Captains Log - A Summary of July 2012

By Juri Keyter

It is hard to believe that Pilot's Post has been live for six months now, published more than 110 articles and grew to an average monthly hit count of 25,000. The support has been tremendous and I thank each and every reader for this achievement. It is equally important to mention the advertisers on Pilot's Post as this publication would not exist without them. If you enjoy Pilot's Post, please make sure that you reward our advertisers for their contribution by supporting them when you can.

The air show season has reached its pinnacle and is starting to slow down. We reported on a few air shows this month but more fly-in events is now coming into the mix. Margate Air Show was one of the well-organized events in July and although it appeared that weather would disrupt the event, it eventually improved and the show was enjoyed by every visitor.

The Virginia Air Show followed a week later with good support from the public. Skydiving, solo aerobatics, formation aerobatics, aircraft displays, jets and war birds entertained the crowd. The highlight of the day ( or at lease for Lynda Jewaskiewitz) was the Dennis Jankelow 'Reach for a Dream' competition draw and the Cessna Cardinal with a PPL as the prize.

Taildraggers to Nylstroom was probably my highlight of July and I think that many feel the same way. We could not have asked for better weather and braving a tent and a sleeping bag overnight was not as bad as it could have been if the event was one week earlier. The Antonov AN-2 was certainly a crowd pleaser and with the event's casual and relaxed atmosphere, aircraft flew all day long giving us lots to do and talk about. Many new Young Eagles were flown on the day, another fine contribution to general aviation in South Africa by the EAA.

But here is the sad part: It is Airventure at Oshkosh and I am not there!!! At lease Pilot's Post could publish daily highlights so that we poor buggers at home can at least read about it. With some better planning (or of lucky Lotto ticket) I will certainly join Neil Bowden and his “Air Adventure Tours” next year.

From an aviation safety perspective, Chris Kyle and Johan Lottering again made valuable contributions to us again this month. We receive many comments specific to these articles indicating that these two fellows have a true impact on us all.

Chalkie Stobbart blew my hair back with his contribution “Caveat emptor (Let the buyer beware)”. If you are buying an aircraft, make sure you read this.

If you have not registered your email address yet, make sure you do to stand a chance of becoming our monthly winner and receive a signed copy Johan Lottering's book “Avoiding Fatal Flying Traps”. Johan is a regular contributor to Pilot's Post and based on the popularity of Johan's articles, he certainly makes a huge impact in aviation today. This month's winner is Louwrens van Schalkwyk. I am sure that Louwrens will enjoy and learn from the book as much as I have.

Captains Log

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