OSHKOSH 2019 Day Six

By Willie Bodenstein and Juri Keyter

Oshkosh this year started slowly with Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday all essentially repeats of Monday. Friday and Saturday offered some variety but the majority of acts again was repeats. We still wonder what had happened to the “ Year of the Fighter " theme.

Saturday and our last day at Oshkosh and the end of our International Airshow Month ended on a slightly higher note but it still was not what we expected or what we have become used to at AirVenture.

However, that said, AirVenture is not really about the afternoon airshows although that is what attracts the paying crowds, its about experimental aircraft and the home builders' movement. Almost all the major manufacturers of kit build aircraft were represented at AirVenture and a prospective builder was spoiled with choice.

The star amongst the kit build exhibitors was The Airplane Factory whose exhibit was the most prominent and busiest of all.

And that is the end of our International Airshow Month and AirVenture in the USA until next year when we will again be bringing you all the news direct from AirVenture at Oshkosh.

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Oshkosh 2019

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