FLY MU Open Day - Springs Airfield 2019

By Corine Ross

On Sunday the 26th of May, the Springs Airfield hosted a very successful Open Day from 08:00 till late. The event was a Masonic fundraising effort to support people from squatter camps in real need of financial assistance. Visitors joined with their umbrellas and camp chairs and enjoyed a very festive day among the static display of a variety of aircraft.

Helicopter rides were available and were very popular with the crowd. Amateur photographers enjoyed photographing the Henley Air Bell 206L Longranger that was doing the rides. Rides were also available in Pieter Bezuidenhout's Sling 4.

The Franzsen Band sponsored their time and entertained the crowd during the day with popular songs performed from yester-year, ranging from Simon and Garfunkel to The Beatles.

A large variety of food and drink stands were available with something to enjoy for everyone from the health conscience to the very sweet-tooth.

Raffle tickets were sold during the event to raise the much-needed funds and three prizes were up for grabs. The prizes were a flip in a Boeing Stearman to the value of R1 500 sponsored by Adam Pucjlowski, a Tandum Skydive to the value of R1 900 sponsored by Skydive the Farm and a flight to the Vaaldam in a Sling 4 to the value of R1 500 sponsored by Pieter Bezuidenhout.

To qualify for the price the winners had to be present at the live draw were the following prize winners were selected: Dudley Delport, Sharon Motley and Shaun du Toit.

Cash donations were received prior to the event making the event possible, but it was heart-warming to see how people opened their hearts and brought donations in the form of clothing, toys and non-perishable foods and a bakkie load was collected that will be distributed among the needy.

Although a medical team was on standby, the day concluded without any medical emergencies. A variety of aircraft did circuits during the day adding to the entertainment of the crowd and the vintage vehicles on display was also popular amongst the crowd. All in all, it was a very successful and enjoyable event and there was already talk about having another Open Day next year and possibly making it an annual event as funds will always be needed to assist the less fortunate and lighten their burden just a little bit.

The organisers would like to extent their gratitude to the following sponsors in no particular order for making this event possible: Gavin Brown & Jacque Richie from Classic Aircraft Collection, SAME AMO at Springs Airfield for the use of the hanger for the stage, CBS Security, Rapid Spill Response, Alberton Mahindra/Haval, Lindsay Saker Volkswagen Edenvale, the Franzsen Band for the entertainment during the day, Henley Air, Pieter Bezuidenhout, Adam Pucjlowski and Skydive the Farm.

Events 2019

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