Pilot's Post - Online Aviation in South Africa

RC Jets over Swartkop Sunday 28 January 2024

2023 FIA World Championship for F3A Model Aerobatic Aircraft

2023 FAI F5J World Championships for EPTD Gliders

Heinie Keyser's Warbirds at Barnstormers 2023

Aerial Concepts Top Gun Jets at Henley 2022

RC Jets over Swartkop Sunday 28 January 2024

2023 FIA World Championship for F3A Model Aerobatic Aircraft

2023 FAI F5J World Championships for EPTD Gliders

Heinie Keyser's Warbirds at Barnstormers 2023

Aerial Concepts Top Gun Jets at Henley 2022

SAMAA Power Nationals at Henley Family Entertainment Centre 2022

CLASA SAMAA Control Line Nationals Barnstormers 2021

RC Jets over Henley 2021-09-18

Large Scale RC Aerobatics Extravaganza Barnstormers 28.03.2021

The Henley RC Pylon Racing Weekend 27 and 28 Feb 2021

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