AVIA GLOBAL UPDATE-ISSUE 74 - NOV-DEC 2017By Vivienne Sandercock1. Message from the Editor2. A small matter of knowledge 3. Africa's 2017's Hazards, Incidents, Accidents and Safety Occurrences 4. Emergency Response Planning 5. Henley Global Aviation Safety and Quality Training 6. Sumwalt highlights living values, safety leaders 7. US helicopter safety team - 5 vital action items 8. Safety in the air begins with quality maintenance on the ground 9. Global aviation industry faces renaissance, creating openings for South Africa 10. News from the Johannesburg Airports 11. Finale 12. IATA 1. MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR It is that time of year again here in sub-Saharan Africa when the temperatures, humidity, thunder and lightning create some serious hazards and challenging situations for aviators. Those two words DENSITY ALTITUDE are the ones that must be taken very seriously as the thought processes taking in "hot, high and humid" should be an intrinsic part of the Risk Assessment Prior to Flight undertaken by all Pilots whether taking to the skies in a private, commercial or training capacity. We hope that this Issue of interest to you all. Vivienne 2. A SMALL MATTER OF KNOWLEDGE LOSS OF CONTROL: WHAT WENT WRONG Loss of control has been the cause of a number of airplane accidents since 2000 that have killed hundreds of people. In some of these accidents the pilot's actions in response to an unusual flight or aircraft condition has been so obviously wrong that we all want to know what led to a series of fatal mistakes. ![]() Causes listed for many of these accidents include poor instrument scan, poor instrument monitoring, misinterpretation of what is happening to the aircraft, and incorrect flight control inputs. The pilots must be aware of pitch attitude, roll attitude, airspeed, and altitude at all times. When pitch attitude is out of the normal range for the airplane's flight phase, something is wrong. Pitch attitude, angle-of-attack and flight path angle are uniquely related (pitch attitude = angle -of-attack + flight path angle.) If the pitch attitude is unusually too high, the angle-of-attack is most likely increasing and the airspeed will start to decrease. Critical instruments in the cockpit must not be ignored at any time. The problem is exacerbated when the pilot does not understand the basic aerodynamics of the airplane, stall, stability, correct use of controls and aircraft response to forces acting on the aircraft. There is a misconception on the use of rudder by many pilots, especially at speeds near the stall, and in many instances opposite in the direction of bank. Loss of control is often triggered by aerodynamic stall, wake turbulence, wind shear, high altitude speed and buffet margins, pitot system failure, IFR conditions, cold weather, weather, weight and balance, somatogravic illusion, and engine failure. The following accident narrative clearly and dramatically exemplifies the 'loss of control' of an airplane under rather benign flight conditions. On 25 January 2010, an Ethiopian Airlines B737 departed, Beirut, Lebanon at night, amidst thunderstorms over the Mediterranean Sea and crashed shortly after take-off. The IFR clearance was given as climb to 3000ft. with instructions to make a right tum to 270 degrees. The Captain of flight 409 acknowledged heading two seven zero. The aircraft climbing in a left turn did not maintain the 270 degree heading. The airspeed dropped to 141kts, at an 18 degree angle-of-attack. At this point the pilot is beginning to lose control of the airplane and the co-pilot is of no help at all. The stick shaker activated and remained on for 27 seconds, no action for a very long time. Two seconds later the aircraft pitch attitude reached 38.5 degrees nose up and the "bank angle" aural warning sounded. At 7700ft, the airspeed was 120kts, pitch attitude 4 degrees nose up, angle-of-attack 25.5 degrees and a vertical load factor of 0.6 g. Angle-of-attack then increased to 32.0 degrees and the pitch attitude began to decrease sharply. As the pitch attitude decreased, a left bank angle developed that reached 68 degrees. Two "bank angle" aural warnings sounded as the airplane stalled followed by right control wheel and right rudder. During a stall rudder should not be applied, the right aileron must be moved very carefully and most importantly the nose should be lowered to reduce angle-of-attack. As the bank angle decreased towards wings level the pitch attitude began to drop, a nose-up input was made, reaching 11 degrees nose-up and then dropped below the horizon. The stick shaker activated for a very long 29 seconds, with the captain calling for "go-around" four times and the F /0 replying "roger, go around". The throttles were pushed full forward for a short instant then pulled back a little for a few seconds and then pushed up again, (uncertainty in the cockpit is overwhelming). The stick shaker stopped at 14.9 degrees angle-of-attack but nose up input, (should be nose down), was still maintained with a left wheel input of 50 degrees and a right rudder input of approximately 5 degrees which were maintained for about 20 seconds (cross controlling at low speed!) Speed increased and reached a maximum of 238kts. The column was then relaxed towards neutral, and the aircraft began to pitch up and slow down again. At about 6000 ft the aircraft began to climb again. The airplane continued to pitch up and slow down while the left wheel and right rudder were maintained! The right rudder was then removed with the bank angle maintained. The aircraft then rolled to the left while it pitched up and slowed down. The speed dropped through two hundred knots at a 31degree pitch attitude. The aircraft continued to roll left past 35 degrees. The "bank angle" aural warning sounded followed by a right control wheel input and right rudder (rudder at low speed.) Just prior to reaching 9000 ft the stick shaker activated again for a period of 26 seconds as the aircraft continued to roll left, reaching 75-118 degrees left bank at 407.5 kts., 4.4 'g', disappeared from the radar screen and crashed into the Mediterranean Sea The cause of this accident can be attributed to loss of control by the mismanagement of airspeed, altitude, heading, and incorrect control inputs. Rudder should not be used at low speed. In this case rudder was applied in the opposite direction of the bank angle putting the aircraft in a cross controlled condition that increases drag, loses of airspeed and eventual loss of control. As I point out in my book, The Complete Handbook on Piloting and Aeronautics, there are many in the general pilot population who use the rudder inappropriately. The inability to maintain heading, altitude, attitude and airspeed on instruments is an indication that the pilot was not a qualified "instrument pilot.'' He may have been overwhelmed by the weather and dark night over the Mediterranean Sea, but that points to poor pilot training, or limitations imposed by the pilot's own ability to stay focused and calm under all flight conditions. While not all loss of control accidents fall in the category of this accident, particularly when catastrophic failure of the aircraft or systems are involved, it is clear that in cases like this one pilots need better training and a deeper understanding of basic aerodynamics. Arthur Torosian: is the author of The Complete Handbook on Piloting and Aeronautics available at: http://www.pilotingaeronauticshandbook.com/order/MS California Institute of Technology, McDonnell Douglas: Director of Performance and Control, Director of Product Design, Engineering Test Pilot. Airline Transport Rating. Type Rated DC-8, DC-9, MD-80 and DC-10, Graduate USAF Test Pilot School. 3. AFRICA'S 2017 HAZARDS, INCIDENTS, ACCIDENTS AND SAFETY OCCURENCES Source, amongst others, PlaneCrash info.com; News24, Aviation Herald, Flight Safety Information, SACAA ACCIDENTS INVOLVING FIXED WING AIRCRAFT IN AFRICA DURING 2017 DATE A/C TYPE FATALITIES LOCATION 03 Jan 17 Passenger TBA 1 Jufra Airbase, Libya 05 Jan 17 Cessna Caravan 0 Sasakwa Airstrip, Serengeti, Tanzania 11 Jan 17 Cessna 206 0 Kenilworth, Zimbabwe 29 Jan 17 Falcon 0 Wonderboom, GP, RSA 14 Feb 17 B737-300 0 Nairobi, Kenya 22 Feb 17 Beech Bonanza 0 Stellenbosch, WC, RSA 01 Mar 17 Baron 58 2 Grand Central Airport, GP, RSA 06 Mar 17 Cheetah XLS 1 GPS position S 26° 28' 42" E 028° 10' 42, GP, RSA 11 Mar 17 Gyroplane 0 GPS position S 26° 19' 22.79" E 030° 49' 36.92", LIMPOPO, RSA 14 Mar 17 Beech Baron 58 0 Joshua Nkomo Airport, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe 18 Mar 17 Cessna 172 0 Potchefstroom Airfield, GP, RSA 20 Mar 17 An26 0 Wau, Sudan 21 Mar 17 Cessna 172 0 Hekpoort, GP, RSA 27 Mar 17 Islander NN2A-300 6 Vumba, Mountain, Nr. Mutare, Zimbabwe 28 Mar 17 Jodel D18 0 Next to N6, EC, RSA 07 Apr 17 Air Tractor 401 0 Thabazimbi Airfield Limpopo, RSA 18 Apr 17 Flamingo VL-3 0 Moreson, WC, RSA 19 Apr 17 Let L420 0 Hassi Messqoud Airport, Algiers 21 May 17 Yak 52 1 26 May 17 B121 0 S27°16.475" E30°16..387", 17 Jun 17 Dromader M18 0 Warburton Fire Base, MP, RSA 29 Jul 17 AN74TK-100 0 Sao Tome, Sao Tome and Principe 22 Aug IL76 1 (grnd) Juba, South Sudan 28 Aug 17 AN26 0 Maban Airstrip, South Sudan 03 Sep Cessna 172 1 Hekport, GP, RSA 25 Oct 17 C208 11 Lake Empokaai, Tanzania 06 Nov 17 Baron 55 0 Rand Airport, Germiston 12 Nov 17 Harvard 11A 0 Rand Airport, Germiston, RSA 13 Nov 17 Piper 32R 0 East FALO Runway, Limpopo, RSA 17 Nov 17 Jabi J400 1 Mookgophong, Limpopo, RSA 18 Nov 17 Windlas Aquilla 1 Rocky Mountains, Limpopo, RSA 22 Nov 17 Premier 0 Rand Airport, Germiston, RSA ACCIDENTS INVOLVING ROTOR WING AIRCRAFT IN AFRICA DURING 2017 22 Jan 17 Mil Helicopter 6 Bogo, North Cameroon 24 Jan 17 Bell 407 3 Central African Park, Central African Republic. 25 Feb 17 RH22 1 Mpande, Eastern Cape, RSA 03 Mar 17 RH44 0 Tutume, Botswana 22 Mar 17 Bell 206B 0 Mjakeni, Swaziland 06 Apr 17 Bell 0 S26° 21' 37" E28° 04' 43", GP, RSA 07 Apr 17 R44 0 Farm between Barberton and Nelspruit, MP, RSA 19 May 17 R44 Raven II 2 Nampo nr Bothaville, FS, RSA 20 May 17 R22 1 Head of the Mzimkhulu River, KZN, RSA 15 Nov 17 R22 2 Clocolan, FS, RSA 17 Nov 17 R66 4 Drakensburg Mountains, RSA INCIDENTS AND OCCURRENCES DURING OCT & NOV 2017 DATE A/C TYPE LOCATION OCCURRENCE TYPE OF OP 25 Oct 17 C208B Lobo Wildlife Lodge, Tanzania Runway Excursion CHTR 26 Oct 17 A330-200 Oran, Algeria Landed on closed RWY 07L instead of 07R COM 08 Nov 17 AVRO 146-RJ85A UTULI Waypoint No 2 Engine failure COM 10 Nov 17 B737-600 En-route Algiers, Algeria to Geneva, Switzerland Pressurisation problems necessitated a rapid descent and return to Algiers COM 14 Nov 17 B737-800 En-route Frankfurt, Germany to Cairo, Egypt Cracked windshield necessitated a rapid descent and return to Frankfurt COM 19 Nov 17 B737 En-route Cape Town to Johannesburg, RSA Bird trike COM 25 Nov 17 ATR72 Kumasi, Ghana Runway excursion COM AERODROME HAZARDS Entebbe, Uganda ATC Staff under training; Birds Bangui, Central African Republic People and animals alongside the runway Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo ATC, construction hazards Beni, DRC Runway condition very poor - RWY rehabilitation underway Juba, Sudan Poor ATC, heavily congested airfield. Lanseria International Airport, RSA Upgrading of taxiways 4. EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLANNING Blake Emergency Services is the International Crisis Management and Contingency Planning and Response Specialist who, although based in the UK, have extensive experience in Africa having handled accidents, incidents, counselling, repatriation, DNA sampling and confirmation, in amongst others Lagos, Nigeria; Fez, Morocco; Pointe Noire, Congo; Moroni, Comores; Maputo, Mozambique and more recently Ukraine, The Netherlands, Indonesia and Mali. Please go to www.blakeemergency.com or contact blakes@aviaglobal.net If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for Blake Emergency Services, please contact Rethea at the address given above. An Emergency Response Plan is a required section of your SMS and may also be added to your Operations Manual. Emergency Response, Incident Response, Operations Control and Family Assistance training together with the writing of Emergency Response Plans and Procedures is now offered through Blake Emergency Services. For more information, please contact Rethea on Rethea.mitchell@blakeemergency.com 5. HENLEY AVIATION TRAINING Should you wish to make a booking for any of the following courses please contact Candice on +27 (0)11 024 5446/7 or by email to training@henleyglobal.org.za. The 2018 schedule will soon be posted on the website - http://henleyglobal.org.za/events/ and in detailed January's edition of Avia Global UPDATE! SMS Course Integrated Safety Course CRM Refresher DG Refresher Human Factors Quality Assurance Auditor Course Notes: Cost per delegate includes all training materials, refreshments and lunch. Attendees paying in cash on the day are eligible for a 10% discount Both Recurrent CRM and Dangerous Goods Training Courses are available upon request - even at short notice. On request we also offer - Air Cargo Security (Part 108) Health and Safety (Medical) Cargo and Warehouse Security Risk Management & Investigations First Aid and the Law NEW - Maintenance Reliability Programme NEW - Maintenance Management 6. SUMWALT HIGHLIGHTS LIVING VALUES, SAFETY LEADERS National Transportation Safety Board chairman Robert Sumwalt stressed the importance of a strong safety culture, living the company's core values and providing strong safety leadership as flight operations strive to meet their customers' expectations. Speaking Thursday before the Bombardier Safety Standdown in Wichita, Sumwalt highlighted numerous accidents-from the May 2014 Gulfstream IV-SP crash in Bedford, Massachusetts, where the flight operation was IS-BAO 2 registered, but the experienced crew did not complete checklists, to the November 2015 Hawker 700A crash in Akron, Ohio, where procedures were not followed and crew not properly vetted-and asked if operators were providing what customers truly deserved. He argued that there sometimes is a disconnect between the customers' safety expectations and what they are actually getting. He urged the Safety Standdown audience to ask themselves if they have implemented a strong safety culture. He also challenged them to continually strive for such a culture rather than believe they have attained it. "We must never get too comfortable," Sumwalt said. He also questioned whether organizations are really living their values. Most will espouse priorities, placing safety on top, he said. But priorities change-core values shouldn't. Safety needs to be a value, not a priority, he said. Sumwalt places such an importance on values that, after stepping in as chairman, he immediately assembled a team to develop values for the NTSB. He pointed to CVS as an example of living values. A few years ago, CVS eliminated sale of cigarettes, saying it was incongruous with the company's mission of wellness. That raised Wall Street predictions that the organization would incur a $2 billion loss as a result. But in the intervening time, profits have increased 10 percent and stock value soared 40 percent. As for safety leadership, Sumwalt stressed the need for an alignment between employees and management. Management often will emphasize safety, but might not practice it. This will filter down throughout the organization, he said. Sumwalt pointed to NTSB's investigations of five accidents at the Metro-North railroad during a 10-month period. NTSB surveys revealed that management there believed more strongly that the railroad had an appropriate safety culture than labor believed, Sumwalt said. The agency further found that train drivers were frequently speeding to keep up with time pressures placed on them. Sumwalt, who attended last year's Safety Standdown, noted that at the time he expected it to be his last as a Safety Board member. He had agreed to stay beyond his expired term to ensure the NTSB had an adequate number of board members. But early last year the White House called and asked him not only to stay on, but move into the leadership role on the board. Sumwalt was later confirmed and officially sworn in on August 10. by Kerry Lynch NOVEMBER 2, 2017 6. US HELICOPTER SAFETY TEAM - 5 VITAL ACTION ITEMS After analysing dozens of helicopter accidents that resulted in fatalities for pilots and passengers, the US Helicopter Safety Team (USHST) has circulated what it says are the five vital action items for pilots that will improve safe operations. Focusing pilots on these solutions will allow them to make better choices before and during their flights, said USHST; the facts show that failure in these areas has resulted in lives being lost. The five actions recommended by the USHST are: 1. Take time for your walk around The pilot in command is responsible for determining the airworthiness of the aircraft he or she is operating. An adequate pre-flight inspection and final walk around is key to determining the condition of an aircraft prior to flight. In addition, post-flight inspection can help to identify issues prior to the next flight. The USHST believes that pilots would benefit from better guidance on how and why to conduct these inspections, as well as increased attention to their importance. 2. Communicate risk issues in the cockpit The flight environment is often dynamic and not every contingency can be anticipated or scripted in advance. The pilot-in-command is ultimately responsible for the safety of a flight - however, non-flying crew and passengers can and should work with the pilot to ensure safety. When unexpected changes are encountered, it is paramount that the pilot and crewmembers/passengers try to detect the elevation of risk, communicate it to each other, and collectively work through a reasonable resolution or mitigation. The USHST believes that effective practices are needed for each stage in the process - detection, communication and decision. 3. Get solid training for make and model transitions Transition training in the helicopter community is not uniformly applied, and this is leading to accidents because of unfamiliarity with airframe and/or equipment. The USHST believes that documentation related to helicopter transition training can be developed into a new, unified guide that would offer recommended practices and a 'toolkit' to support standardised use. 4. Understand the hazards of over-the-counter medications Because over-the-counter medications are readily available, pilots frequently underestimate the deleterious effects and the impairment caused by these sedating drugs. In spite of specific federal regulations and education efforts regarding flying while impaired, over-the-counter medication usage by pilots remains a factor in 10 to 13 per cent of aircraft accidents. The USHST believes that the helicopter community needs an increased awareness of the potentially disastrous results of operating an aircraft while taking these medications. 5. Make a safe attitude your overriding priority Safety in the aviation world can be defined in many ways. From the reactive point of view, safety essentially means a lack of accidents, an absence of injuries, and a general environment where things don't go wrong. From the proactive point of view, this environment doesn't exist for any consistent amount of time unless certain safety-related active principles are put in place and specific safety attitudes are fostered and strengthened. Whether we are strengthening a person's safety attitude, bolstering a team's safety convictions, or nurturing an entire safety culture, focusing every member of an aviation team at every level on clear and tangible convictions needs to be a central goal. The USHST said it believes that a more widespread culture of safety can be developed if the principles are straightforward and relatable to individuals. The Team added: "Your flight decisions need to be determined by safe actions. You need to take a proactive approach to solving safety issues. You must never carry out any unsafe actions or unprofessional behaviours. You should be continually looking for new safety knowledge and information. You need to find ways to invest in and use technology that improves safety." https://www.airmedandrescue.com/story/2540 7. SAFETY IN THE AIR BEGINS WITH QUALITY MAINTENANCE ON THE GROUND The Transportation Security Administration's (TSA) mission is to "protect the nation's transportation systems to ensure freedom and movement for people and commerce." To help with this enormous task, the TSA has established a variety of committees and programs to provide industry experts' advice to the TSA administrator. With regards to aviation, the Aviation Security Advisory Committee (ASAC) is charged with providing counsel on all aviation security matters. The membership of the committee is composed of private sector organizations with a direct impact on aviation security. Unfortunately, there is one glaring stakeholder omission: the aircraft maintenance technician. While the pilot and flight attendant voices are represented by their respective union, the craft-specific technician union is not seated - leaving out an essential safety perspective. A technician deserves a seat at the table, and U.S. House of Representatives Transportation and Protective Security Subcommittee Chairman John Katko (R-N.Y.) agrees. In a letter to the TSA acting administrator, Katko stated, the maintenance technician "is a highly skilled professional and directly contributes to the security and safety of the American flying public," and "for the ASAC to be an effective counsel to the TSA Administrator, it is imperative that the committee's composition be representative of the aviation career fields providing security and safety..." Interestingly, why isn't there a craft-specific labour voice on the advisory committee? Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association contends that industry has usurped labour's role, putting forth a business-first opinion, void of the proficient perspective and candid voice of the maintenance technician that we represent. The association strongly believes this is a mistake and one that effectively limits the ability of the advisory committee to accomplish its mission. Although corporate interests and perspectives are essential in the discussion of safety - so are those of labour. Until a craft-specific aircraft maintenance technician labour voice is seated at the table with the other advisory committee members, the imperative safety knowledge of the technician is silenced. It's time the TSA administrator to include a craft-specific labour voice on the Aviation Security Advisory Committee, which will allow them to use all available expertise to keep the flying public safe. The role of the technician is one that blends knowledge and skill. Most technicians have invested tens of thousands of dollars in education and the specialty tools necessary to succeed. Once engaged in their career, you can find technicians on the line troubleshooting discrepancies, or conducting preventative inspections and time-sensitive repairs; in the hangar performing an engine change or heavy maintenance check; and in the manufacturing facility building an aircraft from nose-to-tail. All these tasks are performed to ensure the flying public can reach their destination safely. No one should underestimate the expertise and capabilities of our technicians. Instead, we should harness and utilize their knowledge and experience at all levels of the decision-making process. Technicians' commitment to the flying public is to ensure a safe aircraft in the air by providing quality maintenance on the ground. This responsibility is taken seriously and is not limited to take-off, in-flight or landing. Technicians' charge continues to all safety aspects of the aircraft. A technician performs hundreds of inspections each year, including the search for evidence of mechanical tampering and, worse yet, the possible discovery and removal of dangerous materials. Unfortunately, we live in a dangerous time, a time where everyone must remain vigilant from those that seek to harm us. The technician is the flying public's first line of defence and an essential safety net in a collective goal towards the flying public's safety. It is time for their unique perspective to be shared. Bret Oestreich is the national director of the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA), a craft specific, independent aviation union. AMFA represents aircraft maintenance technicians and is committed to improvements in the wages, benefits and working conditions. Oestreich has been employed at Southwest Airlines, as an aircraft maintenance technician, fiberglass composite-structure mechanic since 2012. Oestreich was previously a 737 tail and engine technician, fiberglass composite technician on DC-10, MD-11, A-300, and sheet metal and tail engine technician on MD-80 aircrafts at American Airlines in Tulsa, OK. http://thehill.com/opinion/technology/357511-safety-in-the-air-begins-with-quality-maintenance-on-the-ground 8. GLOBAL AVIATION INDUSTRY FACES RENAISSANCE, CREATING OPENINGS FOR SOUTH AFRICA The global aviation industry continues to be a rapidly growing sector, far from reaching maturity. This was stressed at the recent International Forum for Aviation Research (IFAR) open session at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in Pretoria by US National Aeronautics and Space Administration Associate Administrator for Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate Dr Jaiwon Shin. "Aviation is not a dying industry; it is not a mature industry. It is growing in leaps and bounds," he affirmed. "This is because countries are getting richer. In a lot of developing countries aviation demand is growing significantly." "Many countries have chosen aviation as a growth engine for their economies," he noted. "Dubai, the UAE [United Arab Emirates] is a really good example." Including the activities of national carrier Emirates, Dubai hopes to generate 40% of its gross domestic product from aviation. A striking development is that, just as in the 1930s and 1940s, a lot of very wealthy entrepreneurs are getting involved in aviation, a sector they know little about. Google and Amazon getting involved with unmanned air vehicles are good examples. "It could be a fad. ... It does not look like a fad." Technology convergence is happening in every sector, with revolutionary impacts. "A renaissance of aviation is upon us," he argued. For South Africa, because of its aviation infrastructure, he suggested that "this might be a golden opportunity. ... A lot of entities and countries ... are moving into this." The new technologies (small UAVs, networking, Internet of things, and so on) opened the potential for aviation to move from a high-technology but low-volume production industry to a high-technology high-volume production sector. High-volume production would bring costs down. "A country like South Africa may be very well positioned to catch this new market," stated Shin. But penetrating this new market would require the building of an ecosystem of universities, government-funded research institutes (like the CSIR, although the CSIR is actually partly State-funded) and businesses. "To make [such] an ecosystem like a well-oiled machine is not an easy thing to do!" (IFAR, founded in 2010, exists to facilitate networking, information exchange, cooperation, communication and education within the global aviation research community. Its membership is now composed of 26 aviation research institutions, representing more than 35 000 aviation researchers, from all around the world. It held its 2017 Conference at the CSIR in Pretoria.) http://www.engineeringnews.co.za/article/global-aviation-industry-faces-renaissance-creating-openings-for-south-africa-2017-10-27/rep_id:4136 9. NEWS FROM THE JOHANNESBURG AIRPORTS Users of the Johannesburg aerodromes must be aware of the fact that they all take Aviation Safety and AVSEC seriously. If you want to use these airports as a Pilot or are employed in any way on them, then we would recommend that you make yourself more than familiar with Part 139 in the SACARs and the Rules and Regulations applicable to that particular aerodrome. Be prepared for fines being levied if you breach any of the SARPs. RAND AIRPORT, GERMISTON - www.randairport.co,za Next Safety Meeting - Tuesday 6TH February 2018 at 09.00 in the Old Customs Hall # The wearing of high visibility jackets/waistcoats is mandatory for all persons, excepting for passengers under escort, on airside. (SA CAR 139.02.22(6)) # Drivers found to be speeding on airside will have their access remote taken from them. # Vehicles being driven on airside must carry proper mandatory insurance cover # All delivery vehicles and visiting vehicles requiring access to airside MUST be escorted from the access gate to the premises and then after closure of their business back to the gate for egress. # Cranes are not allowed onto Rand Airport unless their use has been specifically authorised by airport management # All operators are required to report Bird Strikes to the Safety Office even if there has been no structural damage to the aircraft as a result of the strike. # Fuel must not be "trucked" into Rand Airport from other sources. Should there be a special requirement permission must be sought from the Airport Manager. LANSERIA AIRPORT - www.lanseriaairport.co.za Next Safety, Security and Stakeholders Meeting will be held on Tuesday 13th February 2018 at 12.00 in the LIA Training School. # The wearing of high visibility jackets/waistcoats is mandatory for all persons, excepting for passengers under escort, on airside. (SA CAR 139.02.22(6)) # Drivers shall obey the published speed limits which are 30 on airside and 40 on landside - these have been enforced as from 1st May 2015 # Major earthworks to be carried out during the building of a new 3 story car park across the road from the main terminal building. Work commenced on 18th April 2017. GRAND CENTRAL AIRPORT, MIDRAND Next Safety Meeting will be held on Tuesday 6th February 2018 at 12.00 in the Boardroom # The wearing of high visibility jackets/waistcoats is mandatory for all persons, excepting for passengers under escort, on airside. (SA CAR 139.02.22(6)) # Drivers found to be speeding on airside will have their access revoked # Should an emergency occur pedestrians are requested to stand still in a safe area out of the way of responding AR&FFS vehicles. # During any emergency Pilots, Instructors and students should try to keep the frequencies as clear as possible # Cranes are not allowed onto Grand Central Airport unless their use has been specifically authorised by airport management # Runway Maintenance will be carried out on the 27th, 28th, and 29th December 2017 and will therefore be closed from 18:00 till 06:00 local time for the duration of the maintenance. No Helicopter operations will be interrupted. The Air Band Radio will be monitored at all times. 10. FINALE SITUATIONS VACANT. If you are interested and qualified, please send your CV to admin@aviaglobal.net Part Time Consultant Air Safety Officers required who comply with the requirements of SA CARS Part 135, Part 121, Part 127, Part 140, Part 141 and Part 145 - must have had appropriate SMS training, previous experience and preferably been approved by the South African Air Services Licencing Council. Part Time Quality Assurance Consultants required who are appropriately qualified and comply with the requirements of Part 135, Part 121, Part 127, Part 140, Part 141 and Part 145. Part Time Aviation Security Consultant required who is appropriately qualified for RSA and International Operations ![]() IATA URGES STAKEHOLDERS TO REINFORCE AVIATION SAFETY COMMITMENT The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has requested aviation safety stakeholders to strengthen their commitment to a safety framework based on global standards, cooperation and dialogue, and effective use of data. IATA director general and CEO Alexandre de Juniac claimed that air accident investigation is a major area where greater cooperation on global standards is required. Juniac said: "Safety is the top priority for all involved in aviation-and aviation is the safest form of long-distance travel. "Last year there were over 40 million safe flights. That's an achievement that we can all be proud of. And it was made possible by a framework that incorporates respect for global standards, cooperation and the value of data." "TO LEARN FROM AN ACCIDENT, WE NEED REPORTS THAT ARE COMPLETE, ACCESSIBLE AND TIMELY." A recent study has revealed that of the approximately 1,000 accidents that occurred over the last decade, accident reports for only 300 of them were available and of those many had scope for improvement. Juniac added: "To learn from an accident, we need reports that are complete, accessible and timely. "We also need states to fully respect the standards and processes enshrined in global agreements for participation in the investigation by all specified parties." Aviation safety can also be improved with proper communication between regulators and industry in order to ensure that industry experience and know-how is suitably incorporated into new regulations and standards. The governments need to share adequate data, consult with industry, and support the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) as it frames a global aviation security plan. According to Juniac, more information is also required to enhance safety regarding the use of drones around airports and their potential hazard to aviation. http://www.airport-technology.com/news/newsiata-urges-stakeholders-to-reinforce-aviation-safety-commitment -5795392 ![]() "Aviation Safety, in all of its guises, is Avia Global and GAAC's' first and only concern and to that end our clients' safety on the ground and in the skies, is our Alpha and Omega." Can we help you with your aviation safety and / or quality assurance requirements? Under SA CAR 140.01.2 if you and your organisation hold one of the following # a category 4 or higher aerodrome licence; #an ATO approval; # an aircraft maintenance organisation approval; #a manufacturing organisation approval; # an ATSU approval; # a design organisation approval; # an AOC issued in terms of Part 101, 121, 127, 135, 141; # a procedure design organisation approval; and # an electronic services organisation approval, then you shall establish a Safety Management System for the control and supervision of the services rendered or to be rendered by that organisation. If you do not already have an approved Air Safety Officer and an approved Safety Management System then please contact us for assistance. Avia Global in conjunction with Henley Air delivers the following SA CAA Approved training courses at Rand Airport; #Safety Management Systems # Integrated Safety Officer Course # Quality Assurance Auditor # Crew Resource Management (Initial and Recurrent) # Dangerous Goods # Human Factors for AME's Should your operation be of a size whereby the full time employment of an Air Safety Officer and/or Quality Assurance Officer is not financially viable then we can provide you with Consultants who have previously held Air Services Licensing Council approval. We can also provide you with a tailor made SA CAA approved Safety Management System and all Manuals as required by your Regulatory Authority for your operation. For further information on how we can help you please contact Rethea or Candice on +27 (0)11 024 5446/7 or e-mail admin1@aviaglobal.net |
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