International Civil Aviation Day and Mafikeng Airshow 2012
By Cheryl Smit
ICAD 2012 hosted over 3000 grade 10 to 12 (Mathematics and Science) learners from schools, villages and townships throughout the North West Province over a two day period 6th and 7th December. Learners were empowered by different aviation experts SAMMA, Aero Club, RAASA, ATNS, SAA, SAAF's Siyandiza and SAPS Air Wing through presentations about the various careers in the aviation industry. The learners also benefitted from the various training and development opportunities and the Cadet programmes available from the organisations.

On the airshow day 8th December ICAD hosted 100 learners from special schools from around the city. This was the first time in the history of ICAD that learners with disabilities were included in the programme.

Under the ever watchful eye of Flight Director Rikus Erasmus the airshow commenced at 11h00 sharp with perfect weather conditions and a parachute drop with the SA Flag.

Brian Emmenis of Capital Sounds did the commentary and as always kept the crowds of Mafikeng entertained throughout the day.

The flying displays were as follows:
Graham Field's team of skydivers with tandem jumps from the Atlas Angel. Willem Grobelaar from RAASA did his first tandem jump with the master Grahem Field
The SAA Harvards flown by Pierre Gouws, Nigel Hopkins and Larry Beamish
The Impala flown by Mike Weingaarts
The Tiger Moth flown by Jeff Earle
The Goodyear Eagles flown by Johan van Sloms, Nigel Hopkins and Glenn Warden
The Mustang Sally flown by Menno Parsons
The Cirrus flown by Larry Beamish
The MX 2 flown by Nigel Hopkins
The SAPS Pilatus PC 6
The T28 Trojans flown by Pierre Gouws and Ronnie Beaumont
The Sportsman owned by Rob Kennedy and flown by Jeff Earle
The African Union Aviation Academy - Ghost Riders Beechcraft and Cessna display
The inverted Goodyear Pitts Parachute jump by Graham Field and the Pitts two ship display
The Gripen flown by Blokkies Joubert
The Silver Falcons

The award for the busiest pilot of the day must go to Nigel Hopkins who flew in no less than four displays.

The award for the most popular pilot of the day must go to Blokkies Joubert and his Gripen display and the most applauded display of the day goes without a doubt to the Silver Falcons.

This was a perfect incident free event and in my view one of the best this year to end off the 2012 airshow scene with.