Any person who commits an offence, or contravenes these Regulations, may be subjected to administrative or criminal action in terms of this Part. ii. 185.01.2 A person commits an offence if that person- (a) hinders or obstructs an authorised officer, inspector or authorised person in the exercise of his or her powers or the performance of his or her duties; iii. (m) contravenes any provision of the [Civil Aviation] Act and these Regulations.


Status on GA / RA flight operations in Level 3

As an update from the last communique sent out on the 31st of May as Level 3 was about to start, regulations regarding Aviation was released with limited flying activities being allowed in GA / RA unless in support of business operations, including ATOs as well as maintenance related flights. This remains the status quo as we are nearing mid June, where many of the domestic airlines are also restarting schedules in support of business travelers.

The current Aero Club / CAASA maintenance preservation flight authorisation system is working well, and to date over 850 flight approvals have been granted, and as we started this on the 21st of May in around a week's time the next tranche of flights at the 28 day cycle can be carried out if the owner / pilot so wishes, details on this will be communicated to current approval holders.

Given there are many aircraft that need to be flown to and from AMOs / APs, we have further developed the authorisation system to incorporate the means to apply for re-positioning flights for maintenance purposes, which will include the to and from flights and any local acceptance flights post maintenance for aircraft having valid and current CoA, ATF, CRS. For your reference go to the Aero Club or CAASA websites www.aeroclub.org.za www.caasa.co.za to gain access to the system, Those aircraft with expired documents will need to apply for a Special Flight Permit in the normal manner to the CAA. See below the General Notice in this regard. The system will go live on 10 June at noon.

We are also still working hard at re-opening GA / RA to a further extent, and as noted in the last communique to secure a means to carry out proficiency flights, and have engaged with the DoT / CAA with proposals for consideration, which are being reviewed on an ongoing basis, and hope to have a solution soon on this matter.


Good day

Please sent your applications to the following addresses ONLY and not to an individual as this makes tracking of your application difficult.

All C of A applications only- currencyfees@caa.co.za
All ATF applications only - atf@caa.co.za
All aircraft-related applications only - aircraft@caa.co.za

If your application is not sent to one of the above emails, your application will not be processed. The responsible person will allocate your application to an inspector for processing.

For any progress updates, please contact the responsible person directly.

The link below provides all the contact details.


Just a reminder that we are open and ready to assist during Level 3 of lockdown. Aeronautical Aviation has complied with all the requirements laid down by our government and is ready to assist wherever you may need us.

Give Clinton a call on 083 459 6279 or Claude on 082 854 1931 for any assistance.

We are looking forward to aviation returning to the amazing industry it once was.


Due to Covid 19 and regulations regulating travelling as well as restrictions controlling the number of people congregating together, no aviation events will take place in the foreseeable future. Pilot's Post will advise our readers as soon as this changes.

As Bye Aerospace manages its way through the challenges of the coronavirus crisis, the company said it is making eFlyer 2 engineering progress, soon to achieve the high-level critical design phase completion. A critical design review ("CDR") is a multi-disciplined technical review to ensure that each eFlyer 2 primary system can proceed into fabrication, demonstration and test. The CDR review also meets the FAA 14 CFR 23 Amendment 64 certification standards and performance requirements within the eFlyer 2 cost, schedule and safety criteria. A major industry and program milestone, a successful CDR is predicated upon a determination that the eFlyer 2 design is ready to achieve these goals.

"I'm grateful to our remarkable team of engineers, designated engineering representatives, our development partners and suppliers for their support in the engineering progress of eFlyer 2," said George E. Bye, CEO of Bye Aerospace. "This important upcoming aviation industry milestone is a reflection of the team's incredible dedication and hard work."

In addition to approaching the engineering milestone, Bye Aerospace reported the market continues to respond to the opportunity to reserve delivery positions for the game-changing all-electric eFlyer aircraft. The Company reported an existing flight school customer based in California added a purchase deposit for one eFlyer and an agreement for another eFlyer deposit to be made later this year. A flying club also made a purchase deposit for an eFlyer 2 to add to its aircraft portfolio. In addition, a purchase deposit agreement was signed for a mix of 10 eFlyer 2's and 10 eFlyer 4's for a new aviation entity with exciting plans for putting eFlyers to use in industry. The new company also selected Bye Aerospace for a multi-engine requirement, reserving two units with purchase deposits of a future all-electric six to nine-seat airplane.

Bye said the benefits of electric aviation, including significantly lower operating costs, zero emissions and decreased noise, will continue to provide momentum for the industry's future. "My sincere thanks to our customers for their commitment to the future of electric aviation beyond the near-term impact of these uncertain times," Bye said. "We continue to look to a bright future ahead."

Bye Aerospace reports its purchase reservation total, including the new agreements, is 330 units.

The five-day event will include streamed and on-demand content, encompassing nearly every subset of aviation, with a focus on educational, informational, and entertaining content. EAA's special interest groups will also be heavily involved, bringing highlights that include homebuilts, warbirds, vintage, aerobatics, ultralights and much more.

"Nothing can replace the Oshkosh experience in-person during AirVenture week, as that event personifies the common passion we have for flight, in all its wonderful ways," said Jack J. Pelton, EAA's CEO and chairman of the board. "As unfortunate as it was that the cancellation of AirVenture 2020 took away that personal experience, countless people and groups have stepped forward to ask what they could do to virtually create something from Oshkosh that brings us together as aviators and aviation enthusiasts. We're going to incorporate as many of them as possible during a full five-day event."
Among the highlights already planned for EAA Spirit of Aviation Week are:
# Presentations, forums, and discussions with notable leaders in aviation
# Historical and archival content that highlights aviation legends
# Homebuilding workshops, discussions, and educational tips
# Content centred on pilot proficiency and learning to fly
# A virtual exhibit space that showcases products, show specials, videos, and services available from the hundreds of AirVenture exhibitors.
# Features from air show performers to military and space programs
# Stories from those in EAA's community through Hangar Flying segments
EAAtogether.org will be the exclusive home of the entire five-day event. The schedule is expected to launch in the coming weeks before the virtual opening day, under the theme and hashtag #EAAtogether.
"The people of EAA make The Spirit of Aviation and that's what we're celebrating these five days," Pelton said. "All we're missing are tents and campfire aroma, but perhaps that's something you and your EAA chapter can add wherever you are with your local aviation family."

An MDHI pilot flew the first mission in one of the Company's helicopters to the Navajo Nation, whose border is approximately 150 miles north of MDHI's Mesa, AZ base of operations. The Navajo Nation covers 27,000 square miles that can be logistically challenging for transport of goods due to terrain and obstacles throughout its vast expanse. During the COVID-19 crisis, large quantities of relief aid accumulated in the Phoenix area awaiting distribution. The urgent situation called for a helicopter solution to deliver the desperately needed aid to multiple locations much faster than ground transport could provide. MDHI accepted the opportunity to assist our neighbours to the north.

Relief goods were accumulated at MDHI's Mesa base, loaded into an MD 520N helicopter and flown to Chinle Municiple Airport deep in the Navajo Nation, where the aid was delivered to relief workers. The entire mission covered approximately 500 nautical miles, included 2 fuel stops and lasted roughly 5 hours. "MD Helicopters has been a proud part of the Arizona community since its birth over 20 years ago" said Chris Jaran, the Chief Operating Officer of MD. "We have always stood ready to help our neighbours and contribute to the welfare of our community." Jaran continued, "Our helicopters are flown by first responders and military units all over the world and we are pleased to join the efforts of Arizonans to address humanitarian needs here at home in these challenging times."

MDHI will continue flying relief aid missions in support of the Navajo Nation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This does not require modification of an aircraft. Such equipment will provide more opportunities to use an aircraft for medical purposes," said Executive Director of Rostec Oleg Yevtushenko.

Ansat helicopters save people, being used for air medical services and regularly making flights for medical evacuation day and night. The helicopters are used in the Moscow Region, the Nizhny Novgorod Region, the Kirov Region, the Kostroma Region, the Tver Region, the Chelyabinsk Region, the Belgorod Region, the Volgograd Region, the Astrakhan Region, in the Republic of Tatarstan, etc.

"All work necessary for obtaining approval from Russian aviation authorities has been carried out within a short period of time. Ansat helicopter was primarily equipped with a cabin for patients with infectious diseases to facilitate operation of the existing aircraft already used for air medical services - it will be possible to use those aircraft for combating COVID-19, and transport patients who could have highly dangerous infections and viruses," stated Director General of Russian Helicopters holding company Andrey Boginsky.

Ansat is a light multipurpose twin-engine helicopter, serial production of which is deployed at Kazan Helicopters. According to the helicopter certificate, its design allows converting it into a cargo version, or into a passenger rotorcraft that can lift up to seven people. In May 2015, a supplement to a type certificate for the modification of the helicopter with a medical module was obtained. Ansat is certified for use in the temperatures ranging between -45°? and +50°?, and in high mountains.

The ship-killing LRASM, which is built by Lockheed Martin, will give the B-1 advanced stand-off and counter-ship capabilities. Polish F-16s and MiG-29s escort a B1B Lancer during a training mission for Bomber Task Force Europe. This training is especially important to prepare B-1 crews to counter new and emerging threats, USAFE said and to be ready for a conflict against a major power, as outlined in the Pentagon's National Defence Strategy.

Lt. Col. Timothy Albrecht, a Bomber Task Force planner at the 603rd Air Operations Center at Ramstein Air Base in Germany in a USAF Media release stated: "The LRASM ( Long Range Anti-Ship Missile (plays a critical role in ensuring U.S. naval access to operate in both open-ocean and littoral environments due to its enhanced ability to discriminate between targets from long range,". "With the increase of maritime threats and their improvement of anti-access/area denial environmental weapons, this stealthy anti-ship cruise missile provides reduced risk to strike assets by penetrating and defeating sophisticated enemy air-defence systems."

"Bomber Task Force missions to Europe demonstrate commitment to our allies and partners all while providing a clear deterrence message to any adversary."

The aircraft touched down at Acropolis' Farnborough Airport home on 27th February, the culmination of 13 months' cabin outfitting by Basle, Switzerland based AMAC Aerospace.

But given the current Covid-19 pandemic, the aircraft that is intended to be the last word in private VVIP charter has had a somewhat inauspicious debut. "We managed to get two revenue trips in before the world shut down" Bousfield said.

The first in a new family for Airbus, is capable of flying over 12 hours. The brand-new ACJ320neo, takes long-haul flying to a new level. It brings stylish accommodation for 19 passengers, including a private master bedroom leading to a luxury en-suite bathroom with a rectangular shower, the largest ever to be installed in an Airbus single-aisle aircraft. Cabin space is versatile to suit Acropolis' diverse clientele, from heads of state to private individuals flying for business or leisure.

It features a full-sized kitchen galley for food preparation and an induction oven, enabling preparation of fresh quality food, without any fumes or odours. With an average cabin altitude of 6,400 ft to enhance cabin well-being, G-KELT has been fitted with an aircraft cabin air humidifier to ensure clients have a comfortable on-board experience, enabling them to arrive refreshed after an overnight flight.

The very latest technology is provided by Collins Aerospace cabin management system, Venue, along with its inflight entertainment system, Stage, allowing hundreds of movies and TV programmes to be viewed on 19 individual iPads and four large TV screens throughout the cabin. Collins is also providing its Viu LED mood interior lighting system, while its moving map display Airshow features on the four large cabin screens. The aircraft is also fitted with superfast wireless Wi-Fi via Ka-Band internet connection.

"The Super Hornet is an iconic representation of excellence in naval aviation," said ret. Admiral Pat Walsh, vice president of U.S. Navy & Marine Corps Services for Boeing. Walsh flew with the Blue Angels from 1985 to 1987 as the Left Wingman (#3) and Slot Pilot (#4). "As Boeing continues to support the operational fleet of Navy Super Hornets, we are excited to see this platform enter a critical phase of its journey to joining the team."

The flight demonstration squadron has flown Boeing or Boeing-heritage aircraft for more than 50 years, starting with the F-4J Phantom II in 1969 and then moving to the A-4F Skyhawk. The team currently operates the F/A-18A-D Hornet.

Boeing converts F/A-18 Hornets and Super Hornets into Blue Angels at the company's Cecil Field facility in Jacksonville, Florida. Major modifications include the addition of an oil tank for the smoke-generation system, fuel systems that enable the aircraft to fly inverted for extended periods of time, civilian-compatible navigation equipment, cameras and adjustments for the aircraft's centre of gravity.

Boeing is the world's largest aerospace company and leading provider of commercial airplanes, defence, space and security systems and global services. As a top U.S. exporter, the company supports commercial and government customers in more than 150 countries. Building on a legacy of aerospace leadership, Boeing continues to lead in technology and innovation, deliver for its customers and invest in its people and future growth.

The certification fight test, completed in May 2020 in coordination with the French Armament General Directorate (DGA) and supported by the French and Belgian Armed Forces, combined an extensive paratrooping campaign of more than 1,000 jumps along with the implementation of new capability development methodologies based on recording and 3D modelling of paratrooper jump trajectories.

"This certification completes a challenging journey to achieve this next generation capability. The achievement reinforces the strategic value the A400M already offers to air force operators and society, as demonstrated during Covid-19 times," said Dirk Hoke, Chief Executive Officer of Airbus Defence and Space.

With the completion of this key milestone, the A400M excels in its paratrooping role, being able to carry 116 paratroopers who can jump two at a time from the ramp in freefall, or through the paratroop side doors with automatic parachute opening, a state-of-the-art capability that greatly increments its operational possibilities.

KC-135 tankers from the 100th Air Refuelling Wing at RAF Mildenhall in England and 168th Air Refuelling Wing at Eielson Air Force Base in Alaska refuelled the B-52s during their round-trip flight over the Arctic Ocean and the Laptev Sea, off the northern coast of Siberia.

The Air Force has conducted multiple long-range training flights with all three types of bombers in its fleet to Europe in recent weeks, including training missions with the air forces of Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Sweden and other allied nations.

"The Arctic is a strategic region with growing geopolitical and global importance and these Bomber Task Force missions demonstrate our commitment to our partners and allies and our capability to deter, assure and defend together in an increasingly complex environment." USAFE commander Gen. Jeff Harrigian said in the release. "The integration of our bombers across Europe and the Arctic is key to enhancing regional security."

According to air traffic control radar and radio communication information provided by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the pilot established communications with the Atlanta Air Route Traffic Control Centre (ARTCC) and reported that the airplane was level at FL390 and that the air was smooth. Thirteen minutes later, the controller instructed the pilot to contact the Jacksonville ARTCC, but the pilot was unresponsive. The controller made several attempts to contact the pilot on different radio frequencies, but no response was received. Controllers continued to monitor the flight via radar as it continued through Jacksonville and Miami ARTCC airspace without radio contact.

The US Air Force dispatched two aircraft to intercept the accident airplane. As they approached the accident airplane, they could only see a vapor/contrail emitting from the right engine. The accident airplane slowed to about 100 knots as the interceptor airplanes passed it and the pilots could not see the cockpit windows or inside the accident airplane. The accident airplane appeared to lose total engine power, then descended and impacted the Atlantic Ocean about 310 statute miles east of FXE. The US Coast Guard initiated a search after the accident, which was suspended on May 25, 2019. Neither the pilot nor the airplane were recovered.

RSA, Villiersdorp: A Jabiru J400 operated by African Consulting Surveyors with two on board crashed under unknown circumstances. Both occupants were injured and were taken to a hospital.

USA, Zamperini Field Airport: A Yak-52TW and a Nanchang CJ-6A, on taxi collided at Zamperini Field Airport (TOA/KTOA), Torrance, California. The airplanes sustained unreported damage and the sole pilot onboard either was not injured during the incident.

USA, North Las Vegas Airport: A Cessna 172R Skyhawk II operated by the Hillsboro Aero Academy LL with two on board experienced a loss of directional control and a subsequent tail strike on the runway immediately after a take-off. The aircraft sustained substantial damage and the two people onboard were not injured.

USA, New Smyrna Beach Municipal Airport: A Sonex with two on board landed short of the runway and crashed into some trees near New Smyrna Beach Municipal Airport (KEVB), Florida. The aircraft sustained unreported but apparent substantial damage and the two people onboard were not injured.

USA, north of Fairfield, Solano County: A Bell 206L-3 Long Ranger III operated by PJ Helicopters with three on board clipped powerlines and impacted the terrain during an aerial powerline inspection flight north of Fairfield, Solano County, California. The helicopter was destroyed and the three occupants were fatally injured.

In the early 1920s, Henry Ford, along with a group of 19 other investors including his son Edsel, invested in the Stout Metal Airplane Company and in 1925, Ford bought Stout and its aircraft designs.

The Ford Trimotor was a development of previous designs by William Bushnell Stout, using structural principles copied from the work of Professor Hugo Junkers, the noted German all-metal aircraft design pioneer and adapted to an airframe very similar to the Fokker F.VII - even using the same airfoil cross section at the wing root.

The single-engined Stout monoplane was turned into a trimotor, the Stout 3-AT with three Curtiss-Wright air-cooled radial engines. After a prototype was built and test-flown with poor results and a suspicious fire caused the complete destruction of all previous designs, the "4-AT" and "5-AT" emerged.

A total of 199 Ford Trimotors were built between 1926 and 1933, including 79 of the 4-AT variant, and 116 of the 5-AT variant, plus some experimental craft. Well over 100 airlines of the world flew the Ford Trimotor. From mid-1927, the type was also flown on executive transportation duties by several commercial nonairline operators, including oil and manufacturing companies.

The impact of the Ford Trimotor on commercial aviation was immediate, as the design represented a "quantum leap over other airliners." Within a few months of its introduction, Transcontinental Air Transport was created to provide coast-to-coast operation, capitalizing on the Trimotor's ability to provide reliable and, for the time, comfortable passenger service.

As of 2011, there are 18 Ford Trimotors in existence, eight of which have current FAA airworthiness certificates.

Midweek Update

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