PTAR 2019 Newsletter number 2

By Rob Jonkers

Hello fellow Air Racers, this our 2nd newsletter of the year in the run up to the PTAR which contains some important information
Firstly: - to announce that Entries are Open - please go to the SAPFA
Date: Friday and Saturday 3 & 4th May 2019 (make it a long weekend from the 1st of May).
Where: Saldanha Airfield, Western Cape.

Photo © Club Mykonos

The fees are as follows:
• Entry Fee R 3 500 per aircraft (R 9 200 with Accommodation at Club Mykonos for 2 for 3 nights) (This amount can be paid into the SAPFA bank account - Nedbank Limited, Account Number 1876019840)
• Membership fees Aero Club & SAPFA R 940 per crew member - to register or renew
• FAI licence R 210 per crew member (Can also be purchased on line on the Aero Club Bluebox payment system)

If neither of the crew are SAPFA members then the total fee per crew is R5 800. (R 11 500 with accommodation - 2 crew, 3 nights) If preferred, this total amount can be paid to SAPFA, SAPFA will apportion to Aero Club the membership fees.
• Additional banquet tickets R350 ea (The two crew members get a banquet ticket each as part of the Entry fee of R3 500)
• Accommodation - SAPFA has secured a block booking at Club Mykonos for R950 pp sharing per night, breakfasts included. You may pay into the SAPFA bank account according to your accommodation requirements. See bullet 1 above, if you take the full entry fee option of R9 200 which includes the aircraft entry and 3 nights accommodation for 2.
- For 2 crew sharing for 3 nights = R5 700
- For 2 crew sharing for 4 nights = R7 800
- Single - R1 500 per night
- 3 Sharing - R 720 pp - 4 Sharing - R 540 pp
- Children under 12 - R 70 pp per night

Contact the race secretary, Sharon, on to make your bookings and payments

As per our previous communique's, the format for the PTAR will change, with change based on inputs we have received from you as the competitor, where we have said we would -
- simplify the handicapping formula;
- allow test flights as a matter of course;
- review penalty system to be less punitive;
- improve time taken to obtain results;
- determine a method for the race to be more about hands on navigation, and less reliant on automatic systems, among others. All of these are encompassed in a new set of rules available from the website.

Most of you will have by now heard of or taken part in the Speed Rallies that has taken off and gained enthusiastic competitors. Three of these rallies have been held at Secunda, Springs, and Morningstar and much of the thoughts planned for the PTAR as listed above, and previously communicated, have been tested at these Speed Rallies, as essentially these are mini-PTARs. Having had three events so far, we have been able to iron out much of the format which should bode well for the forthcoming PTAR.
In summary the following salient changes have been made to the PTAR format:

• Test flights are encouraged, but not mandate. However if large variations in flown speed against handicap speed is noted, it will require additional test flights both on day 1 and on day 2. No automatic handicap adjustments will be made.
• Maps of 1:250K with route pre-plotted with magnetic headings will be handed out 20 min prior take-off. No prior preview of the route will be provided beforehand. There will be photo sheets given of each turnpoint at the same time.
• Handicap speed will be based on a simple relationship on two factors; Number of turns in the event (major turns only - based on V2); and distance of the course (allowance made for obtaining stability of speed per leg - the longer the leg the better the stability of speed).
This handicap relationship is published as part of the rules. It has already been successfully used in the Speed Rally series.
• Scrutineering will be carried out as per current standard procedure
• Route will contain major turnpoints (between 4 & 6 - and are regarded major with turn angles of +/- 90 deg), and chicane turn points (shallow angle turns numbering between 6 - 8). The idea is to enhance the navigation aspect of the race, which precludes the use of automatic systems.
• Penalties will be time based only, to allow all competitors to gain a result without exclusions. Exclusions will only be for dangerous flying, for exceeding the lower altitude limit or for getting lost where the scoring system cannot resolve a score.
• New GPS loggers (with excellent height accuracy) and in-cockpit cameras will be utilised for this race.

Organisation of the event in Saldanha is progressing well. The Race Committee have held meetings with the Club, have prepared the proposed airfield layout and have also started work on a full length taxiway. Our accommodation partner is Club Mykonos where we have reserved a block booking as previously mentioned.

Home Page for PTAR - (watch this space)
For Entries:-

Further details of the planning and run up to PTAR 2019 will be communicated in due course. Your comments are most welcome to

Till next time, fly safe

Rob Jonkers (Competition Director)

Events 2019
Power Flying

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