Airlink Adrenaline Airshow 2017-The Standard Has Been Set

By Juri Keyter and Willie Bodenstein

The standard has been set! “Awesome, fantastic, excellent” is how most described the second Airlink Adrenaline Airshow that was held at Wonderboom airport on 10 and 11 June 2017.

Last year the show deservedly won the African Pilot Airshow of the year award and this year it was even better with 43 adrenaline pumping displays on the Saturday and more to follow on the Sunday.

For three days the airport was turned not only into huge exhibition centre but also a racetrack whilst still accommodating Airlink's regular scheduled flights. Combining motorsport and aviation into one event is a huge undertaking. To comply with safety regulations a whole new set ruled had to be compiled to satisfy the relevant authorities.

Photo Cheryl Smit

Included in the program were three acts
that have never been performed before at a show in the country; that of the Silver Falcons flying in formation with Gripen, a bike jumping over Nigel Hopkins in the Extra 330SC and a display by the AHRLAC in formation with a Cessna 337.

Held in brilliant weather with clear blue skies the show was exceptionally well organised. Following its successful recipe it again combined the cream of the crop of aviation acts with those from the motor sport fraternity and the crowds flocked in their tens of thousands for two days of all out actions with barely a gap between displays.

Photo Cheryl Smit

Photo Cheryl Smit

Entrance to and parking at the show was superbly arranged. There were plenty of food and refreshments outlets whilst the major motorsport disciplines had their vehicles, ranging from jet dragsters to stock car racers as well as other weird and wonderful machines on show. The aviation industry and other players were extremely well represented displaying their wares and products whilst the obligatory beer tent had a large screen TV screen for those who did not want to miss the rugby match between the Boks and the French played at Loftus Versveldt.

No major event of Saturday and Sunday's magnitude can take place without sponsorship. Thanks to Airlink that connect to 37 destinations in 9 African countries, Wonderboom Airport, City of Tshwane, Jacaranda FM 94.2 and Villa San Giovanni restaurant situated at the airport who all contributed to make the Adrenaline airshow a huge success.

No written report can do the show justice and to mention each and every participant will take pages so we can only hope that the photos and video will do justice to what was truly a spectacular event.

Well done to Chris Briers, Christiaan Moriaana, Mark Mansfield, Francois Hanekom and the huge team involved in organising a unique world class aviation event that ran like clockwork. Thanks also to Brian Emmenis and his Capital Sounds team for seamlessly combing the aviation and motorsport commentary and for keeping the tens of thousands not also entertained but also informed.

Events 2017

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