Warmbaths 2012 Breakfast Fly-in - Another Fly-In Success

By Juri Keyter

The town of Bela Bela previously known as Warmbaths saw 54 aircraft and 3 helicopters invading their airspace on Saturday the 25th of August 2012. I am sure that to those on the ground not knowing about the event it must have been a huge surprise and spectacular to witness especially for a town where aviation activities are not as popular as in larger South Africa towns and cities.

Visiting pilots flew in from all directions, some even from other provinces and the huge turnout is once again an indication that there is a hunger for fly-ins in our country. To be honest, I expected ten to fifteen aircraft and in my wildest dreams would not have thought that 54 aircraft will eventually turn up.

The weather was beautiful but the sun was scorching and for us highvelt sissies it became a little uncomfortable when the temperature passed 30 degrees Celsius by 10AM already. Unfortunately the wind also started to pick up but being August and the windy month for us in South Africa it was expected and it made our return flights a little uncomfortable.

Although aviation may not be huge in Bela Bela, the hosts of the day certainly lived up to the saying “A small town with a big heart” and we all felt as welcome in Warmbaths as we do at our own flying clubs and fields. The breakfast was once again superb as we have experienced at other fly-in events this year. We all joke about the $100 hamburger or breakfast we usually fly to and this one was also well worth it.

Watch Our Video Highlights Package Of The Event

Truly a splendid day and I hope that the Warmbath aviators will make this an annual fixture on out aviation events calendar.

Events 2012

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