MISASA Chairman's Report - 2018

By John Boucher

Dear members & friends, it's that time of the year when I have the arduous and virtually impossible task to recap on the year passed - so much has been done and achieved. Thankfully, most of what had to be communicated to members was done so in the joint communique to industry earlier this year and include the content for your convenience in this report. The communique does not report verbatim on all the meetings ranging from Aeroclub Council, CARCOM, AP Panel, Workshops and Workgroups, Presentations and Committee meetings we have attended and contributed to.

Referring to my comments in 2017 where I highlighted several challenges we face as an ARO and it has been no surprise that most that was predicted has transpired or is in motion. MISASA embarked on a process of building sound relations with the SACAA and we shall continue forging this relationship.

One of the biggest disappointments of 2019 for MISASA and the other members of the ARO Collective has been the decision by the DCA Ms. Poppy Khoza, to decline our application for a CARCOM seat. The process of appeal to the Department of Transport is already in motion.

Housekeeping 2018/2019

We have held two AGM's due to date challenges. The 1st was held at Kroon on the 9th July 2018 and was well attended, whilst the second held at Kitty Hawk on the 29th September 2019 was less satisfactory. It is always a challenge to find a suitable date and venue that would see a more positive attendance. One can interpret in in two ways - either you don't want to get involved or you are very happy with what we are doing and accomplishing … I'll appease myself and the elected committee that it is the latter reason!

Both AGM's addressed the concern of cost and dwindling membership and it was decided to attempt to retain our current membership fee without putting undue strain on the operational ability of the committee. The MISASA Financials were also approved.

One item that has carried over is the revision of our constitution. This has not been done. Our focus was on the revision and compliance of Part 149 and the ARO MOP. MISASA is one of the very few ARO's that was able to align the MOP to the current Part 149 CAR & CATs. There is no doubt that the regulations need a serious revisit and I am positive that SACAA will with the buy in from all the stakeholders, address this.

Transformation & Development

Progress with our T&D student, Jan Moabi has been extremely lethargic. Several challenges to him completing his training have persistently hampered the project. A decision was made to terminate the agreement but this has subsequently been revisited at the 2019 AGM. We hope to see him finalize his NPL shortly. Marius Nel will most definitely make sure this is a success story. Given the experience with T&D, we have decided on a different format and will be in communication with ATO's in this regard.

BlueBoxOnline Portal

The BlueBoxOnline payment portal and MISASA administration is in the capable hands of Thelma. Kindly contact Thelma should you have issues that you need assistance with, preferably on e-mail
admin@misasa.org or alternatively on 071 656 2027.

Events, Fly-Ins & Competitions

Brett Hickman again arranged the Numbi Africa Cup. This event is most definitely growing in stature. Part of the process is complying with the regulatory framework. Brett has developed the Numbi MOP and this was approved by SACAA. It would thus mean that future events would be easier to organize and comply with the MOP.

The 2019 AGM saw Donald Hicks return to active duty and he now heads up the events portfolio and no doubt we will see a revitalized social flying calendar in 2020. We also look forward to combined effort with SAGPA of which we are in the planning stages of the main event at GARIEP - The "NORTH meets SOUTH" Fly In. Several important aspects are planned namely an AGM, AP Seminar and an Instructors Seminar. Don't miss out. On the competitions front, several MISASA members now actively participate in SAPFA Navigation Rallies and we fully support this as it is discipline specific.


A "new era" was ushered in with RAASA being absorbed into SACAA. Several challenges are faced on a daily basis but MISASA along with the ARO Collective, have embraced the journey and are continually forging sound relationships with the departments within SACAA. We have representation on the AP Panel that was formed and also look forward to a closer relationship with other departments including General Aviation, Airworthiness and Pilot Licensing and Training.

In Closing….

My fellow committee members, without singling out any individual - THANK YOU for your SACRIFICE!

This has been a test of metal for most and I am sure there is more to come but we are most definitely up to the task.

To our most important asset, YOU, our valued & esteemed member, on behalf of the committee, our most sincere appreciation for the loyal support and the trust you have vested in us as a committee.

Microlight and Lightsport

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