AVIA GLOBAL UPDATE ISSUE 76 - MAR-APR 2018By Vivienne Sandercock1. Message from the Editor2. A small matter of knowledge 3. Africa's 2017's Hazards, Incidents, Accidents and Safety Occurrences 4. Emergency Response Planning 5. Henley Global Aviation Safety and Quality Training 6. Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Training 7. Air disaster proves what Flight Attendants fear - many don't listen to safety speeches. 8. Is 8 hours enough from bottle to throttle 9. Global Africa Aviation and SaudiGulf Airlines pass IATA Safety Audit 10. News from the Johannesburg Airports 11. Finale 1. MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR As I attend various Aviation Safety and Security Meetings I sit and look at the large number of no-shows which translates into empty seats and even worse and indication that the industry is not really taking their responsibility for Aviation Safety seriously enough. Each Airport has (or should have) a monthly safety meeting where agendas comprise of items of interest at that particular locale. Every Operator, AMO and Training Establishment should attend these meetings - so the question is do you take time out and attend? If you do; come and say hello at the next Rand or Lanseria Airport's Meetings. If you don't - maybe you should add the fixed monthly dates to your Calendar. Vivienne 2. A SMALL MATTER OF KNOWLEDGE ACCIDENT AND INCIDENT INVESTIGATION IN SOUTH AFRICA - SA AIID Priorities for investigation The AIID's primary purpose is on enhancing safety through investigation of aviation accidents and incidents with the aim to prevention recurrence, and it is not in our mandate to establish blame or liability. The AIID has observed that many occurrences involve repetition of past occurrences where the contributing factors are similar, and the safety issues are well known. In these circumstances, the likely safety benefits and lessons may not always justify allocating significant resources. In these cases, the AIID may undertake a limited fact-gathering investigation. Most of these occurrences are captured in our data base and used for trend monitoring and data analysis. Equally, there is often as much or more to be learned from incidents and hazards as there is from accidents and where appropriate, the AIID will give priority to these sorts of investigation. The office of Senior Manager AIID decides, in consultation with the IIC and the information available at the time whether to investigate or not. Therefore, it is important to make sure that all reporters give as much details as possible when reporting an occurrence. The following broad hierarchies for aviation (as indicated on the chart below), reflect the priorities described above which must be taken into account when deciding whether to investigate and when determining the level of investigation response. To be able to define the size and scope of an investigation the different types of accident and incidents could be categorised in the following manner: CATEGORY 1 - Accidents and incidents where the facts indicate a significant threat to safety of the general/travelling public or are the subject of widespread public interest. The investigation will be conducted by a team involving specialist groups and will include collection and analysis of all relevant facts, issue of safety recommendations, and production of an ICAO-style report, normally within about 12 months from the date of occurrence. CATEGORY 2 - Accident and incidents where the facts indicate a concern for the safety of the general/travelling public. Category 2 investigation requirements and reports are similar to those for Category 1 investigations. The investigation will be conducted by a team involving specialist groups, and will include collection and analysis of all relevant facts, issue of safety recommendations, and production of an ICAO-style report, normally within about 12 months from the date of occurrence Category 3 - Accident and incidents where the facts indicate actual or potential serious safety deficiencies. The category is used when there is some concern for public safety and a need for an in-depth investigation to determine the facts. The investigation may be conducted by a team involving specialist groups and will include collection and analysis of all relevant facts, issue of safety recommendations, and production of an ICAO-style report, normally within about 06-12 months from the date of occurrence. CATEGORY 4 - Accident and incidents where the facts do not indicate a serious safety deficiency. The category is used for accident and incidents where the circumstances were sufficiently complex to require detailed information from the pilot, operator and/or other involved parties. The accident and incident reports may include Safety Recommendations where appropriate. The investigation may be conducted by one or two investigators and will include collection and analysis of all relevant facts, issue of safety recommendations if applicable, and production of an ICAO-style report, normally within about 06 months from the date of occurrence. CATEGORY 5 - Accident and incidents where some investigation actions are needed to expand on and/or substantiate the initially reported facts. Investigations associated with this category specifically aim to identify if safety enhancement action is appropriate for accident and incidents. Category 5 reports may contain Safety Recommendations where appropriate. The report will be available on request. The investigation may be a desk top investigation conducted by an investigator and will include collection and analysis of all relevant facts, may have safety recommendations, and production of an EDCAIRS-style report, normally within about 02 months from the date of occurrence. CATEGORY 6 - Accident and incidents are occurrences, which are primarily of statistical interest and are not investigated. The initially reported information is recorded on the database EDCAIRS. Further information may be available on request The following are problem areas and contributing factors to most of South African accidents: • Human error this is a major killer and involves o Procedure not followed (Standards Operating Procedure / Regulations / Manufacture Requirement, etc.) o Flying Visual Meteorological Condition (IMC) into Instrument Metrological Condition resulting in disorientation. o Get there attitude. This is the disregarding of safety standards in order to get to the destination. o Bad Habits, Attitude, Airmanship • Aircraft idiosyncrasies • Lack of maintenance / poor maintenance • Lack of or inadequate supervision • Regulator visibility at airports, airstrips and aviation 3. AFRICA'S 2017 HAZARDS, INCIDENTS, ACCIDENTS AND SAFETY OCCURENCES Source, amongst others, PlaneCrash info.com; News24, Aviation Herald, Flight Safety Information, SACAA ACCIDENTS INVOLVING FIXED WING AIRCRAFT IN AFRICA DURING 2018 DATE……………A/C TYPE………FATALITIES…………..LOCATION 17 Jan 18 Embraer ERJ-190 1 Mwanza, Tanzania 23 Jan 18 Savannah S2 Eastern Cape, RSA 25 Jan 18 Bantam 22J 0 Pyramid Aerodrome, Mpumalanga, RSA 03 Feb 18 Bathawk 0 Pilanesberg National Park, NW, RSA 13 Feb 18 A330-200 0 Lagos, Nigeria 13 Feb 18 Sling 2 0 Morningstar Airfield, WC, RSA 16 Feb 18 Piper PA43-200T 0 Kitty Hawk, GP, RSA 20 Feb 18 McDonnell Douglas MD-83, 0 Port Harcourt, Nigeria 25 Feb 18 Cessna T210N 2 Oudtshoorn, WC, RSA 04 Mar 18 Boeing 737-300 0 Lubumbashi, DR Congo 04 Mar 18 PA28 0 East London Airport, EC, RSA 26-Mar-18 King Air 200 0 Wonderboom, GP, RSA 30 Mar 18 AN-12BK 0 Gao, Mali 03 Apr 18 AV-8B Harrier II jet 0 Djibouti-Ambouli International Airport, Djibouti 05 Apr 18 Cessna C210P 0 Old Nelspruit Airfield, Mpumalanga, RSA 11 Apr 18 Ilyushin Il-76 257 Blida, Algeria ACCIDENTS INVOLVING ROTOR WING AIRCRAFT IN AFRICA DURING 2017 01 Jan 18 Aérospatiale AS 350B2 Ecureuil 0 Drakensberg, Cathedral Peak -South Africa 19 Jan 18 RH44 0 Groenvlei, FS, RSA 28 Feb 18 RH 2 Ogies, MP, RSA 09 Apr 17 Aérospatiale AS 350 0 Balfour, GP, RSA OTHER AVIATION RELATED ACCIDENTS DURING 2018 05 Jan 18 Hot Air Balloon 20 Luxor, Egypt INCIDENTS AND OCCURRENCES DURING MAR & APR 2018 DATE………….A/C TYPE………..LOCATION………..OCCURRENCE……TYPE OF OP 06 Mar 18 DH Dash 8-400 81 nm inbound to Accra, Ghana. EN-route from Lagos (Nigeria) to Accra (Ghana about 20 minutes prior to estimated landing when a burning odour was noticed in the cabin soon followed by smoke triggering smoke detectors. The crew declared emergency and accelerated the approach into Accra where the aircraft landed safely. COM 14 Mar 18 B777-300 Entebbe, Uganda A/C was parked at the gate and was being prepared for boarding when a flight attendant opened one of the aft doors for unknown reasons and fell out of the aircraft landing on the concrete surface of the apron. The flight attendant received serious injuries and was taken to a hospital in critical condition. COM 14 Apr A340-300 OR Tambo, Johannesburg, RSA A/C was on the initial climb out of Johannesburg's runway 21R when the crew declared PAN PAN, reporting they had problems with the landing gear. The aircraft levelled off at FL120 reduced the fuel load for about one hour and landed safety at FAOR. COM 16 Apr A321-200 Mbuji Mayi, DR Congo. A/C was backtracking RWY 34 for departure when just before the crew attempted to turn the aircraft to line up on the RWY the nose gear steering system failed disabling the aircraft on the runway. The passengers disembarked via mobile stairs onto the runway. COM ROTORWING OPERATIONS 13 Mar 18 RH22 Johannesburg Special Rules Area, GP, RSA. According to the student: on their way back to FAGM they were cruising at 1000ft AGL and when they reached Johannesburg South Special rules area boundary the instructor was busy changing frequencies when the helicopter started losing altitude rapidly. TRNG 19 Mar 18 RH22 New Tempe Aerodrome, FS, RSA. While the pilot was performing his hover checks he heard a loud from the rear and the helicopter started to yaw to the left and descend. He immediately lowered the collective pitch lever and after the helicopter was on the ground he closed the throttle. He then observed several parts lying on the apron where after he shut down the helicopter and disembarked to assess the damage. It was found that the fan assembly had failed. TRNG 23 Apr 18 Pumaargate Whale Deck, WC, RSA. The chopper was en route to Port St Johns when it was forced to land due to a mechanical failure. It's believed the engine may have over-heated. MIL AERODROME HAZARDS Bamako, Mali: ATC - low level of proficiency Beni, DRC: Runway condition very poor - RWY rehabilitation underway; Birds Entebbe, Uganda: ATC Staff under training; Birds Bangui, Central African Republic: People and animals alongside the runway Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo: ATC - low level of proficiency, construction hazards Juba, Sudan: Poor ATC, heavily congested airfield, large birds Kalemie, DRC: TWY B and Apron damaged Lanseria International Airport, RSA: Construction work for the air gate project Timbuktu, Mali: ATC information only with RPAs (Drones) operating in the area 4. EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLANNING Blake Emergency Services is the International Crisis Management and Contingency Planning and Response Specialist who, although based in the UK, have extensive experience in Africa having handled accidents, incidents, counselling, repatriation, DNA sampling and confirmation, in amongst others Lagos, Nigeria; Fez, Morocco; Pointe Noire, Congo; Moroni, Comores; Maputo, Mozambique and more recently Ukraine, The Netherlands, Indonesia and Mali. Please go to www.blakeemergency.com or contact blakes@aviaglobal.net If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for Blake Emergency Services, please contact Rethea at the address given above. An Emergency Response Plan is a required section of your SMS and may also be added to your Operations Manual. Emergency Response, Incident Response, Operations Control and Family Assistance training together with the writing of Emergency Response Plans and Procedures is now offered through Blake Emergency Services. For more information, please contact Rethea on Rethea.mitchell@blakeemergency.com 5. HENLEY AVIATION TRAINING Should you wish to make a booking for any of the following courses please contact Candice on +27 (0)11 024 5446/7 or by email to training1@henleyglobal.org.za. The full 2018 schedule is posted on the website - http://henleyglobal.org.za/events/ DATES…..COURSE…LECTURER…………COST EXCL VAT 24 May 18 CRM - Refresher Verity Wallace R 1,080-00 24 May 18 Dangerous Goods Verity Wallace R 880-00 21-22 May 18 Human Factors / CRM Initial Dr. Joel Hughes R 2,750-00 28-29 May 18 Quality Assurance Auditor Course Dan Drew R 2,750-00 4-5 Jun 18 SMS Course - Introductory Course Dan Drew R 2,750-00 4-8 Jun 18 Integrated Safety Management Course Various R 7,150-00 18-19 Jun 18 Human Factors / CRM Initial Dr. Joel Hughes R 2,750-00 11 Jun 18 CRM - Refresher Verity Wallace R 1,080-00 11 Jun 18 Dangerous Goods Verity Wallace R 880-00 25-26 Jun 18 Quality Assurance Auditor Dan Drew R 2,750-00 16 Jul 18 CRM - Refresher Verity Wallace R 1,080-00 16 Jul 18 Dangerous Goods Verity Wallace R 880-00 23-24 Jul 18 Human Factors / CRM Initial Dr. Joel Hughes R 2,750-00 30-31 Jul 18 Quality Assurance Auditor Dan Drew R 2,750-00 Notes: Cost per delegate includes all training materials, refreshments and lunch. Attendees paying in cash on the day are eligible for a 10% discount Both Recurrent CRM and Dangerous Goods Training Courses are available upon request - even at short notice. On request we also offer - Air Cargo Security (Part 108), Health and Safety (Medical), Cargo and Warehouse Security, Risk Management & Investigations, First Aid and the Law, NEW - Maintenance Reliability Programme, NEW - Maintenance Management. 6. UNMANNED AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS (UAS) TRAINING AfricaUSC (Pty) Ltd. in association with EuroUSC-Italia is conducting Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) training which will be held on the 21-25 May 2018 at Midrand Conference Centre, Johannesburg. Training will be delivered by globally renowned Unmanned Aircraft Systems expert, Prof. Filippo Tomasello together with Mr Sam Twala and Ms Dale McErlean. Please see attached corporate profile for more information on these individuals. The course is tailored to provide intermediate to advanced knowledge of UAS and RPAS systems in the context of global and existing aviation system. The course covers challenges related to UAS operations such as safety, security and societal impact. The objective of this training, amongst others, is to provide delegates with in-depth understanding of the following; # Aviation and societal challenges when operating UAS (safety, security, privacy, liability etc.) # Activities, perspectives and plans of international civil aviation bodies such as ICAO, ITU, JARUS, key National Aviation Authorities and standardization bodies (such as ISO, ASTM, RTCA and EUROCAE) # UAS Concept of Regulation, based on three categories, developed by JARUS # RPAS ATM Concept of Operations (CONOPS) developed by EUROCONTROL # Evolving ICAO standards and recommended practices on RPAS, amendment process and plans # UAS within the global context, including evolving trends, standards, rules and case studies of countries where operations are spreading, with regards to: * Emerging UAS ATM concepts * Organisations involved in UAS, in particular operators * Personnel competence including licensing * RPAS certification * Operations Safety Analysis * System Safety Analysis # Challenges facing oversight and regulatory bodies as well as law enforcement agencies # Air Traffic Management (such as UTM) # Integration of UAS into civil airspace and ATM from Very Low Level (VLL) to above Flight Level 600 For more information on training syllabus, programme, registration, fees, etc., please visit our website on www.AfricaUSC.co.za We believe this course will provide the necessary knowledge and much needed skill to safely integrate Unmanned Aircraft System into civil airspace. As passionate ambassadors of the Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) community and zealous individuals who strive to harmonise the co-existence of RPAS and conventional aviation systems and equitable use of airspace and resources, we also offer specialised RPAS services to civil aviation organisations such as ANSP's, Civil Aviation Authorities, Airports companies, Operators, Researchers and others. For more information on our services, please visit website of our sister company - Ntsu Aviation Solutions www.ntsuaviation.com 7. AIR DISASTER PROVES WHAT FLIGHT ATTENDANTS FEAR - MANY DON'T LISTEN TO SAFETY SPEECHES After a jet engine blew out on the Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 plane flying in from New York to Dallas, a woman who was nearly sucked from a window during the flight died of her injuries. Anyone who has flown on a commercial airline has heard it - "In the event of a decompression, an oxygen mask will automatically appear in front of you," the Federal Aviation Administration-required announcement goes. "To start the flow of oxygen, pull the mask towards you. Place it firmly over your nose and mouth, secure the elastic band behind your head, and breathe normally." Judging by the passengers of Southwest Airlines flight 1380 which had to make an emergency landing in Philadelphia Tuesday after one of its engines failed, killing a passenger, few are paying attention. Debris from the engine hit a window, shattering it. The sudden decompression pulled a passenger partially out of the window. She died from her injuries. Video and photos taken inside the plane show passengers holding the masks over their mouths, but not their noses. Many, it appeared, were not using the elastic bands. It's no doubt chaotic and frightening during an in-air emergency. Some people may have other things on their minds. But the incident raises the question: Is anyone listening during those speeches? Flight crews also tell passengers to use their seat belts when seated even if the seat belt sign has been turned off. Yet, passengers are occasionally injured when planes hit turbulence so severe it throws them out of their seats. According to data from an airline training manual, rapid decompression at 30,000 feet - which flight 1380 was at - can deprive passengers of breathable air in 30 to 60 seconds. That makes it crucial that passengers immediately put on oxygen masks when the masks fall from the ceiling. Data from flightaware.com shows the Captain put the plane into a rapid descent taking the aircraft down 20,000 feet in just over five minutes as a cabin pressure alarm blared in the cockpit. http://www.thenewstribune.com/news/nation-world/article209281134.html 8. IS 8 HOURS ENOUGH FROM BOTTLE TO THROTTLE Drug and alcohol testing has been in place for all safety-sensitive aviation positions since 1991. Part 121 and 135 pilots are subject to testing most commonly on a "random" basis. For 2018, each commercial operator must test at least 25 percent of pilots for drugs and 10 percent for alcohol, selected randomly. Post-accident, reasonable cause, and return to duty (after prolonged absence) are among the other reasons that testing would be conducted. Per FAR 91.17, a pilot may not act as a crewmember within eight hours of consuming any alcoholic beverage, with a blood alcohol level (BAC) of 0.04 percent or higher, or while "under the influence" of alcohol. The first parts of the regulation are basically self-explanatory. Acting as a crewmember is usually interpreted as at the beginning of duty time, not block-out time. "Under the influence," however, requires some thought and interpretation. For example, is being "hung over" considered to be under the influence? Certainly, when people are hung over, performance can deteriorate. I think sensibility and basic ethics apply here. Drinking enough alcohol to affect performance on the next duty period is a poor decision, even if the pilot is otherwise "legal" to fly. Any pilot who does so on a recurring basis needs to self-assess as to whether a drinking problem is developing. Most commercial operators have excellent resources to help a pilot who is concerned that there is a problem and wants to deal with it before potentially testing positive at work-or worse, causing an incident or accident as a result of impairment. The limit for driving (USA) under the influence (DUI) nationally is a BAC of 0.08 percent or greater. Not surprisingly, aviation limits are more conservative. At commercial operations, they're even stricter-any pilot with a BAC of 0.02 to 0.039 percent is immediately removed from safety-sensitive duties. The operator's substance compliance policies will outline the procedures for a substance abuse evaluation as a result. Regardless, a commercial pilot cannot fly until his BAC is less than 0.02 percent. However, in this circumstance it is far more likely than not that the pilot would already have been removed from all duty by the employer. That pilot will not return to duty until all company substance compliance requirements and FAA policies and protocols have been satisfied. Things get a bit more complicated if the BAC is 0.04 percent or higher for any safety-sensitive employees, which includes pilots, flight attendants, and mechanics. This is considered a "positive" test result. Similar to the discussion above, the employee is immediately removed from safety-sensitive functions and must undergo a formal substance abuse evaluation. The employee may not return to duty until complying with all recommendations made by the substance-abuse professional conducting the evaluation. For pilots, however, there is the additional spectre of certificate action. It is almost certain that any pilot having a positive test for drugs or alcohol will have his medical certificate revoked. (In my next blog, I'll discuss the programs in place to return a pilot to active duty via a medical certificate granted under a special issuance authorization.) Most on-duty positive test results further lead to revocation of all airman/pilot certificates, in addition to the medical certificate. While this is an additional stress and financial burden, revocation of all certificates is not always the end of the proverbial road. If the medical certificate is reinstated after formal substance rehabilitation treatment and ongoing follow-up, the pilot can next begin the process of reinstatement of airman certificates. There is usually a 12-month waiting period from the date of pilot certificate revocation before reapplication. More often than not, the pilot has already had the medical certificate reinstated in less time than that. This is a daunting process that is best avoided in the first place, of course, but any such pilot who has received substance rehabilitation has a good chance to regain entry into the cockpit. Pilots must understand that a "refusal" to comply with a DOT test is automatically considered a "positive" test. The same goes for DUIs-refusal to test at a motor vehicle arrest will also be considered a positive test by the FAA, regardless of any separate legal actions the driver may or may not face. A single positive test, even if there is no other evidence of a substance use disorder, is considered "substance abuse" by the FAA. Depending on where they occurred, positive tests could potentially lead to additional legal actions, such as jail time. Other countries might have their own BAC limits that are more conservative than the FAA's-for example, the limit in the UK for a positive test is 0.02 percent BAC. Violations can result in legal action, including imprisonment in the country where the positive test occurred. There is a permanent prohibition on performing safety-sensitive functions for confirmed on-duty use of alcohol or drugs, or after two positive DOT tests. Any pilot meeting either of these criteria will never fly commercially again. Fortunately, most pilots will never run afoul of the regulations pertaining to drug and alcohol testing. For those who do have substance abuse issues, the good news is that the FAA has embraced their rehabilitation and eventual return to the cockpit. This rather enlightened program understands that there is a strong medical component to substance use disorders. by AINSIGHT - Robert Sancetta - Dr. Sancetta is a former DC-10 captain with 11,000 flight hours. He has worked as a Senior AME since 1993 and is appointed as AME Consultant to the Federal Air Surgeon. 9. GLOBAL AFRICA AVIATION AND SAUDIGULF AIRLINES PASS IATA SAFETY AUDIT Global Africa Aviation of Zimbabwe and SaudiGulf Airlines of Saudi Arabia pass IATA safety audit both passed the IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA). Global Africa Aviation was founded in 2014 and operates two McDonnell Douglas MD-11F cargo aircraft. SaudiGulf Airlines started operating flights in 2016 and uses four newly delivered Airbus A320-232 aircraft, connecting Damman, Jeddah, Riyadh, Abhay and Dubai. The IOSA programme is an evaluation system designed to assess the operational management and control systems of an airline. IOSA uses internationally recognised quality audit principles and is designed to conduct audits in a standardised and consistent manner. It was created in 2003 by IATA. All IATA members are IOSA registered and must remain registered to maintain IATA membership. More information: # IATA Registry Global Africa Aviation # IATA Registry SaudiGulf Airlines https://news.aviation-safety.net/2018/03/15/global-africa-aviation-and-saudigulf-airlines-pass-iata-safety-audit/ 10. NEWS FROM THE JOHANNESBURG AIRPORTS Users of the Johannesburg aerodromes must be aware of the fact that they all take Aviation Safety and AVSEC seriously. If you want to use these airports as a Pilot or are employed in any way on them, then we would recommend that you make yourself more than familiar with Part 139 in the SACARs and the Rules and Regulations applicable to that particular aerodrome. Be prepared for fines being levied if you breach any of the SARPs. RAND AIRPORT, GERMISTON - www.randairport.co,za Safety Meeting - Held On the 2nd Thursday of each month at 09.00 in the Old Customs Hall. # The wearing of high visibility jackets/waistcoats is mandatory for all persons, excepting for passengers under escort, on airside. (SA CAR 139.02.22(6)) # Drivers found to be speeding on airside will have their access remote taken from them. # Vehicles being driven on airside must carry proper mandatory insurance cover # All delivery vehicles and visiting vehicles requiring access to airside MUST be escorted from the access gate to the premises and then after closure of their business back to the gate for egress. # Cranes are not allowed onto Rand Airport unless their use has been specifically authorised by airport management # All operators are required to report Bird Strikes to the Airport Rescue and Fire Fighting Services or the Safety Office even if there has been no structural damage to the aircraft as a result of the strike. # Fuel must not be "trucked" into Rand Airport from other sources. Should there be a special requirement permission must be sought from the Airport Manager. LANSERIA AIRPORT - www.lanseriaairport.co.za Safety, Security and Stakeholders Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 12.00 in the LIA Training School. # The wearing of high visibility jackets/waistcoats is mandatory for all persons, excepting for passengers under escort, on airside. (SA CAR 139.02.22(6)) # Drivers shall obey the published speed limits which are 30 on airside and 40 on landside - these have been enforced as from 1st May 2015 # Major earthworks are being carried out during the building of a new 3 story car park across the road from the main terminal building. Work commenced on 18th April 2017. GRAND CENTRAL AIRPORT, MIDRAND Next Safety Meeting are held on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 12.00 in the Boardroom # The wearing of high visibility jackets/waistcoats is mandatory for all persons, excepting for passengers under escort, on airside. (SA CAR 139.02.22(6)) # Drivers found to be speeding on airside will have their access revoked # Should an emergency occur pedestrians are requested to stand still in a safe area out of the way of responding AR&FFS vehicles. # During any emergency Pilots, Instructors and students should try to keep the frequencies as clear as possible # Cranes are not allowed onto Grand Central Airport unless their use has been specifically authorised by airport management 11. FINALE Part Time Consultant Air Safety Officers required who comply with the requirements of SA CARS Part 135, Part 121, Part 127, Part 140, Part 141 and Part 145 - must have had appropriate SMS training, previous experience and preferably been approved by the South African Air Services Licencing Council. Part Time Quality Assurance Consultants required who are appropriately qualified and comply with the requirements of Part 135, Part 121, Part 127, Part 140, Part 141 and Part 145. Part Time Aviation Security Consultant required who is appropriately qualified for RSA and International Operations A British Airways Airbus A380-800, registration G-XLEK performing flight BA-268 (dep Mar 31st) from Los Angeles, CA (USA) to London Heathrow, EN (UK), was en-route when a passenger's iPad caught fire prompting cabin crew to extinguish the fire, cool the device down and secure it. The aircraft continued the journey to London for a safe landing. The AAIB reported "Passenger iPad caught fire; extinguished by cabin crew", rated the occurrence a serious incident and opened an investigation. http://avherald.com/h?article=4b73f5a8&opt=256 ![]() Can we help you with your aviation safety and / or quality assurance requirements? Under SA CAR 140.01.2 if you and your organisation hold one of the following # a category 4 or higher aerodrome licence; # an ATO approval; # an aircraft maintenance organisation approval; # a manufacturing organisation approval; #an ATSU approval; # a design organisation approval; # an AOC issued in terms of Part 101, 121, 127, 135, 141; # a procedure design organisation approval; and # an electronic services organisation approval, then you shall establish a Safety Management System for the control and supervision of the services rendered or to be rendered by that organisation. If you do not already have an approved Air Safety Officer and an approved Safety Management System then please contact us for assistance. Avia Global in conjunction with Henley Air deliver the following SA CAA Approved training courses at Rand Airport; # Safety Management Systems #Integrated Safety Officer Course #Quality Assurance Auditor # Crew Resource Management (Initial and Recurrent) # Dangerous Goods # Human Factors for AME's Should your operation be of a size whereby the full time employment of an Air Safety Officer and/or Quality Assurance Officer is not financially viable then we can provide you with Consultants who have previously held Air Services Licensing Council approval. We can also provide you with a tailor made SA CAA approved Safety Management System and all Manuals as required by your Regulatory Authority for your operation. For further information on how we can help you please contact Rethea or Candice on +27 (0)11 024 5446/7 or e-mail admin1@aviaglobal.net Avia Global and GAAC accepts no liability for the content of this email, or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided, unless that information is subsequently confirmed in writing. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. |
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