Polokwane to host Armed Forces week 2020

By Willie Bodenstein

The SANDF annual Armed Forces week this year will be hosted by Polokwane, the capital city of the Limpopo Province. This was announced on Wednesday during a media briefing held at the Peter Mokaba Stadium on the outskirts of Polokwane.

Peter Mokaba Stadium

Addressing the meeting, Brigadier General H.J. Stroebel, outlined the aim of, and the scope of this year's proceedings. The purpose of the week-long event is to honour the men and women in the hub of the profession of arms, the SANDF, who have paid the ultimate price in the line of duty both internally and externally as well as the current serving members.

Brig Gen Stroebel

Acting Chief of the SANDS Gen De Goede

All arms of the defence force, with the exception of the SA Navy {SAN), will partake in the week-long event, the planning of which had started on 11 March 2019. Movement of forces and materiel will started on 20 January and is planned to be complete by the 12th of February.

The Panel during question and answer time

After the conclusion of the briefing two armed forces soccer teams played against two professional soccer teams. We left soon after so can't tell you if the soldiers or the civvies won

The Fan Park will include a stationary exhibition of most of the SANDF military hardware. It will open on Friday 14 February and will remain open until Wednesday the 19th February. A Fun Run as well Sport Clinics will also be held on the Friday. One of the main aims of the week is to make the youth aware of the employment and career opportunities on offer in the different arms of the SANDF.

Wednesday the 29th was only the Media briefing day and the only hardware on display was a single G5, Agusta A-109 and a quick fly over by a Gripen which I, to my shame, missed

An Inter Faith Church Service is to be held on Sunday the 16th February at the Ngoaka Ramatlhodi Sport Complex. A Gala Evening is planned for Monday the 17th. The Weapons Capability Demonstration, one of the highlights of the week, will be held on the 17th and 18th at the Roodewal Bombing Range. The MOD's Legacy Project kicks off on the 17th and the SANDF Golf Day will take place on 20 February.

The firing of the ceremonial gun

Another highlight is the mass parade, including columns of mechanized military vehicles and a wreath laying function is also set to take place on the 20th. Concluding the week long festivities will be a three-hour long music festival.

Polokwane is only a leisurely three hour drive up north and I can highly recommend attending the mass parade and static exhibition.

Events 2020
South African Air Force

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