Sheila Taylor Trophy - Krugersdorp 2019

By Cally Eckard

Frank during the briefing.

Competitors and organisers.

The Sheila Taylor Trophy has traditionally been held as a Fun Rally event, but Krugersdrop members asked if SAPFA could provide something simpler, quicker and more fun. So event organiser Frank Eckard offered an ANR, or Air Navigation Race.

Preparing for the race.

An ANR is similar to a fun rally, but without the photographs and without time penalties at each turnpoint. Instead of flying from one turnpoint to another, the team must fly along a 0,5NM wide "corridor" which zigzags across the map. They are timed at the Start and Finish points only and are penalised if they travel out of the bounds of the corridor. The route is much shorter than a rally and is therefore a cheaper sport.

The route showing the track of two of the competitors.

Frank set up two rounds, the second round being optional, for those who felt like getting some practise in.

Participants hard at work.

The weather was absolutely perfect with not a cloud in the sky and perfectly still. KFC were all on board, with nine of their teams taking part, and many supporters enjoying the breakfast and special coffees available in the clubhouse.

The results.

Five teams from out-of-town also flew in for the day to try their hands at this relatively new version of the sport. Some of them aiming to be selected at ANR Nationals in Brits in July to represent South Africa in Portugal in September at the World ANR Championships.

Ian and Adrienne Saunders KFC 1st place.

Steve and Laura McDermid KFC 2nd place.

Andy and Duncan Lawrence KFC 3rd place.

Interestingly, there were some aircraft not usually seen at ANR events - a helicopter, a gyrocopter, a Pioneer 300 and an RV10. The speed for an ANR is usually 80kts, but some of these aircraft had nominated different speeds and Frank had to accommodate these manually.

Hans Schwebel and Ron Stirk 1st others.

Shane Britz and Karen Stroud 2nd place others.

Pamela and Antony Russell 3rd place others.

It was heartening to see so many lady pilots and navigators, husband and wife teams, and father and daughter teams. Flying is definitely becoming more of a family sport which is a good thing.

Please look out for the dates for the ANR Nationals in Brits - all are very welcome.

Events 2019
Power Flying

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