AVIA Global Update Issue 75 - Jan-Feb 2018By Vivienne Sandercock1. Message from the Editor2. A small matter of knowledge 3. Africa's 2017's Hazards, Incidents, Accidents and Safety Occurrences 4. Emergency Response Planning 5. Henley Global Aviation Safety and Quality Training 6. ASECNA, Aireon partner to enhance safety in African airspace 7. 2017 flight safety record impressive; took years to get it 8. Latest on MH370 9. Big changes for FSF's aviation risk audit programme 10. News from the Johannesburg Airports 11. Finale 12. IATA 1. MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR We truly hope that 2018 will be a record year for aviation on the continent of Africa in terms of financial stability, route and company expansion and of course a depreciation in the number of avoidable aviation accidents and incidents. Vivienne 2. A SMALL MATTER OF KNOWLEDGE Here's What Happens When a Plane Is Struck By Lightning ![]() That somewhat frightening figure has some people asking: Is it safe to fly in lightning? The answer, one expert says, is a resounding "yes." "Standard commercial airplanes are designed to take lightning strikes," says Prof. John Hansman, professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics and director of the International Center for Air Transportation at MIT. For safety reasons, planes hit by lightning mid-flight undergo inspection after landing but in most cases, the aircraft is either unharmed or sustains only minor damage. The last commercial plane crash in the U.S. confirmed to be directly caused by lightning was in 1967, when the plane's fuel tank exploded as a result, according to Scientific American. Since then, more techniques have been determined to reduce the threat of lightening. Planes are intricately designed machines, and manufacturers pay particular attention to electrical wiring. Electrical parts around components like electronic flight equipment and fuel tanks are carefully grounded to prevent the formation of electric arcs, which could threaten a plane's safety. A stray arc could cause an explosion, for example, if it ignites vapours in the fuel tanks. Lightning typically strikes a relatively sharp edge of a plane, like a wingtip or nose, and the current exits via the tail, according to Hansman. This happens because an aircraft's fuselage, or body, acts as a Faraday cage (a container that blocks electromagnetic fields). Energy and electric charge from the lightning bolt run around the outside of the vessel, protecting the interior from any voltage. Newer airliners like the Boeing 787 and the Airbus A350 are made with a higher proportion of composite materials like carbon fibres, resulting in a reduced electrical conductivity of the fuselage and wings, says Hansman. Manufacturers have also developed a workaround by adding more metal wiring into the composite material to ensure good conductivity on the aircraft's exterior. In short, lightning strikes are "not a severe problem from a safety standpoint," says Hansman. When air operators route around stormy areas, it is to prevent turbulence or possible external damage caused by things like hail rather than to avoid lightning. http://time.com/4910412/plane-struck-lightning-safety 3. AFRICA'S 2017 HAZARDS, INCIDENTS, ACCIDENTS AND SAFETY OCCURENCES Source, amongst others, PlaneCrash info.com; News24, Aviation Herald, Flight Safety Information, SACAA ACCIDENTS INVOLVING FIXED WING AIRCRAFT IN AFRICA DURING 2017 DATE A/C TYPE FATALITIES LOCATION 03 Jan 17 Passenger TBA 1 Jufra Airbase, Libya 05 Jan 17 Cessna Caravan 0 Sasakwa Airstrip, Serengeti, Tanzania 11 Jan 17 Cessna 206 0 Kenilworth, Zimbabwe 29 Jan 17 Falcon 0 Wonderboom, GP, RSA 14 Feb 17 B737-300 0 Nairobi, Kenya 22 Feb 17 Beech Bonanza 0 Stellenbosch, WC, RSA 01 Mar 17 Baron 58 2 Grand Central Airport, GP, RSA 06 Mar 17 Cheetah XLS 1 GPS position S 26° 28' 42" E 028° 10' 42, GP, RSA 11 Mar 17 Gyroplane 0 GPS position S 26° 19' 22.79" E 030° 49' 36.92", LIMPOPO, RSA 14 Mar 17 Beech Baron 58 0 Joshua Nkomo Airport, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe 18 Mar 17 Cessna 172 0 Potchefstroom Airfield, GP, RSA 20 Mar 17 An26 0 Wau, Sudan 21 Mar 17 Cessna 172 0 Hekpoort, GP, RSA 27 Mar 17 Islander NN2A-300 6 Vumba, Mountain, Nr. Mutare, Zimbabwe 28 Mar 17 Jodel D18 0 Next to N6, EC, RSA 07 Apr 17 Air Tractor 401 0 Thabazimbi Airfield Limpopo, RSA 18 Apr 17 Flamingo VL-3 0 Moreson, WC, RSA 19 Apr 17 Let L420 0 Hassi Messqoud Airport, Algiers 21 May 17 Yak 52 1 Kitty Hawk RSA 26 May 17 B121 0 S27°16.475" E30°16..387", 17 Jun 17 Dromader M18 0 Warburton Fire Base, MP, RSA 29 Jul 17 AN74TK-100 0 Sao Tome, Sao Tome and Principe 22 Aug IL76 1 (grnd) Juba, South Sudan 28 Aug 17 AN26 0 Maban Airstrip, South Sudan 03 Sep Cessna 172 1 Hekport, GP, RSA 25 Oct 17 C208 11 Lake Empokaai, Tanzania 06 Nov 17 Baron 55 0 Rand Airport, Germiston 12 Nov 17 Harvard 11A 0 Rand Airport, Germiston, RSA 13 Nov 17 Piper 32R 0 East FALO Runway, Limpopo, RSA 17 Nov 17 Jabi J400 1 Mookgophong, Limpopo, RSA 18 Nov 17 Windlas Aquilla 1 Rocky Mountains, Limpopo, RSA 22 Nov 17 Premier 0 Rand Airport, Germiston, RSA ACCIDENTS INVOLVING ROTOR WING AIRCRAFT IN AFRICA DURING 2017 22 Jan 17 Mil Helicopter 6 Bogo, North Cameroon 24 Jan 17 Bell 407 3 Central African Park, Central African Republic. 25 Feb 17 RH22 1 Mpande, Eastern Cape, RSA 03 Mar 17 RH44 0 Tutume, Botswana 22 Mar 17 Bell 206B 0 Mjakeni, Swaziland 06 Apr 17 Bell 0 S26° 21' 37" E28° 04' 43", GP, RSA 07 Apr 17 R44 0 Farm between Barberton and Nelspruit, MP, RSA 19 May 17 R44 Raven II 2 Nampo nr Bothaville, FS, RSA 20 May 17 R22 1 Head of the Mzimkhulu River, KZN, RSA 15 Nov 17 R22 2 Clocolan, FS, RSA 17 Nov 17 R66 4 Drakensburg Mountains, RSA 01 Jan 18 Aérospatiale AS 350B2 Ecureuil 0 Drakensberg, Cathedral Peak -South Africa OTHER AVIATION RELATED ACCIDENTS DURING 2018 05 Jan 18 Hot Air Balloon 20 Luxor, Egypt AT THE TIME OF ISSUE STATS FROM THE SACAA AND FAGM WERE NOT AVAILABLE FOR DEC 17 AND JAN 18. INCIDENTS AND OCCURRENCES DURING JAN 2018 DATE A/C TYPE LOCATION OCCURRENCE TYPE OF OP 01 Jan 18 A343 Johannesburg, RSA A/C was en-route to Zurich, Switzerland at FL340 about 220nm northnorthwest of Johannesburg when it experienced weather radar failure. COM 04 Jan 18 A321 & B738 Cairo, Egypt Loss of separation on simultaneous go around and take off COM 05 Jan 18 A330-300 Cairo, Egypt A/C failed to capture the localiser resulting in a missed approach. 09 Jan 18 B738 (African Operator) Marseille, France Loss of communication prompted military intercept. COM 09 Jan 18 A330-300 Freetown, Sierra Leone - en-route Brussels, Belgium The A/C was accelerating down the rwy for take-off when one of the engines (CF6) surged prompting the crew to reject the take-off COM 12 Jan 18 B777 (African Operator) Lisbon, Portugal When the A/C landed the tread of the inboard right main tyre separated causing damage to the aircraft's fuselage and wing structures. COM 13 Jan 18 B737-700 enroute from Luanda to Lubango, Angola. A/C encountered a pressurisation problem which resulted in the aircraft making a precautionary return from airborne back into Luanda. COM 17 Jan 18 B735 Nampula, Mozambique enroute to Maputo, Mozambique The a/c was accelerating for take-off when the left hand engine (CFM56) ingested birds prompting a rejected take-off. COM 20 Jan 18 B777 London Gatwick - destined for Mauritius Crew Member removed from flight suspected of being under the influence of alcohol. COM 23 Jan 18 A330-200 En-route Algiers, Algeria to Charles de Gaulle, Paris, France Bird strike resulting in unscheduled precautionary return to Algiers COM 25 Jan 18 Gulfstream G200 Abuja, Nigeria Runway Excursion CHTR AERODROME HAZARDS Entebbe, Uganda ATC Staff under training; Birds Bangui, Central African Republic People and animals alongside the runway Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo ATC, construction hazards Beni, DRC Runway condition very poor - RWY rehabilitation underway Juba, Sudan Poor ATC, heavily congested airfield. Lanseria International Airport, RSA Upgrading of taxiways 4. EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLANNING Blake Emergency Services is the International Crisis Management and Contingency Planning and Response Specialist who, although based in the UK, have extensive experience in Africa having handled accidents, incidents, counselling, repatriation, DNA sampling and confirmation, in amongst others Lagos, Nigeria; Fez, Morocco; Pointe Noire, Congo; Moroni, Comores; Maputo, Mozambique and more recently Ukraine, The Netherlands, Indonesia and Mali. Please go to www.blakeemergency.com or contact blakes@aviaglobal.net If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for Blake Emergency Services, please contact Rethea at the address given above. An Emergency Response Plan is a required section of your SMS and may also be added to your Operations Manual. Emergency Response, Incident Response, Operations Control and Family Assistance training together with the writing of Emergency Response Plans and Procedures is now offered through Blake Emergency Services. For more information, please contact Rethea on Rethea.mitchell@blakeemergency.com 5. HENLEY AVIATION TRAINING Should you wish to make a booking for any of the following courses please contact Candice on +27 (0)11 024 5446/7 or by email to training1@henleyglobal.org.za. The full 2018 schedule is posted on the website - http://henleyglobal.org.za/events DATES COURSE LECTURER COST EXCL VAT 12 Feb 2018 CRM - Refresher Verity Wallace R 1,080-00 12 Feb 2018 Dangerous Goods Verity Wallace R 880-00 19 - 20 Feb 2018 Human Factors / CRM Initial Dr. Joel Hughes R 2,750-00 26 - 27 Feb 2018 Quality Assurance Auditor Course Dan Drew R 2,750-00 5 - 6 Mar 2018 SMS Course - Introductory Course Dan Drew R 2,750-00 5 - 9 Mar 2018 Integrated Safety Management Course Various R 7,150-00 12 - 13 Mar 2018 Human Factors / CRM Initial Dr. Joel Hughes R 2,750-00 19 Mar 2018 CRM - Refresher Verity Wallace R 1,080-00 19 Mar 2018 Dangerous Goods Verity Wallace R 880-00 26 - 27 Mar 2018 Quality Assurance Auditor Dan Drew R 2,750-00 9 Apr 2018 CRM - Refresher Verity Wallace R 1,080-00 9 Apr 2018 Dangerous Goods Verity Wallace R 880-00 16 - 17 April 2018 Human Factors / CRM Initial Dr. Joel Hughes R 2,750-00 23 - 24 April 2018 Quality Assurance Auditor Dan Drew R 2,750-00 Notes: Cost per delegate includes all training materials, refreshments and lunch. Attendees paying in cash on the day are eligible for a 10% discount. Both Recurrent CRM and Dangerous Goods Training Courses are available upon request - even at short notice. On request we also offer - Air Cargo Security (Part 108), Health and Safety (Medical), Cargo and Warehouse Security, Risk Management & Investigations, First Aid and the Law, NEW - Maintenance Reliability Programme and NEW - Maintenance Management. 6. ASECNA, AIREON PARTNER TO ENHANCE SAFETY IN AFRICAN AIRSPACE By Kendall Russell | January 10, 2018 | Middle East & Africa, Regional, Satellite News Feed, ST Briefs, Telecom Aireon has announced that it has signed a data services agreement with the Agency for Aerial Navigation Safety in Africa and Madagascar (ASECNA). Together, the pair will bring real-time air traffic surveillance to high-trafficked, terrestrial African corridors. ASECNA is one of Africa's largest Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), covering 16.1 million square kilometres of airspace, through six Flight Information Regions (FIRs) - Antananarivo, Brazzaville, Dakar Oceanic, Dakar Terrestrial, Niamey and N'Djamena. ASECNA is responsible for air traffic services in a significant part of the African continent, handling frequently travelled routes between Europe, East and Southern Africa and South America. With Aireon data, as early as 2019 ASECNA will be able to introduce a continuous layer of surveillance, augmenting existing infrastructure and completing coverage for their entire airspace. According to the organization, this will significantly improve service availability to airlines and enhance safety and efficiency in African airspace. "The vastness of the landmass that ASECNA is responsible for poses an immense surveillance challenge, especially because it is not always possible to install or maintain ground infrastructure," said Mohamed Moussa, ASECNA Director General. ASECNA joins other African ANSPs in the deployment of space-based ADS-B. South Africa's Air Traffic and Navigation Services (ATNS) and Seychelles Civil Aviation Authority (SCAA) have also signed agreements over the last 18 months. 7. 2017 FLIGHT SAFETY RECORD IMPRESSIVE; TOOK YEARS TO GET IT Everyone gripes about air travel. The complaints are universal: bare-it-all security checks; shoving matches over cabin bin space; economy seats increasingly reminiscent of a miniature medieval torture cell maliciously called the "little ease." Oh, for those glamorous jet-set days of yesteryear, when fliers were treated like royalty starting at the airport curbside. Can modern air travel really be called an improvement? Yes, in the starkest and most critical terms: You'll get there in one piece. Year's-end reports show 2017 was the safest year for commercial travel in aviation history. Studies by two separate safety organizations - a team of Dutch aviation consultants and the U.S.-based Aviation Safety Network - reported last week that, out of a record 37 million flights, there were no passenger jet crashes in the world last year. The handful of fatal commercial accidents that did occur were limited to either cargo planes or regional carriers operating small aircraft. This is no small achievement. Harrowing, high-fatality plane crashes, if not routine, were for decades events that took place every few years. If you have lived in this region (North America) long enough, you may recall the crash of a Delta jumbo jet at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport in 1985 during a summer thunderstorm. The disaster claimed 137 lives. Experts say technology and training have steadily reduced the incidence of these tragedies over the years. The D/FW crash, in fact, led directly to new standards in windshear-detection ability in both onboard and ground-based systems. At the same time, new safety measures in aircraft construction mean that even in the event of a crash, passengers are more likely to survive. That's due, among other factors, to better fire suppression and evacuation procedures. "Cabin safety has improved by leaps and bounds since the 1970s and '80s," said Adrian Young, a senior consultant who participated in one of the studies released recently, in an interview with The Washington Post. Experts caution that safety challenges remain in commercial aviation, and that there is no room for complacency in the operation complex air transit systems. Ongoing challenges include risks posed by human fatigue along with the danger of fire posed by batteries used in consumer electronics. But when poker-faced aviation officials assure you that the gravest modern danger to commercial air travel is the drive to the airport, they have the statistics to back it up. Passenger flights operated by major carriers are far and away the safest means of popular transportation. "It's not a one-year phenomenon," said John Cox a retired pilot and airline safety consultant. "It was the work of thousands of people over decades." www.qcsunonline.com/story/2018/01/10/opinion/2017-flight-safety-record-impressive-took-years-to-get-it/18796.html 8. LATEST ON MH370 A U.S.-based marine survey firm expects a contract award from the Malaysian government shortly to resume searching for the Boeing 777-200 that disappeared almost four years ago while operating as Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370. In an emailed statement, Houston-based Ocean Infinity confirmed its plans to resume the search for the missing aircraft from the Seabed Constructor, an offshore construction vessel. "With a relatively narrow weather window, we are moving the vessel toward the vicinity of the possible search zone," the company said. "This is designed to save time should the contract award be forthcoming, as hoped. We will confirm as and when the contract is awarded and the search can resume." MH370, which carried 239 passengers and crew, disappeared from radar March 8, 2014, while flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. Australia accepted responsibility for leading the search at the request of the Malaysian government, concentrating the effort in the southern Indian Ocean. The search continued until Jan. 17, 2017, when the governments of Malaysia, Australia and China jointly agreed to suspend operations. Ocean Infinity maintains a fleet of Kongsberg Maritime Hugin Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) capable of operating to depths of 6,000 m (19,700 ft.). The AUVs, fitted with side-scan sonar, multi-beam echo-sounder and various other sensors, are accompanied by unmanned surface vehicles to ensure precise positioning and constant communication, the company says. The Seabed Constructor, chartered from Norwegian firm Swire Seabed, left Durban, South Africa, on Jan. 2, en route to Perth, Australia, where it was expected to arrive Feb. 7, according Marine Traffic, an online database. www.aviationweek.com 9. BIG CHANGES FOR FSF'S AVIATION RISK AUDIT PROGRAMME The Flight Safety Foundation said there are big changes ahead for its Basic Aviation Risk Standard (BARS) aircraft operator and audit programme. Starting this year, the eighth of the programme, BARS will offer two audit streams leading to registration; comprehensive and core audits. "The comprehensive audit stream, which covers Gold and Silver-designated aircraft operators, will provide an enhanced level of recognition and evaluation for the operator" said programme managing director David Anderson. "The core audit stream will allow Green operators to remain in the programme at a reduced level of commitment". Operators will be able to move between the two streams. According to David Anderson, "offering the two audit streams will extend the evaluation of implementation and deliver greater flexibility on audit fees and requirements" Other changes to the programme include introducing negotiable fees for audits, revising audit checklists, and instituting a limit on the number of extensions to audit and closeout deadlines. For many customers, the cost of their audits is "likely to fall because we are allowing audit companies and their auditors to charge flexible fees" he said. "In addition, the portion of audit fees that usually comes back to FSF (from its auditing contractors) has been reduced. David Anderson is "confident that our three major stakeholder groups - BARS member organisations, audit companies and aircraft operators - will see significant benefits from the changes". 10. NEWS FROM THE JOHANNESBURG AIRPORTS Users of the Johannesburg aerodromes must be aware of the fact that they all take Aviation Safety and AVSEC seriously. If you want to use these airports as a Pilot or are employed in any way on them, then we would recommend that you make yourself more than familiar with Part 139 in the SACARs and the Rules and Regulations applicable to that particular aerodrome. Be prepared for fines being levied if you breach any of the SARPs. RAND AIRPORT, GERMISTON - www.randairport.co.za Next Safety Meeting - Thursday 15th February 2018 at 09.00 in the Old Customs Hall and thereafter will be held on the 2nd Thursday of each month. • The wearing of high visibility jackets/waistcoats is mandatory for all persons, excepting for passengers under escort, on airside. (SA CAR 139.02.22(6)) • Drivers found to be speeding on airside will have their access remote taken from them. • Vehicles being driven on airside must carry proper mandatory insurance cover • All delivery vehicles and visiting vehicles requiring access to airside MUST be escorted from the access gate to the premises and then after closure of their business back to the gate for egress. • Cranes are not allowed onto Rand Airport unless their use has been specifically authorised by airport management "Aviation Safety, in all of its guises, is Avia Global and GAAC's' first and only concern and to that end our clients' safety on the ground and in the skies, is our Alpha and Omega." • All operators are required to report Bird Strikes to the Safety Office even if there has been no structural damage to the aircraft as a result of the strike. • Fuel must not be "trucked" into Rand Airport from other sources. Should there be a special requirement permission must be sought from the Airport Manager. LANSERIA AIRPORT - www.lanseriaairport.co.za Next Safety, Security and Stakeholders Meeting will be held on Tuesday 13th February 2018 at 12.00 in the LIA Training School. • The wearing of high visibility jackets/waistcoats is mandatory for all persons, excepting for passengers under escort, on airside. (SA CAR 139.02.22(6)) • Drivers shall obey the published speed limits which are 30 on airside and 40 on landside - these have been enforced as from 1st May 2015 • Major earthworks to be carried out during the building of a new 3 story car park across the road from the main terminal building. Work commenced on 18th April 2017. GRAND CENTRAL AIRPORT, MIDRAND Next Safety Meeting will be held on Tuesday 6th February 2018 at 12.00 in the Boardroom • The wearing of high visibility jackets/waistcoats is mandatory for all persons, excepting for passengers under escort, on airside. (SA CAR 139.02.22(6)) • Drivers found to be speeding on airside will have their access revoked • Should an emergency occur pedestrians are requested to stand still in a safe area out of the way of responding AR&FFS vehicles. • During any emergency Pilots, Instructors and students should try to keep the frequencies as clear as possible • Cranes are not allowed onto Grand Central Airport unless their use has been specifically authorised by airport management 11. FINALE SITUATIONS VACANT. If you are interested and qualified, please send your CV to admin@aviaglobal.net Part Time Consultant Air Safety Officers required who comply with the requirements of SA CARS Part 135, Part 121, Part 127, Part 140, Part 141 and Part 145 - must have had appropriate SMS training, previous experience and preferably been approved by the South African Air Services Licencing Council. Part Time Quality Assurance Consultants required who are appropriately qualified and comply with the requirements of Part 135, Part 121, Part 127, Part 140, Part 141 and Part 145. Part Time Aviation Security Consultant required who is appropriately qualified for RSA and International Operations. SACAA Regulation update Part 111 looks like being amended requiring all Ground Handlers and Catering Companies, used by scheduled operators, to have a Security Plan or Manual in compliance with the NASP. ![]() IATA URGES STAKEHOLDERS TO REINFORCE AVIATION SAFETY COMMITMENT The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has requested aviation safety stakeholders to strengthen their commitment to a safety framework based on global standards, cooperation and dialogue, and effective use of data. IATA director general and CEO Alexandre de Juniac claimed that air accident investigation is a major area where greater cooperation on global standards is required. Juniac said: "Safety is the top priority for all involved in aviation-and aviation is the safest form of long-distance travel. "Last year there were over 40 million safe flights. That's an achievement that we can all be proud of. And it was made possible by a framework that incorporates respect for global standards, cooperation and the value of data." "TO LEARN FROM AN ACCIDENT, WE NEED REPORTS THAT ARE COMPLETE, ACCESSIBLE AND TIMELY." A recent study has revealed that of the approximately 1,000 accidents that occurred over the last decade, accident reports for only 300 of them were available and of those many had scope for improvement. Juniac added: "To learn from an accident, we need reports that are complete, accessible and timely. "We also need states to fully respect the standards and processes enshrined in global agreements for participation in the investigation by all specified parties." Aviation safety can also be improved with proper communication between regulators and industry in order to ensure that industry experience and know-how is suitably incorporated into new regulations and standards. The governments need to share adequate data, consult with industry, and support the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) as it frames a global aviation security plan. According to Juniac, more information is also required to enhance safety regarding the use of drones around airports and their potential hazard to aviation. www.airport-technology.com/news/newsiata-urges-stakeholders-to-reinforce-aviation-safety-commitment -5795392 ![]() Can we help you with your aviation safety and / or quality assurance requirements? Under SA CAR 140.01.2 if you and your organisation hold one of the following: # a category 4 or higher aerodrome licence; # an ATO approval; # an aircraft maintenance organisation approval; # a manufacturing organisation approval; # an ATSU approval; # a design organisation approval; # an AOC issued in terms of Part 101, 121, 127, 135, 141; # a procedure design organisation approval; and # an electronic services organisation approval, then you shall establish a Safety Management System for the control and supervision of the services rendered or to be rendered by that organisation. If you do not already have an approved Air Safety Officer and an approved Safety Management System then please contact us for assistance. Avia Global in conjunction with Henley Air deliver the following SA CAA Approved training courses at Rand Airport; # Safety Management Systems # Integrated Safety Officer Course # Quality Assurance Auditor # Crew Resource Management (Initial and Recurrent) # Dangerous Goods # Human Factors for AME's Should your operation be of a size whereby the full time employment of an Air Safety Officer and/or Quality Assurance Officer is not financially viable then we can provide you with Consultants who have previously held Air Services Licensing Council approval. We can also provide you with a tailor made SA CAA approved Safety Management System and all Manuals as required by your Regulatory Authority for your operation. For further information on how we can help you please contact Rethea or Candice on +27 (0)11 024 5446/7 or e-mail admin1@aviaglobal.net |
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