Nylstroom Tail Draggers Fly-in 16 July 2016
By Cheryl Smit
Hats off to the Nylstroom flying club for hosting their seventh successful and without any incident annual Tail Draggers fly-in held over this past weekend of 15th to 17th July.

Once again the turnout of over 100 aircraft in all shapes and forms and from all over the country started arriving on Friday afternoon and they continued to arrive on Saturday throughout the day, what a fantastic achievement for the club.

The crowds that attended the event were kept entertained with over 272 movements of aircraft recorded by ATC from 8:00 to 16:00 on the Saturday only.

Formation flying was the order of the day the FlyBaby ZU-EXM the Tigermoth ZS-UKW and the Cessna 140 ZU-ECP took centre stage in entertaining the crowds.

The Pitts Specials flown by Scully Levine and Arnie Meneghelli also did a wonderful aerobatic display.

The surprise of the day was the arrival of the 1944 Fairchild ZS-BAM flown in by Martin Morris from Tedderfield.

Throughout the day Mike Brown, Gordon Dyne and Jeff Earl were kept busy doing short flights for the EAA Young Eagles.

Prize giving was held on Saturday evening for the pilots who made special effort over the weekend, and were as follows:
Most Effort gone through to attend Hartog Blok ZU-EAA
Most Effort gone through to attend (special mention) Jan Dry ZS-WBU
Oldest Homebuilt FlyBaby 1968 Partick Watson ZU-EXM
Oldest Taildragger Tigermoth Roy Watson ZS-UKW
Best Airmanship Mike Brown ZS-BCE
Most Active Flying and participation Mike Brown ZS-BCE
First In and Touch-Down Hans de Beer ZU-KEA
First In and Touch-Down Lady Pilot Sue Singleton ZU-JWL
Happy and Prepared Flying Camper Chris Lenakis ZU-ATL
Smallest Taildragger KR2 Carlton Blanford ZU-BCB

As always, special mention must go to the 'behind the scene' contributors to the weekend. ATNS Rian Cloete and his team, Safety Officer Nigel Musgrave, Richard and Mariette Nicholson and their team for all their hard work and effort throughout the weekend.