SAPFA - SA landing Championships 2017

By Rob Jonkers and Willie Bodenstein

SAPFA holds an annual Landing Championships, this year at Brits airfield, and attracted 6 competitors, held in the afternoon after the ANR flights, and at least the wind had started to ease up by the time the competition started.

The format of the landing champs are two rounds of 4 landings each, the 4 landings are two powered approaches, with the 2nd powered approach over a 2m obstacle, 50 m from the bingo line, and then 2 glide approaches, of which one is mandated to be without flaps.

This, of course is an excellent means of sharpening one's landing skills, that of course if one practices beforehand, evidenced by the home based Brits pilots who are well versed in the Brits circuit.

With 6 pilots competing and two of the aircraft flying more than once with different pilots, there were 3 rounds of 2 aircraft in the circuit doing their 4 allotted landings one after the other, first up was Mary de Klerk and Ron Stirk in Round 1, Rob Jonkers and Hans Schwebel in Round 2, Thys vd Merwe and Frank Eckard in Round 3.

The landing judges were led by International Judge Jacques Jacobs, with Deon van den Berg as the safety officer and Jury. Local lines judges supported the team to eyeball the landing point outside the close in lines which have gatsometers as measuring points (remember these old speedtrap lines… - at least these are now put to good use.)

Overall winner of the SA Landing championships this year was Ron Stirk flying C150 ZS-IWD.

Events 2017
Power Flying

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