Antonov Fun In Groblersdal

By Johan Barnard

Whilst everybody headed for the Heidelberg fly-in on the 4th of August, some action right here in our region. The Antonov AN-2 paid a visit to Groblersdal with Heystek and Micele Pretorius, one of our Sunshine Valley sons. Riaan van den Heever and I decided to escort the Antonov from about 10 miles south west from Loskopdam.

At first visibility was very poor due to smoke and dense air, but we finally made visual and radio contact and turn around to FAGL. After landing two young people boarded immediately and took off in the Antonov. It was Heystek's younger brother Christo and girlfriend Jeanette Meyer. The young man proposed to her high up above Groblersdal. Congratulations!!

Back on the ground the second load boarded and included many of Groblersdal and Marble Hall pilots and private aviation enthusiasts.

In the meantime there was a Game Auction just across the road and a few R44 and a Bell flew in, a Bonnie, a 150 and also a few others attend the Game Auction.

At last it was my turn for the flip with the AN-2, and a jolly ride it was. A privilege would I say.

Brunch was served for free and everybody was enjoying the jolly atmosphere. Now it was time to check the oil level of the AN-2 before heading back to Wonderboom.

After departure Heystek was kind enough to make a few turns so that I could take a few air to air photos from the Skyranger (ZU-EAV) on our way back to Marble Hall, our newly upgraded airstrip.

What an enjoyable day and money well spent.

Events 2012

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